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Leveling Up Part 2

The Great "Umph"

By RavensCraft 9Published 3 years ago 5 min read

DARWIN AIN'T ALL THAT - Darwin's (borrowed - yeah, research it) "Theory of Evolution" bound itself to the doctrine of competition...the idea that all of creation was in a violent struggle to the top, and that only the strongest and most fit would move on.

The picture above is symbolic of the idea we have been given about the evolutionary process. Basically, we're told, lower level creatures fight it out to see which ones make the move up the evolutionary ladder until...after millions of years of incremental processes...the "big boss" makes the jump up the evolutionary scale. This guy just pops out legs and hops onto dry land....The problem is, this doesn't reflect what we find in nature. In fact, the more we come to understand bio-systems and the interaction of all elements it contains, we find symbiosis and cooperation to be the true driving force behind evolutionary advancement. Rather than suffering a fate at the hands of a hostile planet, we see each participant fulfilling its particular purpose.

A NEW "BABEL" - Much like the Tower of Babel in an earlier story, the idea of "survival of the fittest" opened a Pandora's box of ills from slavery and racism, to overt capitalism and justification for the centralization of power.

The wickedly clever among us recognized that this fear of "being second best" was a seemingly unbreakable shackle with which to bind the masses in an endless competition for a non-existent prize. As the power brokers developed this cruel practice, they found that the fear they created would bend the will of the people and make them do things they otherwise would never imagine. Those entrusted with power led us to burn, torture, and mutilate those whose only sin was that their "true blue" was different than that of the consensus. Our leaders forged this fear into a fiery Spirit called "Lack", and have used the burning and decaying flesh of those destroyed by this fear to fuel this Spirit. Lack, and the fear it drives before it, are the means to maintain power. If there is no lack, they create it.

This Spirit (Lack), driving fear before it, manipulates itself into every aspect of our lives. Pushing us to a constant state of comparing ourselves to others and their "achievements". The Shapers found that the advent of Social Media, the need for the tacit approval....for our every act and word to be celebrated, rose to new heights.

Ok, "Mr. Rabbit Trail", what does that ^^^ have to do with "leveling up".

MY BLUE IS BETTER THAN YOUR BLUE - Remember back in the first section, that the highly competitive, survival of the fittest, my daddy can whip your daddy, impetus for evolutionary development isn't reflected in nature? (I'll wait, while you check)....

Nature is not one great big Thunderdome (for Boomers) or reign of the Red Queen. Everywhere one looks, symbiosis and cooperation and communication are found to be the norm. The root systems of plants connect with the mycelium in the soil to communicate the need for mushrooms to create a more healthy environment for their growth. Birds scatter the seeds to ensure the species goes forth...etc.

It would appear that the impetus and mechanism for evolution is not competition, but cooperation. But that cooperation has to be focused. And it has to have intent,..

NOTHING EXISTS APART FROM THOUGHT - Everything that has ever been created, written, sung, said, built, etc.....first began as a thought. In the case of our fish friend hopping up on dry ground, the first inkling of "intent" (however you can imagine that concept) occurred millions of years before the event. This intent directed changes as an idea of what the "leveling up" might look like developed that, over time, created subtle changes in the molecular structure of the species. Each individuated cell carried a unique expression of what that "leveling up" would look it would manifest. Without the the judgement, and subsequent self-judgement, manifest consciousness carries the organisms were able to respond in a completely unbiased manner to the experience of their fellow organisms in their attempt to "level up". Cooperation and acceptance and direction of those energies created the atmosphere for a great evolutionary leap...a "leveling up". I believe this speaks to the "missing links" in various evolutionary trails.

SO... We find ourselves on the precipice of a great evolutionary move. I believe the ubiquitous palindrome on 02/02/2020 (last experienced on 11/11/1111, btw) began a countdown...a separation. The last 10 months have been a shaking and shattering of the institutions and ideologies and beliefs we held. We have entered the season of the darkest night of the year, as Frost penned. Monday 12/21 marks the Winter Solstice, when the Saturnalia was celebrated as a way to "return to the light" in days past. This Solstice is significant in that the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn in the Great Conjunction. While the Great Conjunction is not a total rarity (it occurs every twenty years or so), it generally accompanies a "shift" in perception (and thus, reality). What makes this Solstice and Great Conjunction combo so special is that the planets will be aligning in a water sign for the first time in 200 years, and will be aligning at zero degrees of Aquarius...representing infinite potential and holds the energy of limitless possibilities. We are on the verge of a new paradigm...a new perspective...a new existence.

WHAT WILL IT LOOK LIKE? - Short answer..."Yes". It will look like "Yes". IOW, I have no idea what your individuated expectation is, what your idea of "Leveling Up" entails. Just as the elements in the balanced ecosystem all prosper by simply being themselves, we will find our way to this new existence by finding our way to the center of our being. We will energize the great leap forward by simply trusting ourselves enough to believe that our desires are pure and true and intended for the greatest good. In that acceptance we find the courage to fully express who we are and what we are here to do. Just as all the different shades of blue needed to be carried forward into the original expression, so too do the individuated expressions of the ideal of the perfected being, the Adam Kadma.

IT ALL BEGINS WITH LOVE, SELF-LOVE - And so, we find ourselves back at the beginning. Religious teachers divide us into "body", "soul", and "spirit". Psychology calls them "Id", "Ego", and "SuperEgo". Esoteric knowledge pictures them as three centers of thought, the brain, heart and stomach each with its own neurology. Whatever your flavor, all three aspects of our Self must be addressed.

It is impossible to draw clean water from a tainted well. Without total self-love, self-forgiveness, self-acceptance, it is impossible to offer love or forgiveness or acceptance to anyone. Leave behind the fear of being different, of failing, of not belonging. Embrace the knowledge that you ARE perfectly created. That the conscious experience you are "living" is vital and necessary.

As your love and acceptance for yourself grows, the peace within transforms you. You no longer find yourself needing to judge the actions and thoughts of others. You find that you can bear witness without entering in. You discover depths to your compassion and understanding that you never fathomed. As this love intensifies, you set a desire in your heart.

My desire is this...That each of us find the most genuine expression of who we truly are, and that we experience the intimate love of ourselves that allows us to embrace our truth fully. I long for us to approach our interactions not from a place of "need"...a sense of "Lack", but that we cast off the false notions foisted upon us by others and embrace a new Spirit - the Spirit of Abundance.



About the Creator

RavensCraft 9

Sustainable permaculture, agorism, and Magick are my favorite endeavors. Writing about them is not far behind.

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