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Let You, Upgrade You

Your Best Version of You

By Dark Moon EmpirePublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Let You, Upgrade You
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Who are you? Actually, the real question is, who do you want to be? If you could imagine the perfect version of yourself, who is she? Is she quiet, loud, reserved, spontaneous, adventurous, a home body. Does she hand out love letters or refuse to take shit? Does she laugh out loud or giggle gently? Is she smart or creative? Does she sing, dance, draw, play? Does she sip wine or throw back whiskey? Does she rock holy jeans or does she prefer dresses? Can she rock like no other in heals or skip unapologetically in flip flops? Does she listen to country or blast pop? If you could create the version of yourself that would make you fall head over heals in love with every part of who you are, what aspects of yourself would you stitch together to create the perfect you?

By Christopher Campbell on Unsplash

You think you can’t be more out going, more adventurous, more care free? You think you can’t wind down more, read more, slow down more? Would you believe me if I told you that you can be less envious, and so much more in love with who you are or who you want to be. You can create the self that you want to be if you only give yourself the attention you keep giving to everyone else. You don’t think you have time, yet your handing out moments to people that don’t deserve it; people who don't deserve you. You know who does deserves it? Who deserves your time, your energy, your love? You do! So take back that time and please, give it to yourself. Focus on building yourself into the women you wish you could be. It's time to spend your energy on becoming her.

So, it’s going to take months, possibly even years. It’s going to take failing at a lot of things to figure out who you’re trying to piece yourself into. It’s going to take trial and error to see what fits and what doesnt. It's definitely going to be a lot of work. There will probably be tears, maybe some sweat, possiblly some blood. The key is that your focus remains on the woman you hope to be. Stop telling yourself you dont know where to begin, and start figurng out how your going to get there. Dream her up, sketch her out, and then put in the necessary steps you need to start building her.

Invision her: Who is she? What does she do? How does she interact with others? What does she wear? How does she love? How does she fight for what she believes in? Who does she love? Actually, a better question is who deserves her love?

By Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Build her: Read, write, research, work, practice, and consistently make her a priority. Do something every day that will bring you closer to her. Make future you the biggest priority of your day.

Most imprtantly, love her: Appreciate her and all the work you will have to do to be her. Spoil her and celebrate her. Anticipate her arrival, and be ready to throw the greatest welcome party of your life. If your going to go all out for anyone, it should be her.

You are going to spend a lot of time invisoning a new version of you every single day. When you get to the version of you that you once prayed and cried for, be sure to take some time to be grateful as you prepare to move into the next version of yourself. Celebrate each new level you acquire. You deserve that! Then go back and hug the hell out of the girl who made the moves to become you. You wouldn’t believe how proud of you she will be.


About the Creator

Dark Moon Empire

Just think of all the places you could go, and all the things you could do, with all of that magical potential.

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