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Learn three chat tips to get a big part of the communication problem

All communication skills are a guess at human nature.

By Kenneth M BassPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Working for many years, I have had an epiphany: no matter how anyone communicates, you whole understand one thing, you get the core of the problem, that is, through human nature, never fight with human nature.

For example, the greatest evil of human nature is: hate people have, laughing at people who do not. So, when chatting with people, talk more about what others have, and less about what you have, you will find: that the more powerful people will hide, and the more showy people are, the more annoying.

Share three chatting tips: praise, listening, and humor, you learn, and you can handle a large part of the communication problems.


Everyone has three words in their head: compliment me.

Many years ago I went to visit a customer to talk about cooperation, to the front desk of the company he came to pick me up. As soon as I met, I praised, straight to, explicitly praise, see what praise, "your company is so beautiful ah", not beautiful it? "Your company is decorated with style ah", which is like I'm not handsome you boast I have a temperament, he immediately said: "I'll show you around".

If the facade does not have to boast, let's boast about the person. Exaggerate his young, exaggerate his good figure, this hand exaggerates people is comparable to Wang Xinling, a middle-aged uncle who can carry this? If you want to praise people, you can certainly find the point of praise. With a small compliment, you can easily break the ice.

When you get to his office, continue to see what praise what. When you see a bunch of trophies on his bookshelf, complimenting, this is "complimenting his ability"; when you see a picture of your child on his desk, compliment, tell me, who doesn't like to be complimented on their child? First, find a topic to chat about for a few minutes, and then talk about business, so to speak, he has not completely taken you as an outsider.

The amount of attention should be paid to the degree of bright praise, there are no traces of thought, friendly and natural, not deliberate.

At lunchtime, I asked, "Mr. Zhang, you have been in the industry for 20 years, what experience can you share with us as a senior?" This is a secret compliment, secret compliment is to ask for advice, this thing is a bit advanced.

I speak this sentence, he completely can not carry, talk endlessly for more than an hour, all he was talking, in the middle I used Lu Yu three style to accompany him to talk: "really?", "I do not believe", "then later? "...... Finally, he finished speaking, I said:" listen to the gentleman a seat, better than reading a decade of books. He was very happy, and later, the cooperation was negotiated.

Everyone needs to be recognized and praised, and when you chat in a way that asks for advice, the other person will enjoy it.

Praise is a gift that costs nothing and is very effective. Being stingy with praise is not about your elegance, but about your lack of understanding of human nature.

Some people will not compliment people even if, but also silly always go to give people a block. You have not seen such a person in the circle of friends, you say "the sea ah you are beautiful", he commented "drowned a lot of people", like to prick, with the way to deny others to show themselves, stupid. Control your desire to show, will make you no friends.


Let the other party finish the conversation, is cultivation is more cultivation.

There is a misconception about interview communication: the more I say in the interview, the more the interviewer knows about me, the more I know about me, and the greater the possibility of my interview being hired, is this true?

There is no necessary correlation between "talking a lot" and "being recognized". Haven't you ever seen a salesman who can't stop talking? Do you like him? Did you buy the bill?

At all times, it is more important to listen than to talk.

Some job seekers will make the worse mistake, when the interviewer intentionally or unintentionally pointed out their shortcomings in a certain area, without waiting for the other party to finish talking to explain ...... Who likes to be interrupted? Do you like it?

You have never had such feelings: every time after a fight feel a little regret, regret what? Regret not playing well. Why? Because you're busy talking non-stop. Once you lose your cool, you run out of thinking and you do a lot of stupid things.

Just like in "Giant Baby Nation", people have two wishes: one wish is to see me, and the other wish is to hug me. Always remember one thing: people are not reasonable under their emotions. Take care of the emotions first, and listen before expressing your opinion. A master communicator must be an excellent listener.

Even, sometimes it is enough for you to do a good job of listening and not to express your opinion indiscriminately. For example, if a friend looking for you to talk about emotional problems, you listen just fine, he just needs a confidant, hoping to tell you the depressing things, his troubles can be cut in half. As a result, you have to play the bag Qingtian act to identify loyalty and wickedness ......

One more tip for your workplace communication.

When you explain to others, ask "I speak clearly," rather than ask "do you understand".


Sometimes it's more valuable to be funny than useful.

Most of the speeches you have heard from successful people are funny and humorous, right?

It is a very advanced communication skill to speak to others interestingly about something complicated, difficult to understand, and professional.

It is said that good medicine is bitter, funny is to give your bitter medicine wrapped in a capsule or get a sugar coating so that the medicine becomes less difficult to swallow. The essence behind being an interesting person is: that you have to have a deep understanding of the matter.

If you are an interviewer, who often leaves a good impression on you, is with a smile with a sense of humor to job seekers. Because, the more you can joke in a tense atmosphere, the more confident people are.

You do a product demonstration to customers, connected to the projector when the situation, make your joke, "it seems that today my character value almost meaningful, everyone first looks at our product manual, I immediately and the projector battle ......"

Compared to panic, we prefer people who are funny and stable.

Humor is not to say comedy smash hang, only make fun of others, it will look like you are narrow-minded. You see successful people's speeches, there will always be self-deprecation and self-loathing, why? Self-deprecation, to put it more largely, is to live to understand, to look in a smaller way, which is to chatter.

A person who can laugh at himself is truly mature.

Humor is the lubricant of communication.

How to become interested?

A wealth of knowledge to play out brilliant humor, in a word: the workplace people to the end of the fight is the culture


About the Creator

Kenneth M Bass

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