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Kindness Will Change Your Life- My Personal Experience

When was the last time you were or did anything kind?

By Sujit KrPublished 2 years ago 8 min read
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The world has a lot of problems, but kindness is easy to fix. We are all capable of being kind. However, it can be difficult for us as humans. We live in a world that is full of misery.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and forget to give back to everyone. But, no matter how bad your day was, you should always be kind and considerate of the person next to you.

The most important things in life are love, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

My parents always believed that we should be kind whenever possible. They taught us that it’s not polite to talk about people behind their backs, that we should be honest and treat everyone the way we want to be treated.

I am grateful for the lessons they taught me and that I live by.

Life is all about the journey, and I’m excited to share mine with you.

This post will explore whether or not these are things you do that often or not that often. I’ll also explore how kindness, generosity, and doing nice things feel to you.

The first time my dad took me to a homeless shelter, I was only three and am not sure I completely understood what was happening. But I remember, I felt very uncomfortable and sad.

My mom told me to think about their situation and how we would feel if we were in their shoes. That night, I vowed to never be like my dad, someone who could take something from someone else and not care about their needs.

My parents instilled in me the importance of giving and being kind. They showed me that the act of giving is just as important as receiving.

As I became younger, I realized that the best way I could teach my kids was by being kind to them. I would do everything I could to be kind to my kids, even if they didn’t always want to be.

We are a family of kind people. Let’s create the world we want to see.

When you think of kindness and generosity, what comes to mind? Many of us would say that one is giving and the other is receiving.

What if I tell you that giving is more than just giving something away? What if I tell you that giving is about being generous? What if I tell you that being generous is more than just helping someone in a time of need?

Kindness is the desire to make someone feel good. Generosity is giving without expecting anything in return. These two things are not the same.

When you give without expecting anything in return, you are being generous. When you give with the intention of making someone feel good, you are being kind.

One of the best ways to make your kids better people is to teach them kindness. It includes teaching them that generosity is a way of life.

Whatever, It is that your child is learning, be sure to make it a point to teach them that being kind is a way of life.

Let them know that even if they are not being kind to someone, they are still being kind to themselves. It is one of the most important things you can teach your child.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

The act of being generous is not always easy. It might require you to confront difficult situations or make yourself vulnerable to give. But, the act of giving is a beautiful thing.

It can be hard to know how to put generosity into practice. There are many ways to be generous.

One way is to volunteer your time. Another way is to give a gift to someone in need. Sometimes, giving a gift might require you to get creative. For example, if you have a friend who also has a little one, you might consider giving a gift certificate to a daycare.

One of the best ways to put generosity into practice is to be kind to everyone. It includes your friends, family, and strangers. I don’t know about you, but even if I’m the one being generous, it still feels good.

I was eight years old when I asked for shoes. My parents were at the dinner table. They looked at me and said, “We have nothing for you.” I was so sad and heartbroken.

My parents were going through a hard time. I thought they were saying no. My mom looked down at her plate and said, “No, I would just love to give you a pair of shoes.”

Every human being is born with a natural desire to share and a natural impulse to give. We are wired to give and feel good about giving. That’s why generosity is one of the most fundamental human values.

When we are kind to others, we are kind to ourselves. And when we are kind to ourselves, we can be kind to others.

The quality of life is determined by the quality of the relationships you have.

When I was growing up, my parents taught me that it’s our responsibility to be generous. One of the first lessons I learned was to share what I had. I was always taught, “we should be kind whenever possible.”

There was never a time when my parents felt like they didn’t have anything to give, and they always had something to share with those around them.

One of my favorite memories from childhood is when my parents took us to a homeless shelter & we got to feed the hungry.

At the time, I remembered being so scared, “I was going to get sick that my stomach ached, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed like the right thing to do.”

The feeling of that experience remains with me to this day, and I’m glad, “I would be able to share it with my children.”

One of the most important things about being a child is the love and care that goes into raising you. As a child, you are surrounded by unconditional love from your parents.

I’m grateful for the lessons I learned from my parents. It’s a part of who I am now.

In many ways, your parents are your first friends and confidants. If your parents are generous and have a strong sense of giving, you are less likely to go into the same field or have the same values.

It is not just your parents’ generosity that influenced your life — it is also the way they raised you. Your parents spend a great deal of time teaching you good values and encouraging you to be kind to others.

The most important thing about being kind is to be kind to those you don’t know. It’s easy to be compassionate to those who are the same as you, but it’s a lot harder to be kind to those who are different.

Being generous is not a trait you can teach children by force. They will never understand the concept of giving until they experience it for themselves.

My parents taught me to be generous by example. When I was a little boy, my parents would give me the old clothes that they no longer wore, and I would go door to door and ask people to take them.

I never knew who I would find at the door, but I knew that people would be happy to get something new.

From the moment you were born, you were given a gift. Let’s share that gift with the world.

Some parents think generosity is a virtue that can only exist in certain families. However, my parents never hesitated to give, even when times were tough. We were never a well-to-do family.

Our house was always a little run down, but we were never short on love or generosity. I believe it was because of them that I have grown up to be the generous person I am today. I consider it my privilege to have grown up in a family where generosity is a way of life.

I am so happy that you decided to take the time to read my article. It is a great place to start for anyone who would like to learn more about the importance of kindness and generosity.

I hope you enjoyed my article about the importance of being positive and giving back. I hope this article resonates with you and you can carry this lesson with you throughout the rest of your life.

It’s no secret that we are a family that values kindness and generosity above all else. It was something that was instilled in us by our parents and something that still exists to this day.

I hope that you can make it your own too. If you need any help, please comment below. I would love to hear from you!

Let your generosity define your life.


About the Creator

Sujit Kr

I write about "Life Hacks" such as Ideas, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Writing, Self Improvement, Productivity, etc. and help people to build the life of their dreams.

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