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Journey Through Womanhood.

What a journey it is.

By Tiana ProctorPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Journey Through Womanhood.
Photo by Mohau Mannathoko on Unsplash

It’s the start of a new school year, my last fall semester to be exact.

4 years.

Four of the longest yet shortest years of my life. College has taught me so much without even being in the classroom. The life experiences I’ve gone through have been so eye opening,

I’m aware of how much I’ve grown into the woman I am and I’m proud.

It’s been a humbling learning experience nonetheless, and life has been the best professor.

I came into college so unsure of who I was, unsure of what I wanted to do, literally just a big ball of uncertainty.

I was way too prideful to let anyone know it though.

I knew that I had a responsibility of obtaining an education to provide the lifestyle I was accustomed to. I knew that I had family younger than me that didn’t think college was an option or that it couldn’t be done. After watching my brother succeed in his college endeavors I had no choice but to prove I could do the same, because what’s more encouraging than a little sibling rivalry.

I look back at the young girl I was 3 years ago and all I can do is laugh, the situations and people I stressed over aren’t even a second thought anymore. The mistakes I made and paid for are stories I tell with a smile on my face. I remember thinking everything was the end of the world, but it was barely a bump in the road.

The woman I am today: meditates, prays, thinks before she acts, forgives, smiles, laughs, and loves with an open heart.

Not to try to sound like I have it all together because there are most certainly days I still feel like that 18 year old girl, but I’ve learned a few things along the way.

A pretty face doesn’t mean anything if the soul is ugly.

The bad days are just bad days, don’t let them linger.

People will leave, and that’s just fine.

You’re not responsible for anyone’s actions but your own.

Patience is definitely a virtue, and so is understanding.

Listen to understand.

You don’t have to explain your feelings to anyone.

Bring more to the table than just your ‘assets’

Remember, you don’t need them, you just want them.

Getting it on your own will always be more rewarding than someone handing it to you.

Artwork via Instagram: @sistersvillage

Falling in love with the woman I am now took time. It was an uncomfortable experience growing to be comfortable with who I am now. We see on social media what we “should” look like and place validation on the number of likes on a picture, but what happens when you get home and log off, none of that matters anymore.

What happens if it were all to disappear tomorrow? Would you still feel the same?

No one tells us how humbling womanhood is. We see our friends falling in love and getting married or flourishing in their careers and it’s easy to have a “why not me?” moment. I’ve learned that when you see these good things happening to the people you’re around, it only means you are getting in right alignment with what is coming your way. Being jealous and throwing a pity party will always, for lack of better words, block your blessings. When you can appreciate and celebrate the victories around you, you will see them come for you as well.

There were many moments as a girl I compared myself to others, not even knowing what she could possibly be going through behind closed doors. It was only when girls started comparing themselves to me I noticed how easy it is to only know people on the surface. It’s easy for me to wake up, put myself together and throw a smile on my face as if a million things aren’t going wrong. What’s been harder for me is to actually let people know that sometimes it’s not okay, sometimes life gets real, sometimes I just want to quit. As much as I preach about vulnerability being important in relationships it is something I struggle with daily.

The journey to womanhood has been trying, but nonetheless a beautiful experience. Celebrate your girlfriends while they’re still here. Give a random woman a compliment, you’ll never know how much it’ll mean. Go through this life knowing that your story is your own and no one else’s. Being a woman is one of the most amazing experiences we will have. Live it within your own rights and don’t let anyone tell you how to do it. We are all getting through life the best we know how.

Love yours.


About the Creator

Tiana Proctor

The modern day Carrie Bradshaw if you will. I write about my life and my experiences with love, friendship, and life after college.

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