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January 2022 Writing Challenge

Here is my January writing challenge

By Basketball Town News Published 2 years ago 5 min read
January 2022 Writing Challenge
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

I usually set myself a writing challenge every month. January is a special month for me because it's my birthday. This month, I am setting a 100 article challenge. I have already submitted three articles this month, this will be my fourth article.

Why Am I doing this?

There are many benefits associated with setting goals and challenges. Here are some of those benefits:

The benefits of challenging yourself and setting goals:

1. Self-confidence. You can do it!

2. Increases mental and physical performance.

3. Increases brain function and memory retention, as well as concentration and creative thinking skills.

4. Helps to create new neural pathways in the brain- EX: working on a creative project and realizing you need a certain tool that you don't have, so you go out and buy it.

5. Helps to develop emotional strength and resiliency- EX: trying something new every day for a year or taking on a big project knowing there will be ups and downs but ultimately getting through it.

6. Increases your sense of satisfaction once the goal is reached!

The Negative effects of living a life without goals:

1. Inability to reach goals- EX: spending your whole life wanting to be a world-class dancer but never practicing or trying out for the team.

2. Regrets from not having set enough goals in your lifetime- EX: knowing you didn't try hard enough at a certain sport in high school and always wondering "what if".

3. Loss of identity when pursuing a goal that is incongruent with the person you are- EX: knowing you aren't disciplined enough to run a marathon, but feeling an obligation to sign up for one anyway because everyone else in your life seems to have one.

4. Loss of passion when you finally do reach your goal- EX: finally becoming a successful business owner but feeling burned out and having no idea what to do next.

5. Negative attitude toward future goals due to feelings of inadequacy or failure- EX: not wanting to try for another promotion at work because you don't believe you are capable of it.

6. The impossibility of setting goals when you feel like it's impossible to be successful- EX: knowing you need to set goals in order to accomplish anything, but feeling like there is no hope or that you will never succeed.

7. A lack of personal growth and development- EX: not trying new things because you don't think you will succeed or like them.

8. Missed opportunities due to indecision- EX: not applying for that position because it's not exactly what you want to do, but then your dream job becomes available after the deadline has passed.

How can writing boost your mental health?

1. It provides an outlet for your feelings and emotions- EX: writing about how lonely you are or what it really means to be loved by someone.

2. Allows you to focus on the positive elements in life rather than dwelling on things that went wrong- EX: writing about all of the great things that happened to you, even if you had a bad day.

3. You can look back on your work to remember what you have been through and how far you've come- EX: writing about a time when you were struggling with yourself, but looking back now realizing that was something from the past and it doesn't bother you anymore.

4. Acknowledging your feelings can help you to see things from a different perspective- EX: writing about how much it bothers you that your ex is now in a happy relationship, but realizing after writing it down that the only reason it bothers you so much is that you wish you were in that position instead.

5. Expressing yourself through writing can make your feelings feel lighter and less overwhelming- EX: writing to a friend who can understand what you are going through or even just writing about your feelings in a journal.

6. Helps you to organize your thoughts and make sense of all the emotions you are experiencing- EX: writing down what makes you angry or what your fears are, then exploring why those things make you upset or scared.

7. Clear your mind by getting out all the feelings you need to express- EX: writing about a fight with your friend and then feeling like a huge weight has been lifted off of you after it's done and over with.

8. Writing can help you see what changes need to be made in order for you to be successful and happy- EX: writing about the things that you do that make people not like or trust you.

9. Can help you to form a plan of action for reaching your goals- EX: writing out the steps you need to take in order to become more active in school or at work and then actually taking those steps after doing your writing exercise.

10. It allows you to express your new ideas and potential future goals- EX: writing about what you want to be doing in five years or how you want to feel when you wake up every morning.

11. Writing can help you find a sense of inner strength and courage- EX: paying attention to the words that you are writing and realizing that you have more power than you thought.

12. It is a source of emotional learning- EX: analyzing why certain things make you so upset or how your past experiences influence your behavior in the present.

I write every day and setting a goal to write a certain amount of articles every single month can be highly beneficial for your mental growth and emotional wellbeing.


I plan to complete 100 articles in the month of January to boost my earnings, build mental toughness and improve my mental health.


About the Creator

Basketball Town News

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