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It's Okay to Not Be Okay

Being who you are for you, and not letting society’s negative vibes mess with your head is one of the 1st steps to being “okay” again.

By Dominique StrongPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

By now you probably already know that life does not always go the way you intend it to. Whether you didn’t get that awesome job you interviewed for, you got a flat tire on the way to take that test you are already late to, or maybe you had to sit in front of the bathtub and pick lice out of your daughter's hair for the third time this month. Life has its own way of bringing you down. Being in situations such as these can definitely put you in your feelings and cause you to be anxious.

When you put your feelings out on the table, you are often met with the responses, “Think positively, your thoughts impact your mood.” Or, “Just fake it ‘till you make it, eventually you’ll feel alright.” Sadly, today’s society often criticizes people for expressing these emotions, so we are forced to put that smiley-face covered paper bag over our heads and pretend everything is alright.

That, my friends is a quick way to become depressed. Although positivity and resilience have their place, masking negative feelings can take a toll on you and make things worse. It is much healthier to be aware of the fact that you are not okay than to pretend everything is peachy-keen. We are expected to show up with smiling faces everywhere we go, which is great, but only when you’re in the correct headspace to do so, otherwise it is toxic behavior.

Think about how people would react if you answered honestly when they ask you “How are you?” We were taught to ask that question as a greeting whether or not we actually care for the truthful answer.

When you bring your sad thoughts and feelings to another’s attention, you might get the response, “Are you going to sit around feeling sad, or are you going to get up, brush it off, and get on with your day?!” As if those two statements are opposites. The healthy thing to do when you know you are not feeling okay, is to acknowledge the fact that you aren’t feeling your best, because being aware of your negativity is the first step to overcoming those emotions.

When do we start getting better? Today’s society has a large impact on our emotions of not feeling okay, or feeling down-in-the-dumps. Why are we letting people tell us what we can wear, who we can date, what we can do, and who we can become? It just does not make sense. What gave people the idea that it is acceptable to tell others who to be? Who put this horrible, degrading message into our minds? It is so sad to me that people change who they are just so they don’t get criticized for being themselves. So sad that we go to such extreme lengths for people to like us. It’s time we learn to push aside the negative vibes and be who we are for us. Be who we are so that we can finally be okay again.

Wear the bikini, wear the crop top, wear the shorts. Put the lipstick on, cut your hair, get that tattoo. Do whatever you have to do to make yourself feel as beautiful as you are. Love the hell out of yourself because it feels so good to be able to be confident and not fake it. Ignore the drama that comes along with being alive. Don’t listen when they tell you that you can’t, because... YOU CAN!

Ignore the hatred. People hate because they’re jealous, so keep doing what you’re doing and let them wallow in their own personal issues. You shouldn’t have to feel bad for being you.

Ignore the pain that people try to put you through, they want to see you hurting because it makes them feel better about themselves.

Find peace with who you are because there is only one you in this world. One beautiful, outstanding member of society that no one can tear down. Be a role model.

Find happiness

Find yourself.

Don’t look to other people for reassurance of how great you are, because sometimes crying out for people’s opinions doesn't do anything but hurt you. Love yourself, and learn how to quench your own thirst because you are the only one that will be there for YOU 24/7. Tell yourself that you are lovely. Self-love is the best kind of love. Today society seems to put down those who love themselves, but we really should be promoting self-worth. Love yourself, you are worth more than gold. Be confident and be different! Love, love, love, and again I say LOVE YOURSELF because you are so beautiful. Please do not let the world cripple your mind to the truth about yourself. Be who you are for you, so that you can finally be okay again.


About the Creator

Dominique Strong

We get so worried about being “pretty.”

Let’s be pretty KIND, pretty GRACIOUS, and pretty SUPPORTIVE. 💛

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