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It's All About Joy!

A state of contentment, confidence and hope

By Kim TownsendPublished 5 years ago 3 min read


Why did I quit my very well paying, full time job at 57 years old to take the risk to start a business living on my savings, when most my age are planning their retirement?

Simply put… it was time!

I have worked very long and hard for many years, supporting others to achieve their business and life goals, being in service to them. In fact, I gave their businesses priority over myself, my health, my family and my life. I tried to fit my life around my work… but not now!

It is time for me to make my life my priority, because, nobody else will. Just think about that!

After many years, searching and discovering, or remembering the real me, the bottom line is, I want to feel joy and be in joy! And the best way for me to feel that, is to do what I love and support others to do the same. Teach how to feel safe in joy. See others experiencing joy. To be in joy with them!

It might sound fluffy, but it is actually a huge undertaking.


There are many definitions of joy that include the words "great pleasure, happiness, gaiety, bliss and delight", indicating it is circumstantial and fleeting. However, I found another definition that speaks to my version of joy, “a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.”

The thing is, that we fear really feeling joy, because of a common belief that "all good things must come to an end." The belief that if we are joyful for too long, something bad is going to happen and wipe it all out. So, we stop ourselves short from really embodying and relishing in joy, for fear of the impending fall.

Brene Browns says, "Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience, and if you cannot tolerate joy, what you do is you start dress rehearsing tragedy.” She continues, "I have met people who had a profound capacity for joy. The difference is that when something really blissful happened to them, they felt grateful. Instead of using it as a warning to start practicing disaster, they used it as a reminder to practice gratitude”.


Some time in my life, I a created a belief that focusing on myself, on my own joy, was selfish, arrogant, disconnecting and abandoning of others. I now realise that underneath that belief was a little girl who felt unworthy and undeserving of joy. "How can I feel so happy and experience joy, when so many others are in pain and suffering?"

I was really fearful of being too happy, excited, and joyful. I held back and numbed my joy. I came down to a place of safety through complacency.


We are all worthy and deserving of joy, but obviously, especially in the western world, it is something that needs to be learned. It is as simple as deciding to focus on gratitude, daring to be vulnerable, and really feeling joy. A simple concept that it may take a little practice to really feel comfortable with. For me, having this realisation felt amazing, freeing, and overwhelming at the same time. But it was clear; I wanted to bathe in it more!


My mission is to teach everyone I meet a step towards how to be comfortable in joy. To feel worthy and deserving of joy, and to teach our children to embody and relish gratitude; to feel comfortable in joy. To reach a deep state of contentment, confidence and hope, through Wholehearted Living.

I can teach and guide you through the process. Email me at [email protected], or call 0401190636 to organise a no obligation chat, to find out more. Or, follow me on Facebook -

"Life is a dance between vulnerability and courage. Dare to dance." - Kim Townsend

#meditation #stressfree #mindbodyhealth #creativity #play #kimtownsend #BreneBrown #vulnerability #courage #shame #relaxation #coaching #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth


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