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Is your luggage ready , for when your flight comes?

Your attention is costing you.

By IAM SimplyShanPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Is your luggage ready , for when your flight comes?
Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

“Make sure you remember to pack your 𝐎𝐖𝐍 luggage for when your flight comes .” - Unknown

When you fly on an airplane, they give you some strict pre-flight instructions on what to do in case of an emergency. During this time , they insist on the importance of paying attention . While doing so , some passengers are probably sleeping or simply not interested in the safety tutorial. Some are just super excited to travel , and anticipation take off!

I may be the only person who actually pays attention to that segment lol, but one of the suggestions , is in correlation with the air masks that pop down from the ceiling. That bright lemon colour yellow mask . In in case of a loss of cabin pressure or any unforeseen circumstances , that one.

Now that we have established this safety yellow mask. Do you remember what they tell you to do if this happens? In case of an in air emergency? What you are required to do ?

It’s okay if you don’t remember! I will refresh your memory.Now , don’t quote me . They say something along the lines of “be sure to secure your mask first before assisting others.” I know it is definitely not worded that exact way , but you get the point.

Why do they say secure your own first ? It is because in the event something happens , you won't be much help to those around you. Well, sis this is phenomenal advice whether you're on an airplane, spending time with your family, friends , and or associates. Luggage is another word for priorities.

Do you have yourself together ? Or are you too busy getting everyone else together , you neglect your own ?

How many times have you neglected what YOU needed to do to appease others? Saying “oh , I will just do it later” Later comes and goes and it’s still not done. Would these same people do the same for you ?

Sometimes obligations and unplanned circumstances can quickly lead us off track . Which is totally normal ! The plans may change but never should the goal.

How many times have you sat down to do some work, create content, write your business plan (s) or put your to do list together for the upcoming week, and got distracted by something? Distracted by your phone?

Distracted by the television running in the background? Distracted by things that don’t got shxt to do with you ? Yeah that also includes celebrity gossip.

Sitting down and getting something done seems like the easiest task, but focusing on one thing can be the hardest. I know. Our attention has become currency, and guess what sis?, everyone wants a piece of it.

So the question remains, how can we shut out ALL the distractions, and still knock the goals off of our to do list each and every week? How can we start focusing on the things that really matter, and stop focusing on everyone and everything that doesn’t?

Let’s start off by asking ourselves some thought provoking questions . If you decided to do NOTHING different, 5 months or 12 months from now, where would you be?

Would you still remain at a stagnant plateau, unsatisfied with your current reality, trying to figure out what to do differently?

Would your environment stay the exact same, uninspiring and... painfully comfortable?

When we have a new idea, or embark on a new journey, somehow in our minds we only see the end product. We forget all the steps and phases we have to go through to get there. We forget that there is a process to everything. With anything that you do, you’re not going to just come out of the gate swinging with your best work. That’s where resiliencey and strength become fundamental.

It takes time, patience, work, more time, a little more patience, and a whole lot determination and resiliencey. Its the passion and fire within you , that is not willing to give up just because things don’t look the way you want them to. It’s trusting the process and that inner knowing. Whether you know it or not, you making the decision to show up everyday as the best possible version of yourself not only affects your life, but EVERYONE who surrounds you.

The gift you’ve been given was not planted on your heart for no reason. That’s for sure . Many are called and few are chosen.

If you are not turned on by the life you’re creating, and you don’t feel good about it, why are you creating it? What would you rather have instead? What would you rather experience? What thrills you, excites you, brings you unforgettable joy?

What makes you sparkle brighter than a disco ball?

See the thing is living authentically and unapologetically means knowing yourself. Knowing yourself means loving yourself. Loving yourself is the way in which you heal the world.

Yes, it's that simple. When you care for yourself, you're caring for the world. Self-love enables you to be the best you. The kindest you. The realest you. The most generous you. This is what the world needs— you, at your most loving.

The better you love yourself, the better you can love others. Self-love is service and service is self-love. Stop putting yourself last. Make sure your Priorites are insync. If you don’t prioritize yourself, who do think will?

I want you to embody the most successful, unapologetic version of yourself starting TODAY.

And remember , to make sure your own luggage is prepared before you even think of packing anyone elses. Doing this will ensure you are ready for when your flight arrives.



About the Creator

IAM SimplyShan

Analytical, Food for thought stories and experiences through my eyes.


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