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Is Lifelong Learning the Key to Tackling Procrastination?

Exploring the Role of Openness, Lifelong Learning, and Humility in Breaking Free from Procrastination

By ExpressACHPublished 4 months ago 3 min read
Is Lifelong Learning the Key to Tackling Procrastination?
Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Throughout my 12-year tenure of playing basketball, numerous coaches imparted their knowledge and wisdom on me. Intriguingly, they all had a similar career lineage. Most began as assistant coaches where they had previously played, whether that was their college team or the local club. After gaining both practical and theoretical experience, these individuals would ascend to head coaching positions. Here, the impact of their own mentors became apparent as they adhered to the same drills, routines, and even the style of motivation as their predecessors. This pattern of emulating our mentors pervades across all aspects of our learning lives.

From our first breath, our surroundings, culture, and environment have a significant influence on shaping our attitudes and beliefs. Born to Catholic parents, one usually becomes Catholic. Growing up in a Conservative household, one typically mirrors those political beliefs. The knowledge we acquire through our mentors and experiences often becomes unquestionable truth for us.

However, we must then pose an important question: Is our knowledge the best way of doing things, or simply a reflection of the way we were taught?

Reflecting on my basketball coaches, I wonder if they considered diverse coaching methods or if they merely mirrored what they were exposed to. This introspection applies far beyond the basketball court and into our daily lives, magnified when addressing the hurdle of procrastination.

There is a unique, enlightening concept in Zen Buddhism known as shoshin or "beginner's mind". Shoshin encapsulates the spirit of keeping our minds openin the presence of new information, similar to how a child reacts upon experiencing something for the first time. Ironically, as we gain expertise, our minds may close off to alternative viewpoints, fostering a mindset that we already "know it all" and limiting our openness to fresh insights.

Procrastination is a timely example of this predicament. As one becomes an "expert" in pushing away tasks, there's a tendency to dismiss strategies aimed at overcoming procrastination. By adopting a "beginner's mind", we can dismantle these barriers and remain open to learning and growing.

To adapt shoshin to address procrastination, consider these strategies:

Let go of the urge to constantly contribute. Many high achievers have a fierce compulsion to add value to every conversation. While this may initially sound advantageous, it can prevent you from absorbing and learning from others. Take a step back, listen, and observe.

Avoid striving to win every argument. Learning involves embracing different perspectives. If you're having a conversation and someone voices an opinion that conflicts with yours, don't scramble to disprove them. Instead, view it as an opportunity to take on their perspective.

Cultivate genuine curiosity. Take an active interest in others' narratives. Ask questions such as "Tell me more about that?". This can open up meaningful conversations and reveal different ways of handling and overcoming procrastination.

Embrace your status as an eternal learner. Recognize that we're all learning from someone, somewhere. By assuming that there's always room for improvement and growth, you can approach each day with a continuously learning, open mind - a mindset that's fundamental in overcoming procrastination.

Now, in an era where information is abundant and readily available at our fingertips, it becomes increasingly crucial to harness a sense of humility. We must accept that our current knowledge, while valuable, is not all-encompassing. Despite years of playing and later, coaching basketball, with every practice, every game, there were new lessons and strategies to be learned. Every nuanced tactic, every unique team dynamics presented opportunities for growth.

Now, let's apply this scenario to tackling procrastination; just as there may be multiple strategies to lead a basketball team to victory, there are countless ways to tackle procrastination. The important thing is to remain open and receptive, not limiting ourselves to one "proven" strategy.

Bear in mind; overlooked methods could hold the key to personalized solutions that mesh seamlessly with our unique circumstances and temperament. Furthermore, maintaining a jovial conversation with others allows us to unravel their experiences and strategies when wrestling with procrastination. Often, we unearth gems of wisdom in the most unexpected nooks.

Avoiding a dogmatic approach helps us weave this new knowledge into our existing fabric of understanding, crafting a more well-rounded strategy. It could be a simple conversation revealing how a respected colleague uses specific productivity apps to overcome their procrastination bouts, or a well-timed article expounding scientific ways to break the habit.

In essence, the road to combating procrastination is a diverse landscape, with lessons scattered all along. With an open mind and the readiness to pick these up, we're well positioned on the path to overcoming procrastination. Embrace the journey acknowledging the "beginner's mind"; every day can bring forth new opportunities to learn, improve, and drive us towards our most aspirational selves.

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