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Inner Purpose Journal (February '18)

A Journey of Self-Awareness

By Balance PeriodPublished 5 years ago 8 min read

(2/1/18) Things are moving forward. My business is taking shape. I'm blessed to have the resources to help guide me through this process. God has placed them here for a reason.

Continue to learn. Continue to grow... I feel like I have been learning, but my growth has been minimal. That comes from a lack of me DOING some of the things I know I need to do. Today changes all that. My routine is so much better than what it was before, but I know I can/will do better. What God has for me requires time and perseverance (among other things). I am willing and able to give/use both. Sometimes I get caught up in things that just don't matter: Social media, my ex, my past in general... I'm doing much better in curving these thoughts, but I know I can/will do even better. I understand this is a process. I am enjoying myself along the way.

(2/2/18) I know what I need to do.

I am constantly getting new and great ideas. Innovative, but it seems like nothing really has come from them quite yet. I know this will not be the case for long, but in the meantime, I feel like I can be more productive with my time.

I will begin to write out a daily to-do list. This list will carry over each day and will keep me on task, as my mind tends to wander. This isn't always a bad thing, but it can be if I allow it to.

(2/6/18) Time seems to move fast at times and slow at others. Fast when I want it slow and slow when I want it fast. Time. I create it. It works for me, not the other way around. So now time moves fast when I want it fast, and slow when I want to chill (appreciate). I appreciate both. Different, yet each powerful in its own time.

I've been doing a better job of DOING. I'm so used to just letting my imagination run wild and never acting on it, but I've come to realize that living like that will not take me where I want to be. It has been a process, and I can be hard on myself at times, but I am doing a much better job of letting go and moving forward. The more I consciously do it, the better I'll get. Efficiency is key.

(2/11/18) I am DRIVEN. I am FULL of LOVE. I am GRATEFUL. I am HUMBLE. Even though my immediate future isn't 100 percent clear to me, I am still at peace. My bank account is at the lowest it has ever been, but I have yet to be in a situation where I wasn't able to get what I need. I am at peace. Thank you, Lord.

Do. Just do. You know what that means. Be proud of who you are. Never let your voice go unheard... when it needs to be heard. Be of good courage. I am with you. There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Continue to Learn. Continue to Grow. I will do the rest. Rest.

(2/14/18) Love. I've seen a lot of it today. People filled up social media with pictures of their significant others. Part of me thought, "Most of these people probably aren't even happy. They are only posting this just to say they have a Valentine." Soon after, I readjusted my thinking to a more positive position. I am genuinely happy for all those people who have someone. Regardless of what's going on in their lives, they have someone who they have had enough great times with to want to make a post about how much they love them.

For me, I love ME. I've grown to love my entire self. I've watched my love grow from just superficial (my body) to love for my soul. This love didn't just come out of nowhere though. God's unconditional love for me was the template I used to truly love myself.

Look within to find what you need. You will hear and you will know. I am always with you and willing to take you where you need to go. Just let me. I got you. I got us. Now and forever.

(2/15/18) Time. Sometimes I feel like there are not enough hours in the day. I know there are lots of things I need to do, but I don't know how I will get them all done. I guess I don't need to know exactly how. I know God will take me where I need to be. I just feel like my to-do list is longer than the time I have to complete it. I listened to some tips on how to plan and execute today. Tomorrow morning, I will reevaluate my current list of things to do and use this new model to begin to get shit done. I gotta get more shit done. But I know "I" don't have to do anything, but using my time more wisely will put me in the best position to make moves when God guides me to. The more organized I am, the more I can learn and the more I can GROW. Exactly what God has been leading me to do.

Pray. Plan. Prepare. Produce. This is the KEY to success.

(2/21/18) Take hold of the blessings I have laid before you. Look at yourself. Appreciate where you are and know that you are worth more now than ever before. Your mind is precious. Protect it. I will continue to put you in positions to fulfill my divine destiny for your life. You are GREAT. Know that. Believe that. Live that.

(2/22/18) Take time to continue to study yourself. The more you know about yourself, the more you will believe in yourself.

The more I learn, the more I grow. If there is ever a roadblock (consideration, fear, life) all I have to do is recenter myself and I am given the next step to continue my progress. I know/have been shown what my future looks like. I know my GOALS and I know I have a team that is dedicated to making sure I fulfill these goals to the best of my ability.

(2/23/18) My future is clear. The Lord continues to guide my life in the direction He has for me to go. The prosperity I have been blessed with is just one of the many ways God shows me I am exactly where I need to be. My growth is daily.

The more that you learn, the more capable you will be to live the best life, your best life, the life I have called you to live. Overcome division with LOVE. Be mindful of what you are thinking. Take control of your thoughts and fix your mind towards Me. Renew your mind. Continue to learn. Continue to grow.

(2/24/18) I am...

Here to create. Here to listen to the thoughts of others and use them as options. Successful at everything I put my hand on. Everything I imagine myself to be. A product of faith and a foundation in the Lord. Rich, both in mind and in my bank account. Free of debt, owing no man. Creative in all that I do. Proud of my voice and never let it go unheard. Confident in who I am and who is leading me. I am loved by my friends, friends, and people who respect and value their relationship with me. A prosperous business owner who uses his voice to touch the lives of people all over the world. Without fear. Full of love and I have the desire to share this love with each and person/thing I come in contact with. Guided by the Lord. Healthy, fully healthy, in the best health I have ever been. Stronger now than I've ever been, both mentally and physically. Doing what I love, led by God. A day away from propelling forward into my career. Rested, even when my nights are late and my mornings are early. Bold, asserting my opinion with confidence and grace. Important to many people, and necessary in connecting people with God. Humble and understand this is not by my doing, I am not orchestrating any of this. Aware that my steps are being led by the Lord, guided by His divine purpose for my life. Always willing to receive others' perspectives and take them as an opportunity to learn and grow. Dope. Wise beyond my years. Knowledgeable about business and money and use this knowledge to spread love and positivity through my prosperity. A work in progress who is destined for greatness by the Lord Himself.


(2/26/18) Your mind is precious. Protect it. Learn when and where to freely express yourself. Remember, LOVE yourself, LOVE people. Every interaction should be driven by love. You will continue to touch lives and provide stability/wealth to the people you employ.

(2/27/18) I am blessed to have the I do over my mind and what I CHOOSE to think, every minute of every day. God has shown me that this power comes from Him, but I am able to use it freely. And it's unlimited! Gotta love that. My source is GREAT, the greatest. As He is, so am I... now, until the day I depart from this physical vessel.

(2/28/18) You possess many gifts but EMPATHY is your most valuable. Your ability to use it to better the lives of others will be what you are KNOWN for. That will be your legacy. Continue to learn. Continue to grow.

Written by Raymond Achille

self help

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Balance Period

Sharing stories of self discovery.

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