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If you want something bad enough it’s highly likely you’ll get it

Most people convince themselves they “want” things, but in reality they just kinda want it

By Lovesh AttriPublished 3 months ago 3 min read
If you want something bad enough it’s highly likely you’ll get it
Photo by Nicholas Cappello on Unsplash

“If You Want Something Bad Enough, You’ll Get It”


We’ve all heard the saying: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” It encapsulates the essence of human determination and the power of unwavering desire. When you want something badly enough, you become unstoppable. In this article, we’ll delve into the psychology behind this phenomenon and how it shapes our actions.

The Fire Within

1. The Burning Desire

Think about a goal or dream that keeps you awake at night. Maybe it’s starting your own business, writing a novel, or climbing Mount Everest. Whatever it is, that burning desire is the fuel that propels you forward. It’s more than a passing interest; it’s an obsession. When you want something bad enough, it consumes your thoughts, waking and sleeping.

Consider the story of J.K. Rowling, the author of the beloved Harry Potter series. She faced rejection after rejection from publishers, but her desire to share her magical world with the world never wavered. She persisted until she found a publisher who believed in her vision. That burning desire transformed her life and the lives of millions of readers.

2. The Sacrifices

Desire alone isn’t enough. You must be willing to make sacrifices. Late nights, missed social events, and relentless effort become part of your routine. You give up comfort, leisure, and sometimes even sleep. But every sacrifice brings you closer to your goal. You realize that the price of success is paid in sweat and determination.

Think of Olympic athletes who dedicate years to their sport. They sacrifice time with family, endure grueling training sessions, and push their bodies to the limit. Why? Because they want that gold medal more than anything else. Their unwavering desire fuels their commitment.

The Journey

1. Persistence Pays Off

Persistence is the secret sauce. It’s the ability to keep going when others give up. Imagine Thomas Edison relentlessly experimenting with light bulbs, failing thousands of times before finally succeeding. His famous quote, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work,” epitomizes the spirit of persistence.

Consider the story of Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC. He faced rejection after rejection when trying to sell his fried chicken recipe. But he didn’t give up. Instead, he traveled from restaurant to restaurant, sharing his secret blend of herbs and spices. It took over a thousand rejections before he found a partner who believed in his vision. Today, KFC is a global brand, all because of Sanders’ persistence.

2. Overcoming Setbacks

Life throws curveballs. Obstacles appear, setbacks happen, and doubts creep in. But if you want something bad enough, setbacks become stepping stones. They’re not roadblocks; they’re part of the journey. You learn, adapt, and keep moving forward. Remember, every successful person has a story of overcoming adversity.

Think of Oprah Winfrey, who faced a challenging childhood and numerous setbacks. She was fired from her first television job and told she wasn’t fit for the industry. But her desire to make a difference fueled her resilience. She persisted, eventually becoming one of the most influential media moguls in history.

The Mindset Shift

1. From “Can I?” to “How Can I?”

When you truly want something, your mindset shifts. Instead of asking, “Can I achieve this?” you start asking, “How can I achieve this?” It’s a subtle but profound change. Suddenly, challenges become opportunities. You seek solutions, connect with mentors, and explore uncharted paths. The impossible becomes possible.

Consider Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX and Tesla. His desire to revolutionize space travel led him to ask, “How can I make humanity a multi-planetary species?” He didn’t settle for the status quo; he aimed for the stars. His unwavering desire drove him to create groundbreaking technologies and push the boundaries of what’s possible.

2. The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. When you focus intensely on your desire, you attract the right circumstances, people, and opportunities. Call it serendipity or cosmic alignment, but when your desire is unwavering, the universe conspires to help you. Doors open, connections form, and magic happens.

Think of Steve Jobs, who desired to create beautiful, user-friendly technology. His passion attracted like-minded individuals who shared his vision. Together, they transformed the world with products like the iPhone and iPad. Jobs’ unwavering desire set the stage for Apple’s success.


In the grand tapestry of life, desire is the thread that weaves dreams into reality. So, if you want something bad enough, go after it with all your heart. Embrace the sleepless nights, the sacrifices, and the setbacks. Trust that the universe aligns with your unwavering desire. Remember Berton Braley’s words:

“If you want a thing bad enough

To go out and fight for it,

Work day and night for it,

Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it…

You’ll get it!”

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About the Creator

Lovesh Attri

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