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If I Had All The Money In The World...

Hard Truths We Need To Tell Ourselves

By Johnny NezhaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There was a meme that was ubiquitous online on social media and I know we have all seen it. It went like this: “If you could choose between a billion dollars and world peace, what color would you buy Lamborghini?” I remember laughing very hard at the sight of such genius wit, but at the same time I was thinking, if this wasn’t just an hypothetical, do you think there would actually be people that would choose the money over world peace? As of 2021, the answer is still an astounding YES! I know it, you know it, everyone knows it. This is why many problems today simply cannot be uprooted because we just do not care for each other and that’s why we stymie ourselves to self-fulfillment and happiness. But let me ask you this question, what if YOU were given the “real” chance to have all the money in the world, and never run out of it, where would you drive your efforts and energies toward? You are the first trillionaire of the world, you are wealthier than some G-20 countries. Would you donate the money? Would you do charity? Would go on a power trip and say “now that I have money, I want to taste power and authority” (like our twice impeached 45th President of the United States of America). Would you be a Mother Theresa? Or would you be an Elon Musk and shoot rockets to reach space? What would you do?

It’s quite a contiguous matter we're speaking of here. The ability to perform actions and the will to wanting to do them are not that far apart. Many people say “Oh I would love to be able to help more people, but I cannot afford it right now, I got bills to pay.” or “Oh I would love to try solving that problem that has been haunting me for years now, but my circumstances just do not allow it”. Well for starters, I know what I would do, and this is what I am doing currently even without having a billion dollars in plain liquidity at my Chase Sapphire Checking Account. I am currently trying to launch a startup named “Khleon” that focuses on the 16 Personalities of the Jungian Theory and MBTI to help all the 8 Billion souls living on earth to heuristically understand and communicate with each other ad hoc through all the big variety of the personality types we possess. For example, I am an ENTJ, which stands for E as in Extraverted, N as in Intuitive, T as in Thinking, and J as in Judging. Basically this points out that, I, Johnny Nezha, am an Extrovert, I analyze the world through my Intuition, I am a Thinking type, which means I think rationally and pragmatically rather than using feelings as a filter, and I perform in a Judging manner (which is not inferring to judging other people as the term might falsely direct our perception toward), but means that I am organized, I like scheduling and I like having to-do lists with me at all times. The above description I just made is not an exhaustive explanation of the Personality Type, I am merely being concise and succinct for practicality purposes of this story. I think that if we learn to comprehend that we are not all the same, that we differ and in how we relate to the world, and that we are here for different purposes without us subtracting life-worthiness points away from each other, I could be able to bring some softer version of world peace, tolerance and a deeper more profound understanding of the human species while also making a billion dollars, why not? I do not intake money as an ego-maniac that needs to feel superior to other people and masquerade or disguise some sort of underlying inferiority complex about myself, I see money as freedom. Money is not evil if we do not make it. Money buys us choices, options, access to better things, it enhances our lives for the better and it makes our existence worth our while. Money is something we have, not something we are, contrary to what popular Hollywood and Social Media culture is trying to shove down our throats. Money and Capitalism are not the source of all evil, greed, envy and jealousy are, and we are unambiguously using the system as a tool to reflect our corrupt intentions.

So if you happen to fall under a windfall of cash flow, do something extraordinary with it. Be honest, be nice, and be thoughtful of your duty to society.


About the Creator

Johnny Nezha

ENTJ-A. Founder & CEO At Khleon. I question everything. I’m driven by intense purpose; aiming for the pinnacle in the pursuit of self-actualization. I analyze for a living. Dismantling illusions since 1994.

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