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I Might Die For This...

Secrets you should never know.

By Freddy TPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
I Might Die For This...
Photo by Mathias P.R. Reding on Unsplash

The crazy person is the one who lives through it all. This is commonly known and has been echoed within art and even Biblical stories. When everyone else does not believe, you must believe. The truth is that in every waking moment, your thoughts decide your reality. Time and time again, ancient axioms continue to state that "a man is what he thinks about". If you feel oppressed then you will attract oppressive situations, that is the whole of it. It gets no plainer or simpler, this is especially apparent in great business minds. You have heard the speeches of mental fortitude and envisioning success before it is seen, so why not do it?

What is even weirder is that you have also heard axioms that live on even in modern times. "Nothing is new under the sun", Everything is everything, "We are all connected in some way or another". These sayings live on, and one should incorporate "forever truths" into their life for better living. Incorporation of these truths is vital to everything you wish to accomplish.

The next secret of life is the development of what is called inner silence. An example of having inner silence is as such: Someone angers you to the point of aggression, you know the appropriate response, however, since your mind is not silent you react by punching the person in the face. You now face a charge of aggravated assault against you. Having the inner silence ability allows you to be able to destroy all self/external judgment because it allows you to accept what happens in reality without another voice. Inner silence also restores awe in everyday life due to your mind processing phenomena without expectation. Moreover, inner silence eliminates inner dialogue that may dampen your ability to easily manipulate your external reality through ungovernable emotions.

If every day your mind is churning 24/7 then all you are thinking about is thoughts themselves. If one cannot control their thoughts, then the external phenomena of the world will do it for them. This type of carelessness can lead to narcissism, selfish tendencies as well as the formation of prejudices. If one cannot give oneself a break from thinking, deadening the senses comes next in the mix. This is done through external means such as alcohol etc...

By no means am I calling these things evil or detrimental to your journey however, no one needs these things to be any more effective at life. Going forward, the techniques regarding stillness, meditation, self-control, all have one thing in common.... quiet. If you stay quiet in most situations, you will reap remarkable results. Couple this with a comfortable position and constant slow breath and you start to "become", more on this later.

Another secret that all must know is that the world is a reflection of itself and you. This is in all facets of life. A car is nothing more than your feet made more mobile; a bird's wings are the wings of an airplane. Let's get even deeper... the internet is an extension or replication of your brain. Can we not think of almost anything? The same way you can almost search anything on the internet and get any answer or idea. With this in mind you can authentically and realistically become anything you want because you ARE everything. Reaching an even greater question, what is the reflection of the universe?

The answer to the question is the practice of becoming. What is still, yet moves? What is conscious but is not awake? These questions only have the universe as their answer. The same way you can be still and breath, the same way you can be conscious of yourself but not be awake. This the process of becoming part of the universe. Of course, this practice would open you up to things you could only experience instead of describe, there are no words to encompass the vast and mysterious nature of the universe except for

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About the Creator

Freddy T

Make everyday a day you enjoy. I provide life learning in a variety of ways. Lets co-create together. Read and Believe!

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