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I Believe

Ideas I know to be true

By Jean SumrallPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
I Believe
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash


I believe in the innate goodness of this planet, Mother Earth. I believe in the kindness of people in the midst of disaster. I believe in the kindness of people taking care of the animals, the land, the waters, the air and all growing plants. I believe that good will always conquer evil. I believe in the strength and commitment of the galactic angelic warriors who fight evil wherever it is found, always seeking to locate the ones who think they are in control of the minds of man. I believe in the power of women who rise up fiercely to take on anyone who threatens their children, their way of peaceful life and who stand firm with the power of the Ascended Masters and Archangels to bring Mother Earth back to her future glory as the paradise she was meant to be.

I believe that soon all people will awaken to the divine light within their hearts and stand together with courage for the sake of planet. I believe that people all over the Earth will look within themselves and discover that everything they need was there all along. I believe that all people will turn their backs on technology, seeing that it is all contrived to separate them from their true nature, and indeed, Nature herself.

I believe that humans will return to the source of their creation with understanding that no matter what deity they believe in, they are all aspects of the Divine Creator who blessed this planet with divine intention from the beginning. I believe that all humans will come to the understanding that we are all connected to each other and our creator. I believe we are brother and sisters, children of a greater creative source who loves us only as a parent with a loving heart can.

I believe that all people will place their trust in the inner guidance they need to heal themselves as well as to heal others with the power of unconditional love, the most powerful energy that exists. I believe in the strength and determination of committed divine warriors to bring this planet back to her original glory as a paradise for all to live safely, in peace and abundance.

I believe that each one of us has a vested interest in turning to the Light and away from darkness. I believe and KNOW that all is within our power to change our lives. I believe that living a heart-centered life is the way to true happiness and personal power. I believe that every time I heal something within me, another person is also healed and from that, another person and another person. I believe that healing spreads as quickly as possible when people move out of their minds and drop into their hearts for the truth of their existence.

I believe that each one of us can create a heaven on earth for ourselves. I believe that Love truly is all there is. I believe that when we live our lives from our heart, love exists in all we do. I believe that when we live and experience our lives through our heart, all that we do is love-based. I believe that our souls were created in love, and it is love that returns us to who we came here to be – a reflection of the great love of our Creator. I believe that if we all stand in the light of truth, peace and love, we will conquer all fear that lives within us and become the true image of an enlightened soul. I believe that our calling is the highest level of a spiritual being, that of unconditional love.

I believe in you.

self help

About the Creator

Jean Sumrall

I have led an amazing life with many varied interests including loving road trips, being a professional belly dancer, hand carving selenite, providing wise woman advice and intuitive readings for current problems. I love my life. Do you?

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