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I Am Done!

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"I am done with the past, the future has plenty of room for change." - Cyrile Dayao

Have you ever experienced a time in your life where someone, or something, was just unrelenting in upsetting you, causing you pain, causing you stress, causing you heartache, causing you suffering, causing you hardship, or causing you continual unhappiness? Did it become so bad that you just reached breaking point, leading you to blurt out words to the effect of "I'm done", or "I'm over it", or "I've had enough of this"? You'd certainly be a rare case if there hasn't been some time in your life in which you just simply had enough of someone, or something, that was continually getting you down. I know I have had many such times in my life. A couple of these instances spring to mind. I previously had a girlfriend who was just constantly negative, and constantly moody, and it came to a point where I became so frustrated, that I finally ended the relationship. I was just so over going from being in a happy, positive, and cheerful mood, to a grumpy, angry, and annoyed, mood, following every second conversation with this particular girl. She just had this knack of dragging me down, and making me feel bad. Even despite having several conversations with her about how she was making me feel, and how her negativity and moods were affecting me, nothing changed. That was just a part of her personality unfortunately, and it's a shame she was unable to control her emotions. Personally, I don't believe it's the right thing to do, in asking someone to change for us, and I didn't go down that path of asking her to change for me, but it became apparent that we just weren't compatible together. I needed someone like minded, more positive, optimistic, and supportive. The solution to my unhappiness in the relationship aspect of my life, was that I had to make a change. As much as I didn't want to have to break her heart, or anyone else's for that matter, I had no other choice, as I was tired of how she was making me feel sad and unhappy all the time. A relationship shouldn't feel like that, so I developed the courage to break it off with her. It was one of the toughest things I have ever had to do, yet it was necessary!

The second instance I have spoken about quite a lot in my blog entries, probably because it was one of the best decisions of my life. After having worked in the corporate world for 21 years, the final 10 of the years being in one financial institution, I was well and truly done. No corporate jobs were delivering me the satisfaction and fulfillment I was seeking, nor were any of them providing me with a real passion and motivation. I tried job hopping, and was still never happy. That was never the right answer! So bad was this last job, that I ended up becoming so sick and tired of the unrelenting sales pressure, the poor management, the long hours, the excessive amount of unpaid overtime, the staff shortages, the unrealistic workload, the inflexibility, and the lack of job satisfaction. It's fair to say that I hated this job, so much that I despised it. So bad was the job making me feel, that it ended up being the root cause for my depression. I knew that job hopping wasn't the answer in the past, so I also knew I needed to come up with a new solution. Once again, what it all came back to was having the courage to make a change. Much to the disapproval of my wife, my mum, and other family members and loved ones, I ended up handing in my resignation. I took the risk of parting ways with a half decent fortnightly guaranteed income, to starting my own business. I never owned or ran a business before, and the industry I entered into I had no experience in either. As most business owners would know, things don't pan out the way we plan necessarily, and I wasn't generating the results I was hoping for, which resulted in financial pressure for my family and I. I then ended up transitioning into a different business industry after a year or so, as this particular business model wasn't my passion either, and since then, I have loved every single day of my work. Considering we spend 45 years of our life working, it's so important to be doing something we are passionate about. Not always is about the money, but instead, it's more about the happiness and satisfaction.

Whatever the circumstances, sometimes we end up staying with someone, or sticking with something, because we feel obliged to, or we are scared of the ramifications if we were to end things. As much as we don't like it, we become accustomed to certain people and circumstances, because we feel more comfortable in sticking to what we know, rather than moving on to circumstances we don't know, or aren't accustomed to. The problem is, the longer we leave it, the more pain, suffering, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction, we feel. It's why we reach breaking point, that moment where we can't take it any longer, and we've had enough. We are literally done! So many of us are guilty though of reaching this point, and we acknowledge that we need to make changes, but yet we still retreat back into the same circumstances, because we become so fearful of change and the uncertainty of what our future will hold. It's that good old saying "better the devil you know, than you don't know". The thing is, we assume that the devil we don't know is actually a devil, when the truth is, it is, more often than not, an angel, rescuing us from a place in which we don't belong, and guiding us to our destiny. We settle for unhappiness, hurt, suffering, pain, and the like, all because we are too afraid of the unknown, too afraid of change.

One thing that has become more and more clearer to me, over the past few years, is that the most important aspects of life are our happiness and our health. Everything else should taken second place, including our family, our career, our finances, and our relationships. We should always be making decisions, and prioritizing the actions, that are leading us to happiness and good health in life. If we are not happy or healthy, then we need to be making the relative decisions and changes to ensure we are focusing on designing a happy and healthy life for ourselves. We are no good to either ourselves, nor anyone else, if we are not happy, positive, healthy, and energetic. We are not being the best version of ourselves that we could be. Part of the pathway to happiness is achieving our goals, so we should always be prioritizing the actions that are progressing towards our goals also. We need to take a good snapshot of our life at present, and identify any areas in which we are unhappy, dissatisfied, unfulfilled, and in which we are failing, and we need to find the courage within ourselves to make changes. Don't be afraid of change, or the unknown, because natural instinct will always kick in for survival, moving forward. The pathway will become clearer, the decisions and actions needed will become apparent, and you will step up to do what you need to do to survive, achieve your goals, and achieve the happiness you desire. Things may be awkward and uncomfortable for a period of time, but this is natural. With the right attitude, mindset, and work ethic, time will ensure that the future will be a rewarding and successful one. So if you've reached the point where you feel like you're done with someone or something, and you're over it, are you going to prove to yourself that you do have the courage to end what's making you unhappy, and causing you pain, or are you going to continue on in life being miserable, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled?

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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