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How to Turn Your Weakness into Your Advantage

The secrets to acquiring success most successful people do

By Zidni Ilman AkmaluddinPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Turn Your Weakness into Your Advantage
Photo by Den Harrson on Unsplash

Most of us see weaknesses as the things that hold us back from making the best out of ourselves. Weakness causes people to be vulnerable and full of life problems. It suppresses your inner potential to achieve something you crave and want to make happen.

Let's say you have a weakness in writing and you avoid writing for the entirety of your life, so it goes like this:

  • You’re afraid to write because other people's opinions of your writing are more important than your own improvement and necessity
  • Then you never take action to write
  • Eventually, you never ever write anything in your life
  • Suddenly, someone asks you to write or you want to express your feelings or opinion in a written form
  • In the end, you get overwhelmed to write and unable to deliver the expectation of someone else writing requests or you can’t fully convey what is in your mind to the audience

Weakness only adds more misery. Your weakness is the way for you to live your life miserably. However, not everyone sees weakness the same as most normal people do. Certain people use their weaknesses as a tool or vehicle to succeed in life.

Most successful people understood really well that weakness is actually an opportunity to achieve success or victory over their obstacles or problems. Weakness no longer becomes a problem or obstacle but rather a path to attaining massive abundance in this precious world full of uncovered gems.

They harness their weaknesses as the key to unlocking great fortune, hiding and waiting to be picked up by them.

So how do most successful people use their weaknesses to their advantage? There are 3 steps for turning your weakness into your advantage. Here is what you need to know.


One thing all successful people in the world need to know in order to turn their weaknesses into their arsenal in achieving immense success or fortune is that they must accept their weaknesses first.

Accepting weakness isn't the same as letting your weakness rampant and taking control over your life. It means acknowledging the weakness and stopping to handle things or events you can’t control, such as your weakness.

Instead of trying to overcome and be in charge of your weakness, like any successful person in every era in this world will do, they set out to find another alternative. This alternative helps them to explore their true strength, which is covered by their weakness all the time.

The story of the third president of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, will give you a clear picture of what acceptance looks like in real life. Ryan Holiday in his book “The Obstacle Is The Way” said Thomas Jefferson was a terrible public speaker. His oratory skill was far below any other orators.

However, his love for politics didn’t let his weakness manipulate his future political career. He knew he can’t speak as powerful and impactful as other orators. So he channeled his passion into another medium, that is writing.

Acknowledging weakness seems harder than it says. It might be easier to say but to apply it, in reality, takes a lot of courage, willpower, and ‌practice. Accepting your weakness allows you to explore something far more powerful within you, that is your advantage over something or ability.

You can now focus on searching and strengthening your powerful advantage.

Focus on the present

What I love about successful people in their daily life is that they are often present. Present means you or everyone else that lives now, right in the very present, fully enjoys the moment, without thinking about what had happened before or what would have happened tomorrow.

Whenever some thoughts come across your mind while doing some work, it shows you aren’t focused. You only want to do things right in front of you. That’s it. Whether it’s good or bad, it’s not up to us. You’re not entitled to the outcome, you are only responsible for the process.

Let the audience or people decide. But never forget to take notes on criticism. Always take notes and constructive feedback. Learn them. Re-learn it again and again until you’re proven for crafting such a masterpiece. That’s what most successful people do. They focus and do their best in the present, every day, every time.

Being present is an excellent way for getting your weakness gone, bit by bit. When you focus only on your true strength, you won't have the time for the drawback. Why would someone go a long way for their weakness, when it did no better than harm?

Focus on mastering your strength and your weakness turns to your advantage sooner.

Bring value and meaningful impact

The pattern of successful people's traits is usually how they could give a meaningful impact on millions of lives with their ideas, products, or actions.

You don’t have to build a billion-dollar company, sell perfect products, or have ideas like an ancient philosopher to bring value and affect the lives of millions of people.

Do you think Steve Jobs would have known that his company, Apple, will be so successful right now? Even after his death? Nope, but his everyday actions did. Commitment to pursuing creativity, to make people's life easier and simpler, is what Jobs and his legacy did that brought tremendous change to society.

To help make one life better than before is as valuable as gold or worth of it. This can be your way to turn your weakness into your advantage. If you have nothing to offer, you can bring your personal story that has a lesson within, and it's still helpful.

Have you had an experience with anxiety, toxic relationships, or business loss? Just tell those stories to people. Who knows they might come in handy for people who are truly in need. It can give the people in those adversity insights into their next moves.

There is always something inside of you or from you that can change or guide people in this crowded world. Value and positive impact ‌will keep you going after each error and trial.

Every weakness is an opportunity for greater learning and making lives better.

Final Thoughts

I’ve read some of the famous authors' books that talk about successful people. How they turn their weakness into a complete advantage in their life is what we should’ve learned earlier and from our younger days.

To recap, turning a weakness into a tool or vehicle in digging a path of advantage and abundance in this world, you first accept everything as it is, not less, not more, and not added. Just A as an A.

Second, focus on the present, on the tasks at hand. Working your way out and keep on learning your true strength until it benefits you and makes you succeed in your life.

Third, ‌turn the tide of weakness upside down as a platform for making people's lives better than before. Add value and positive, meaningful impact on what you do that keeps you going no matter what happens.

By implementing the above ideas as practical action, you can now successfully achieve an advantage over your weakness.


About the Creator

Zidni Ilman Akmaluddin

Blogger on Medium and a rising freelancer talent on Upwork. I love writing and spreading positivity whenever I can. I believe every people have the right to get their voice heard and to grow their own authenticity.

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