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How to Stop Over-Baking (Your Thoughts)

We All Need Some Pepper to Sneeze Overthinking Away.

By Potatoes and TomatoesPublished 5 years ago 1 min read
Baking disasters!  

Recently, I have been into baking. Very. It is not the idea that having all the good food to eat after I bake that interests me, but rather the idea of escaping from the reality. The truth is, I double-bake (is that even a word?) Right now, I am baking a mocha cake along with chocolate chip cookies. Not sure how they’d turn out because my eyes selectively become blind when it comes to recipes.

I was making the batter for my chocolate chip cookies. And even though I have been in a cooking society for three years, my cooking instinct didn’t save me from the baking jungle. So many times that I snapped back to reality and realized that I haven’t been looking at the recipe. I haven’t been using the butter. I haven’t turned on the oven. And many times I realized that it was just me overthinking my thoughts and then I slowly drift away, and away, and away.

This piece wasn’t meant to be inspirational, in any way at all. It is just intended as a piece that hopes to wake people who over-bake their thoughts up. Stop whisking your thoughts and putting them into the batter (yourself) and blaming the end result (you)! We all need some pepper to make us sneeze out of our thoughts of whatever, never-functioning relationships (one-sided crushes), she-hates-me-such-a-b*tch issues, jealous of other people’s success etc... As if our brain’s reticular formation is not overworking enough, in this chaotic society when everything is almost a messed-up batter, we need to sometimes...

Take the time to stop. Take a breath. And have that sudden realization of, "Oh… wait. So I have been doing this without realizing it at all."

I am sure that everyone has these overthinking moments when they sink in their embarrassment reminiscing baths and drown themselves—I do that too. When that happens, surprisingly, the best solution for me is just to talk to someone. Your mum. Your dad. Your sister. Your neighbor who only speaks Chinese. Your dog. Your plant. Your plushies. Your mirror. Your best friend who is a bin for all your rants. Throw your mind cookies out. Give them a treat. And make sure that they are nice cookies under perfect conditions—free of complaining, profanity and hypocritical judgements.


About the Creator

Potatoes and Tomatoes

We all need some pepper to sneeze out our bad thoughts!

Not a professional author but a punfessional writer.

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