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How To Stay Positive In The Most Negative And Demanding Moments?

Here Are a Few Tips to Help You

By HassanPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
How To Stay Positive In The Most Negative And Demanding Moments?
Photo by Katrina Wright on Unsplash

Life is hard. It's not always easy, and it's rarely fair. However, I've learned that the most important thing I can do is stay as positive as possible. This is essential for mental health and overall happiness. And while some days are more complicated than others, it's important to remember that there are always solutions if you look hard enough. Even one small step in the correct direction can make all of the difference in how you see yourself or your situation at any given time. This article will look at ways to stay positive and make the most of your life.

Know What Triggers You

To be positive in the most damaging and demanding moments, you need to know what makes you tick. The most straightforward and uncomplicated way to do this is by keeping a journal for two weeks (or longer, if it takes that long for your triggers to reveal themselves). During this time frame, think about your day-to-day life and how your mood fluctuates. If something makes you feel bad or sad instantly, write it down. If something makes you feel good, write that down too.

The next step is identifying which of these things triggers anger or sadness—and then avoiding them like the plague! For example, if seeing an Instagram post from someone prettier than you sends those emotions bubbling up inside you, don't follow that person on Instagram anymore.

By Christian Erfurt on Unsplash

Practice Self-Talk to Take Yourself Out of That Negative Space

You can also practice self-talk to take yourself out of that negative space. Self-talk is just a way of re-framing your thoughts. This allows you to control how you react and respond, even in the most challenging situations. When we get caught in our heads, we easily get caught up in negativity and worry. We can also become our worst enemies as we berate ourselves for not doing well enough, not being smart enough, or whatever other standards might be holding us back from our true potential.

Self-talk is the opposite of this; it's a way of re-directing your thoughts toward something that brings more positivity into your life and helps you achieve tremendous success in whatever ways are meaningful for YOU!

Learn to Remove the Negative People From Your Life

You may not be able to control what happens to you, but you can control who is in your life. You have the power to remove negative people from your life. And I'm not just talking about people who are always complaining or being critical of others. I mean anyone who brings you down, tries to influence you negatively or makes decisions that don't support your goals and dreams.

One essential thing to do is to surround yourself with positive role models and mentors because they will motivate you by their example and help keep your mind focused on the right things in life (like success).

Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People

Surround yourself with positivity and like-minded people. Find others who are supportive of your ideas and positive in their outlook on life.

Find people who are kind, not only to others but also to themselves. This means they take care of themselves physically and mentally because they know how important it is to stay positive! Finally, good listeners who are great at problem-solving - not afraid to give advice when asked for it.

By Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Keep Your Goals in Mind

It's easy to get swayed by what others say, especially in the workplace. The key is to stay focused on your goals and not let other people's negativity get in your head.

The essential thing to do is keep your eye on the prize. If you've set tangible goals for yourself (and you should), those goals must remain top-of-mind throughout the day so you know where to steer yourself when things get tricky. If someone says something negative or takes away from your focus, remind yourself that they are doing it because they don't understand how badly you want this thing done. They're trying their best to be an annoyance, but all they're doing is wasting time on someone who could be spending all of their efforts on finishing their work.

When you're overwhelmed by life's ups and downs, it can be helpful to take a step back and think about the big picture.

Think About Solutions, Not Problems

It's easy to focus on the negative. You may be tempted to dwell on problems and think about how you've been wronged or how bad things will get. Don't do that! Instead of focusing on the issue, focus on solutions—how can you turn this situation around? What can you do right now?

It's also important not to be pessimistic in general. How we think and speak affects our actions and feelings, so if we're always saying negative things about ourselves or others around us, it will make us feel worse than if a positive person said those words instead.

Know if and When to Take a Break

Knowing when you need a break and how to take one is essential. Don't use a break from work as an excuse to avoid hard work. Sometimes, we'll use taking breaks as an excuse for not doing the things that scare us or make us uncomfortable—like working on something important. But that's not healthy! If you're going through something challenging, having a break can help you reevaluate what you're doing and come up with answers that might not have been available.

Don't use a break as an excuse to avoid your problems. Often, people put off difficult conversations with friends or family members because they don't want their feelings hurt (or they think it'll be easier on everyone if they wait until later). In reality, though? The longer someone waits around expecting someone else will do the dirty work, the harder it gets for them when it finally comes down to addressing those issues head-on. Of course, by then, there might be even more resentment between both parties involved because neither person has been able to move forward until now.

By Shane on Unsplash

Have Realistic Expectations of Yourself and Others Around You

Expecting yourself to be perfect is unrealistic, as no one is. Expecting others will always act perfectly is also unrealistic. The world isn't black and white; it's full of gray areas where people make mistakes and missteps. So don't expect perfection from others or yourself because those expectations will never be met.

Don't expect things to go exactly how you envisioned them in your head, especially concerning relationships (romantic or otherwise). The best-laid plans often mess up due to factors outside our control—traffic jams, wrong turns, and other people's mistakes—which may cause us frustration while trying our hardest at something else entirely.

Expecting others around you not only won't work either but can also lead down a path filled with resentment and bitterness towards others who are doing their best too.

The Right Kind of Mindset Can Help You Through Anything

Getting caught up in the negative and stressful moments of life is easy. It's easy to get overwhelmed by what other people say or how they act around you. But this is not the only way or doesn't have to be this way. If only for a moment, you can change your mindset and find ways through even the most challenging circumstances.

One important thing about changing your mindset is that it helps you take control of your emotions rather than letting them control you. Remaining in control of negative thoughts and feelings means that when those thoughts return—and they will—you don't have to fall back into a cycle of negativity or despair. Instead, you can use those thoughts as an opportunity for growth and reassessment instead of falling into old habits that might not serve your best interests in the long run.

Another thing about changing our perspectives is that it helps us realize we don't always need outside validation as much as we think we do (or at all). Of course, there's nothing wrong with wanting positive reinforcement from others. Still, sometimes this desire can become harmful because we put so much stock into other people's opinions or judgments regarding our worthiness. In reality, these things shouldn't matter nearly as much as they seem on paper, in conversation, or even within ourselves when no one else is around.

By sydney Rae on Unsplash

Final Thoughts

I hope this article can help you to take a step back and reevaluate your perspective. Remember that making mistakes is okay, and it's normal for us to have flaws. Try not to be so hard on yourself because we all have things about ourselves that we wish weren't true, but there's no use dwelling on them when so many other things are going right in our lives.

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About the Creator


I'm a data scientist by day and a writer by night, so you'll often find me writing about Analytics. But lately, I've been branching into other topics. I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them.

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  • Mescaline Brisset2 years ago

    Great article! Thank you.

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