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How to Overcome Buyer Objections and Sell Your Products

All Products and Services

By Binay SrivastavaPublished about a year ago 8 min read

Dear my friend,

Sales line offers a great career. This is the theme of this blog. Let’s begin:

You have an outstanding product that you know can solve your customers’ problems and make their lives better. But how do you convince them to buy it from you or your website? How do you stand out from the competition and persuade them to choose you over others?

I will share with you several proven strategies that will help you get more customers to buy your product from you online. These strategies are based on the principles of psychology, marketing, and customer service, and they are field-tested:

1. Attract more visitors to your website

2. Create a positive first impression and build trust

3. Highlight the benefits and value of your product

4. Overcome objections and doubts

5. Create a sense of urgency and scarcity

6. Provide a smooth and easy checkout process

7. Follow up and encourage repeat purchases

Let’s begin!

1. Drive Traffic to Your Website

The first step to getting more customers to buy your product is to get more people to visit your website. There are many ways to drive traffic to your website, such as:

Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website for relevant keywords and phrases that your potential customers are searching for online. This will help you rank higher on Google and other search engines and get more organic traffic.

Content marketing: Create valuable and engaging content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience. This can include blog posts, videos, podcasts, ebooks, infographics, etc. Content marketing can help you establish your authority, attract new visitors, and generate leads.

Social media marketing: Use social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to promote your content, product, and brand. Social media marketing can help you increase your reach, build relationships, and drive traffic to your website.

Email marketing: Build an email list of subscribers who are interested in your product or niche. Email marketing can help you communicate with your audience, nurture them, and persuade them to buy your product.

Paid advertising: Use paid channels like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, etc. to target your ideal customers based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, etc. Paid advertising can help you get instant results, test different offers, and scale your campaigns.

2. Leave Perfect First Impressions & Encourage to Discover More Content

Once you have visitors on your website, you need to make a good first impression and encourage them to explore more of your content. According to a study by Google, it takes only 50 milliseconds for users to form an opinion about a website. That means you have very little time to capture their attention and interest.

To leave a perfect first impression and encourage users to discover more content on your website, you need to:

Have a clear and catchy headline that summarizes what your product or website is about

Have a compelling value proposition that explains how your product can benefit your customers

Have a captivating hero image or video that showcases your product or brand

Have a simple and intuitive navigation that helps users find what they are looking for

Have a responsive and fast-loading design that works well on all devices and browsers

Have social proof elements like testimonials, reviews, ratings, logos, etc. that show credibility and trustworthiness

Have clear and visible calls-to-action (CTAs) that guide users to the next step

3. Build a Trust Relationship Between Your Brand and Customers

Trust is one of the most important factors that influence customers’ buying decisions. According to a survey by Edelman, 81% of consumers say that trust is a deal-breaker or a deciding factor when they buy from a brand.

To build trust with your customers online, you need to:

Be transparent and honest about who you are, what you do, and what you offer

Provide accurate and complete information about your product features, specifications, prices, shipping costs, etc.

Display security badges and certificates that show that your website is safe and secure

Offer guarantees, warranties, refunds, or free trials that reduce the risk for customers

Provide customer service channels like phone, email, chatbot, etc. that allow customers to contact you easily

Respond quickly and professionally to customer

4. Convey the Benefits of Your Product More Than Features

Customers don’t buy products for their features. They buy products for the benefits they provide. Benefits are the outcomes or results that customers get from using your product. They are the answers to the question: “What’s in it for me?”

To convey the benefits of your product more than features, you need to:

Identify your target audience and their pain points, goals, and desires

List the features of your product and how they solve your customers’ problems or fulfill their needs

Translate each feature into a benefit by using words like “so that”, “which means”, or “as a result”

Use emotional triggers like happiness, relief, satisfaction, etc. to appeal to your customers’ feelings

Use storytelling techniques like anecdotes, testimonials, case studies, etc. to show how your product has helped other customers

Storytelling: “I bought this smartwatch a few months ago and I love it. It motivates me to exercise more and monitor my heart rate. I feel healthier and happier than ever.” - John, satisfied customer

5. Keep the Customers Engaged with Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to keep your customers engaged and persuade them to buy your product. According to a study by Campaign Monitor, email marketing has an average return on investment (ROI) of 4400%, which means that for every $1 spent on email marketing, you can expect to earn $44.

To keep your customers engaged with email marketing, you need to:

Build an email list of subscribers who have given you permission to contact them

Segment your email list based on different criteria like demographics, interests, behaviors, etc.

Send personalized and relevant emails that match your subscribers’ needs and preferences

Provide value and useful information that educates, entertains, or inspires your subscribers

Include clear and compelling CTAs that urge your subscribers to take action

Test and optimize your email campaigns to improve your open rates, click-through rates, conversions, etc.

Some examples of email campaigns that you can use to persuade your customers to buy your product are:

Welcome emails: These are the first emails that you send to your new subscribers to introduce yourself, thank them for joining your list, and set their expectations for future emails.

Nurture emails: These are the emails that you send to your subscribers over time to build trust, rapport, and authority. They can include tips, guides, resources, stories, etc. that relate to your product or niche.

Promotional emails: These are the emails that you send to your subscribers when you have a special offer, discount, coupon, etc. that they can use to buy your product. They can also create urgency and scarcity elements like countdown timers, limited stock, etc. that create FOMO (fear of missing out).

Re-engagement emails: These are the emails that you send to your subscribers who have stopped opening or clicking on your emails. They can include surveys, feedback requests, special offers, etc. to re-engage them and bring them back to your website.

6. Make Your Offer to Convince Customers to Buy

The next step is to make your offer to your customers and convince them to buy your product. Your offer is not just your product price, but also the value proposition, the benefits, the bonuses, the guarantees, and the urgency that you provide.

To make your offer irresistible and convincing, you need to:

Show how your product can solve your customers’ problems or fulfill their needs better than any other alternative

Highlight the unique selling proposition (USP) of your product that sets you apart from the competition

Add bonuses or freebies that complement your product and increase its perceived value

Provide guarantees or warranties that reduce the risk for customers and increase their confidence

Create urgency or scarcity by using limited-time offers, countdown timers, stock indicators, etc. that create FOMO (fear of missing out) and prompt customers to act fast

Use social proof elements like testimonials, reviews, ratings, logos, etc. that show how other customers have benefited from your product and trust your brand

For example, if you sell a course on how to start a podcast, you might say:

Problem: You want to start a podcast but you don’t know how to do it

Solution: My course will teach you everything you need to know about podcasting in 30 days

USP: My course is the only one that includes live coaching sessions with me and access to a private community of podcasters

Bonus: If you enroll today, you will also get a free microphone and a podcast hosting plan for one year

Guarantee: If you are not satisfied with the course, you can get a full refund within 60 days

Urgency: This offer is only valid for the next 24 hours or until the spots are filled

Social proof: “This course is amazing! I learned so much and launched my podcast in just a few weeks. The coaching sessions were very helpful and the community was very supportive. I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to start a podcast.” - Sarah, happy student

7. Provide a Smooth and Easy Checkout Process

The final step is to provide a smooth and easy checkout process that allows your customers to buy your product without any hassle or friction. According to a study by Baymards Institute, the average cart abandonment rate is 69.8%, which means that almost 7 out of 10 customers who add a product to their cart don’t complete their purchase.

To provide a smooth and easy checkout process and reduce cart abandonment, you need to: have a clear and visible checkout button that guides customers to the next step

Have a simple and intuitive checkout form that asks only for the necessary information and avoids unnecessary fields or steps

Have multiple payment options that suit your customers’ preferences and needs

Have trust signals like security badges, certificates, logos, etc. that show that your checkout process is safe and secure

Have clear and detailed information about shipping costs, delivery time, return policy, etc.

Have exit-intent popups or email reminders that capture customers who are about to leave your website without buying


Getting more customers to buy your product online is not easy, but it is possible if you follow these seven proven strategies:

1. Drive traffic to your website

2. Leave perfect first impressions and encourage users to discover more content

3. Build trust with your customers online

4. Convey the benefits of your product more than features

5. Keep the customers engaged with email marketing

6. Make your offer irresistible and convincing

7. Provide a smooth and easy checkout process

By applying these strategies, you will be able to attract more visitors, convert more leads, and generate more sales for your online business.

If you need help with any of these strategies or want to learn more about how to grow your online business, feel free to contact me anytime. I’m here to help you succeed!



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