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How to Completely Rewire Your Brain for Success in 30 Days

Change your life in 30 days

By Neurodivergent_aiPublished about a year ago 6 min read
How to Completely Rewire Your Brain for Success in 30 Days
Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

Rewiring your brain for success in 30 days can seem daunting, but the benefits are incredibly rewarding. Taking on this challenge can have a transformative effect in your life, teaching you the new habits and techniques required to reach your goals.

Doing so doesn't have to be overwhelming - by committing to making small changes with an intention of creating lasting alterations, you can slowly but surely rewire your brain.

These will include taking time out every day to assess what went well and what didn't, as well as associated behaviors that could be improved upon; setting set achievable goals that build positively upon larger projects; and using positive self-talk to gain confidence in yourself.

Here, I will outline an effective plan to rewire your brain for success in 30 days:

What does it mean to rewire your brain for success?

Rewiring your brain for success means reprogramming your mind to more effectively achieve the goals that you set for yourself, whether personal or professional.

It's about creating new neural pathways in the brain that are dedicated to manifesting useful habits and behaviors associated with exceeding expectations. In other words, it's training and conditioning your mind to stay on track, no matter what obstacles come along.

By tapping into the power of your subconscious thinking, you can unlock your greatest potential and ultimately be successful. Rewiring your brain for success is about focusing on developing yourself -- and all the skills needed to accomplish the things you want in life -- all so you can craft a successful future, today!

Methods for rewiring your brain for success:

Here are some methods to help you begin the process of rewiring your brain for ultimate success:


Affirmations are powerful statements that people use to rewire their brains for success.

When we make these positive statements such as “I am worthy of great things” or “I will be successful in all I do”, the words will eventually penetrate our subconscious mind, thus altering our thought patterns and ultimately manifesting into reality.

Repetition is key with affirmations, so reciting them multiple times over the course of days or weeks can have exponential effects on our lives. In this way, affirmations create a new mindset, enabling us to thoughtfully take on challenges and learn from our experiences while providing us with the determination to keep going despite inevitable failures.

For example, if you have become frustrated with job hunting due to being rejected multiple times, thinking “Even if I don’t get this specific job, the universe has something bigger planned for me” can open you up in ways that weren't previously possible and point you toward more fulfilling opportunities.


Research has consistently proven that meditating regularly can deliver life-altering benefits. It can reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, ensure greater emotional regulation, and even help you perform better academically or professionally. But one of the most powerful ways meditation can effect transformation is through its ability to rewire your brain for success.

Through the act of meditation, those who practice it cultivate a strong connection between the conscious and subconscious minds, allowing them access to a new level of clarity.

With this heightened state of awareness, you can start to break negative thought patterns thereby opening up new pathways in your brain that lead to enhanced motivation and better decision-making - real building blocks for achieving long term success.

Identifying your problem areas

Unlocking success begins with analyzing the area of your life where you are not performing to your expectations. Identifying your problem areas helps you to gain insight into what changes must occur in order to help you reach a higher level of achievement and satisfaction.

Analyzing past mistakes, your current methods of conduct, and having a clear view of what needs work can be intimidating and uncomfortable, but entirely necessary for obtaining your desired outcome.

By honestly assessing where there are gaps and difficulties, you can build new habits that will allow you to develop better strategies for success. Challenge yourself to do the difficult work and start rewiring your brain for progress today!

Start rewiring your brain for success:

Step One: Set SMART Goals

SMART goals are a goal-setting approach that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Smart goals can help you rewire your brain for success by setting clear objectives that you can focus on achieving.

This helps to create clarity of purpose and strengthens the neural pathways in your brain associated with that purpose. By breaking your goals down into smaller achievable milestones it also creates motivation as you are able to track progress and reward yourself for each milestone achieved.

Additionally, having SMART goals provides an overall structure and framework for success which makes it easier to stay focused and motivated even when obstacles arise.

Step Two: Visualize Success

Visualizing success is an effective way to rewire your brain for success. According to research, visualizing as if you have already achieved your goal helps to activate the areas in the brain associated with motivation and success. When you visualize, take a few moments to really imagine what it would feel like to have achieved your goal.

Include all of the details such as sights, smells and sounds that will make it as real as possible. This helps create strong neural connections that can be used as a roadmap for achieving your goals in reality. Additionally, visualizing success can help increase self-esteem and confidence which can lead to greater motivation and perseverance when overcoming obstacles or setbacks along the way.

Some studies do support the idea that visualization can help to improve performance in sport and other areas of life however, more research is needed to consilidate the idea that we can visualize our way to a successful, happy life.

- Step Three: Adopt an Abundance Mindset

Understanding the abundance mindset

## **The key to abundance is meeting limited circumstances with unlimited thoughts.” Marianne Williamson**

An abundance mindset is a way of thinking that focuses on abundance instead of scarcity. This type of mindset believes that there is enough for everyone and perceives opportunities rather than limitations. It also encourages creativity and out-of-the-box thinking in order to maximize potential and achieve success.

Those with an abundance mindset are more likely to approach difficult tasks with optimism, setting achievable goals and looking for solutions in times of adversity. Others may also find that having an abundance mindset helps provide a higher level of motivation and the drive needed to succeed.

Step Four: Take Action Every Day

Taking action every day is a critical part of living a successful and happy life. By taking small, consistent steps each day towards your goals, you can slowly but surely achieve success. This can provide you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment as you reach milestones along the way.

Taking action also helps to increase self-confidence, empower yourself, and build momentum. Additionally, establishing routines such as exercise and good sleep habits can provide the energy boost needed to focus on more meaningful tasks throughout the day. All in all, taking tiny steps every day can make a big difference when it comes to achieving success and achieving happiness in life.


Living a successful and happy life requires a lot of effort. Rewiring your brain for success can be achieved by setting SMART goals, visualizing success, having an abundance mindset, and taking action every day. By putting in this effort consistently over time, you can create the conditions necessary to reach your goals and lead a meaningful life.


About the Creator


I combine my passion for technology, science and art, twisting them all through the lens of my neurodivergence. My aim is to raise awareness about various conditions and invisible disability surrounded by stigma, rejection and disbelief.

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