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How to become stronger inside

Learn to consistently embrace and shape your best self in three ways

By Dante D ShullPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

In life, we will find that the more adequate one's inner energy is, the better one will develop externally. The more adequate one's inner energy is, then the better the external opportunities will be.

When our inner energy is insufficient, we will find ourselves inhibited in both our actions. So learning to boost our inner life energy is fundamental to our growth and fulfillment.

The most important thing we can do to improve our inner energy is to learn to embrace ourselves and work consistently in three ways.

First, learn to be with ourselves

The truth is that life problems are caused by a poor relationship with oneself. If one cannot enjoy being with oneself, then our life will continue to focus on the outside world, always thinking that others are better than ourselves, or that others' lives are just better than ours when we put our focus on the outside, then our inner self will not settle down properly.

To enhance your inner life energy, you must first learn to be with yourself. It is when you know how to be with yourself that your inner life space will gradually open up.

A person who is not with himself can easily lead to the fact that although we are busy, our life is not enjoyable, but a heavy burden. When we don't have time to be still and feel ourselves, our inner self lives in a world of anxiety and busyness.

At this point, we feel inhibited in our ego's life no matter how much we have done. A good life is one that truly feels its own body and mind, its joys and sorrows.

Learning to be with ourselves is allowing ourselves the space to do things in a flowing way. Learning to embrace ourselves and learning to be with ourselves first is the key to being still and nourished in our lives.

Second, learn to take care of your body and mind

If we want to embrace ourselves, the most important thing we can do is to learn to take care of our bodies and mind. Body and mind are the carriers of our lives, and we first learn to be responsible for our own lives.

Very often, in our busy lives, we habitually take responsibility for others, such as our family, the people around us, and our colleagues, but we only forget to take responsibility for ourselves.

So what we need to understand in the process of growing up is that if we forget to be responsible for ourselves, then our energy can easily dry up, and then we can't nourish each other in the face of other people's lives.

So it's especially important to learn to take care of your body and mind, to connect with your body more often in normal times, to feel the state of your body, guard your body and mind, stabilize your heart and never forget to nourish yourself because you are greedy for more.

Over time, others will not be able to connect with you and feel your inner state of happiness and joy.

Third, embrace yourself and live your uniqueness

In the process of growing up, it is most important for us to nourish our own lives and let ourselves live a path of light. Many people are habitually busy making others whole while ignoring what their bodies, mind, and mission are.

We need to focus more on ourselves, and even if we are busy, we must take our hearts on the road. When you are willing to take your heart on the road, we will automatically radiate light and glow.

Very often, you are just an alternative to other people's lives, but the dominant power in your own life. Living our own life means we enjoy our own life to the fullest and do what we want to do. When you are willing to try to be yourself consistently, your inner light will impress others, and at this time you will be able to drive more people to dance and drive more growth and progress in life.

By living our own lives, we can truly live our lives with joy and inner light. We have to live the way we want to be, and then we can truly delight in our lives.

Too many people put too much focus on other people. When they see what skills others have, they feel like they are falling behind and rush to follow and grow.

Seeing other people's goals, we also forget what our own goals are, and so then we gradually follow the trend ourselves, forgetting our rhythm.

If we keep doing this, our life will no longer belong to us. We and our true selves, do not seem to be separated.

The most important thing in life that should be repositioned is the thing that only you can do best, the most important thing that should be repositioned is what makes you unique.

Living your best self means that you are living the only limited version of your life, and that is the most important thing to do in your life.

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About the Creator

Dante D Shull

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