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How to become rich.

Simple, Straight, Satisfying!!

By Leo mendoriaPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
How to become rich.
Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash

Nowadays, money is the source of everything. People deny it by saying “Naah, money can’t buy happiness.” but what I think is “Money can’t buy happiness but poverty can buy anything.”

Money makes you get respect, money makes you feel special, and money makes you a fcuking VIP!

So why shouldn’t we earn it? Why should we remain happy with the amount we had? We should thrive to make more money.

Hence, today I am here to tell you some ways to make on how to make money.

1. Specify the actual amount and time.

The first step to making money is to know how much money you want to make and in how much time you want to make that money.

For example, “I want to make $100 in 2 months.”

Don’t do something like, “I will make a lot of money in the future.”

Because if you do something like that, then you will probably end up being mediocre for your whole life. So, specify the amount of money you want to make at a specific time.

Then write down that goal on a paper and get to work. Don’t half-ass it. You have to give it your all, to take it all.

2. Find the ways to make money.

Now that you have decided the amount of money you want to make.

Find some ways to earn money.

Search it online, watch videos, ask other rich people you know in your locality, and do what you can to find a way to earn money.

You must be good at something so research how to make money by that.

If you like to write, write. If you like to sing, sing. If you like to dance, dance. If you like to act, act.

But just do something rather than sitting on your lazy a**.

Now you have found a way to earn money by something so the next step should be to learn from the experts in that field who are earning money from the way you chose to earn money too.

For example, if you chose to earn money by writing articles on “Medium” then first find the people who are earning money by their articles on Medium.

See what they are doing? How they are doing? What do people are liking about them?

Just copy their routine or turn it into a more amazing one.

“Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

3. Practice.

Now that you have observed the experts in your field and started to copy or update their routines.

All you need is practice because no matter which great person you have taken inspiration from if you can’t master your skill, you are just a loser.

In our example, I said you chose to write so in that case write, yes, just write.

Write whatever you want and publish it where the experts are publishing their works.

But what if the experts in your field are earning money by writing a topic that you didn’t even know about?

Then simple, know about it or if there is a topic that you know about then write about it only.

The goal is to practice not to achieve perfection.

4. Patience.

Now you have done practice too and became an intermediate in your respective field. So, all you have to do now is to be patient.

Money will come, A hot girl will come, A handsome guy will come, don’t be hasty. On the road to making money, one must keep walking, no matter how slow.

It will probably take you one day, week, month, year, or ten weeks but money will come if you just keep pushing through everything that comes your way to stop you.


So, in this article there were no links to websites that can help you to make money, no screenshots of the transactions to make you feel like you can earn that much money too.

In this article, it was just pure talk. Well, to summarise this article, it goes like this -

1st is to be specific about the amount of money you want to make in a set amount of time.

2nd is that you have to find some ways to earn money by what you can do. It can be writing, singing, dancing, cooking, acting, or comedy. anything.

3rd is to learn from the experts in the field that you have chosen to earn money. Ask them, query them, become their friend, and then steal their tricks from them and you know what? They will let you steal their tricks gladly.

4th is to keep on practicing. No matter how great you have stolen the tricks from the experts if you didn’t practice them then those tricks will just rot with you till you are grave.

5th is to have patience. You will get your money you will get everything this world has to offer but you just need to be patient. God won’t give your package to someone else it will come to you no matter what.

I have given you five ways how to get rich. It might not be perfect it might not be that great but I am sure of one thing that these ways that I have given aren’t wrong.

You have to get up every day to work on your dreams. Don’t listen to people who say that money isn’t everything, they do such things because they were unable to earn more money in their life and now want others to become like them.

“Money can’t buy happiness, but I would rather cry in a Rolls Royce then in a Toyota.”


About the Creator

Leo mendoria

A central question that drives my work is “How can we live better” To answer that question I like to write about science-based ways to solve practical problems☂

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