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How to Be More Optimistic

A Look on Filling Your Glass Half-full

By Jordan WolfPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In life, balance is one of our universal truths. We see balance in everything: up/ down, in/ out, black/ white, birth/death, inhale/exhale, cause/ effect, the list just keeps going. No matter how an equation is spilled out—the answers are equal on both sides of the equal sign. Balance: how the world keeps spinning. People say “Karma’s a bitch” but at the end of the day, that’s just things coming around full circle. I can bet that you’ve had struggles in your life, some people more than others. I can also bet that you’ve had some fun and joyful times as well. Here’s the bottom line: the energy in this universe is balanced. Positive/ negative. Did you know that smiling releases dopamine? Action/reaction. If I speak into a cave, you know what’s echoing back? Those same damn words. If I’m playing golf and I think “Do not hit it in the water on the the right,” my mind won’t register the “NOT” and I am definitely going to be dropping a ball. My mind thought it into existence. Let’s talk about a few ways that will help you be more optimistic and in turn give you daily happiness and progression in your life.

1. Cut out the negative. This includes and is not limited to:

  • People. This may be (and oftentimes is) family and/or close friends. We don’t like seeing relationships die, but creatures gain habits, some people put you down, and others simply want to waste your time (or want you to waste their time alongside them.)
  • Drugs. And oftentimes people forget that sugar, caffeine, and alcohol are drugs, too. If something is taking you two steps back OR not allowing you to progress, it’s time to cut it out.
  • Work. When people just absolutely hate their jobs or careers, it just baffles me—no offense if this is you. But you do know that opportunities are endless, right? You’re a human, you’re reading this right now which means you can Google just about anything. The resources are there (plus, everywhere is hiring... again, just Google it). It’s time to aspire towards something you actually enjoy (or at least don’t feel you are wasting your life on). If you feel your reward of the work outweighs the struggle, then you probably don’t feel like you’re wasting your time and shouldn’t quit your job.

I cannot stress enough the importance of having positive people and surroundings in your life. Whoever and whatever is negative throws their energy at you every day. Have you ever been around someone angry, and by mid day you’re already in a bad mood? Please, cut them out! When in doubt: If something does not help you, it’s hurting you. But get this, throughout this process, your healthy relationships will get stronger and improve, just like your mind.

2. Hold your head up.

If you’ve ever watched Grey’s Anatomy, you know that standing like Superman actually does give you super powers. Well, the confidence as if you had super powers. Throughout your day, make it a point to smile and keep your chin up. The more you do it, the more you’ll do it naturally. While you’re walking around town, hold your head up high and smile when you walk into a room. You don’t have to show your teeth, just give us a grin—you’ll start showing those pearly whites and you won’t even realize. You will start noticing that you are more approachable. People will start smiling back at you and even feel more open to speaking to you. Have you ever seen that YouTube video of the large crowd in India where someone starts to laugh and eventually everyone in the village square is laughing and they can’t stop? It’s contagious!

3. Release positive energy, receive position energy.

This is a mind-set as well as your actions. We all know the saying “what goes around comes around.” That’s life. Balance. It’s time to stop being angry. It happened, it’s done, there’s no going back. Instead, look at how to resolve the situation or reform it’s purpose. There’s no sense in holding on to that negative energy. Also, make it a point to find the good in the little things around you. “Brain waves” are a real thing. Your thoughts and connectors inside your head vibrate, releasing energy. Respect the world and the world will respect you. I am not saying “bad things won’t happen to you if you’re a good person.” For all the good in the world, there’s just as much bad. Just implicate these expressions into your life and see what changes. Take the positive, release the positive, and your positive vibes will take over your mind and body.

4. To make the following steps become a bit more natural, meditate for just 10 minutes in the morning.

In return, you’ll see an increase in your own patience (at the very least.) If you’re not sure “how” to meditate... Google it! After a while, you’ll want to extend your quiet time.

If you’re in a tough spot in life and feel there’s no getting out of this one, know that this pain won’t last forever. Whatever personal struggle you’re going through will one day be justified. Remember the balance.

Here’s your final thought: If we can see consciousness as one atom, with every tiny centimeter of the universe being its protons, neutrons, and electrons, which would you want to represent—the bad energy, or the good?

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About the Creator

Jordan Wolf

Happiness is fleeting, but bliss is here to stay.

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    Jordan WolfWritten by Jordan Wolf

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