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Almost Everything About Me!

By Tauseef DarPublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Hi, I'm Tauseef Dar! I have 23 years of experience in sales and marketing, event management, advertising, direct sales, and digital marketing. I am running a training and development company as a Founder & CEO that is called “Adex Learnings”. I specialize in leadership, sales, human skills and digital marketing trainings. I'm also an award-winning vocalist for the Pakistan film industry.

I'm passionate about helping people reach their full potential, both professionally and personally. I believe that everyone has something very unique to offer the world and I love using my skills to help and support people discover and develop their talents to reach their full potential.

As a trainer, I'm known for my engaging and interactive style. I use a variety of techniques to keep my audiences engaged, including storytelling, humor, and group exercises. I strongly believe in experiential learning, learning by doing, and I use this process during the training interventions.

In my trainings, I focus on helping people develop the skills they need to succeed in today's competitive marketplace. I coach people on how to build strong relationships, communicate effectively to close the deals. I also train them on how to use digital marketing to reach their target audiences and achieve their business goals. I also teach digital marketing to MBA students at a local college and it’s a great experience as it challenges me to keep on learning and keeping myself up-to-date with everything new happening in this evolving industry. BTW, it’s the same college I graduated from a couple of decades ago  I’m really proud of this association.

In addition to my training work, I'm also an awarded vocalist. I sang for several Movies & TV Serials and have won several awards including the most prestigious music award The National Film Award for the Best Male Voice. I'm passionate about using my music to connect with people and inspire them to live their best lives.

Since my childhood, I believed in myself. I knew that I have been gifted and I have the talent and it’s a must, a sort of a responsibility, that I work hard and show everyone what I have. I used to do my vocal exercises for about two hours (120 minutes) every day, I was just 8 years old. I knew that my friends will be having fun, cycling, playing cricket outside but I never skipped my vocal exercises, I did that religiously because for me that was not just a thing, for me it was a goal, a mission which I wanted to accomplish. This routine went on for almost 10 years and the results were unbelievable. I could sing anything and everything, nothing was impossible.

Our voice box is a muscle, just like any other muscle in our body. We watch bodybuilder who work day in and day out working on their muscles, picking up weight, stretching and straining the muscles to beyond their limits and then a time comes when that weight doesn’t hurt any more. Lifting weight does not cause pain any more rather it becomes a habit, an addiction if I put it truly. Same is the case with your vocal chords, the more you use them, the more you stretch them, the more you test them, the stronger they become and then you reach a state where your voice becomes a tool which would work a use like. I appeared in All Pakistan Music Conference, the biggest conference of the country. I took part as an armature in Classical Category and won Gold Medal by beating some very talented individuals. It was the strength of my trust on myself and on the struggle, I had gone through. All the time I had put into my training as a vocalist paid off. That was the beginning of my music journey. I had joined a rock band and started exploring that side of music. We used to cover bands/artists like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, U2, The Doors, Metallica, Pantera, Def Leppard, George Michael, Sting, etc. during that time, I was approached by a guy who used to manage a couple of commercial bands and he offered me to join one of the bands as lead vocalist, I said yes and that opened new doors and opportunities.

It was one of the performances with that band where a film producer watched us performing and approached me back stage after the show and asked me visit the studio where they were recording the music for an upcoming film and they needed a fresh voice for the lead male (The Hero) who happened to be the biggest film star of Pakistan. I went to studio for the audition and that day marked as The Day for me. I became the Playback Singer! My hobby became the passion and now the passion turned into the profession.

The purpose of sharing this journey is to let you know the power of hard work. I see a lot of extremely talented individuals around me who are waiting for a miracle to happen which will change their lives. Miracles do happen, but only for those who put in all they have in order to achieve something in life. I do believe in luck, yes, I do. But I also know that luck works for those who challenge themselves and work their arsses off, who test their limits and go beyond them. Everything is possible in life, I learnt that through my life experiences, not through books only.

I am a big fan of “Motivation”! But the source of my motivation had never been through YouTube videos, success stories of billionaires etc. My source of motivation are my actions which I take to get things done. The results of my actions motivate me to do more, push me to achieve more and more and more.

First thing first, you need to trust yourself. Second thing, you MUST TAKE ACTION! There is no short cuts to your dream life. You need to make sacrifices and compromises in order to reach your true destiny and that won’t happen by sitting and day dreaming. Get Up & Do What Needs to be Done! That’s The Message!

I am excited to be a part of this community. I believe that this platform has the potential to connect me with a wider audience and help me reach even more people with my words.

I’m looking forward to a great journey here with a hope to inspire and educate everyone I cross paths with through my writing.



About the Creator

Tauseef Dar

Inspirational Speaker | Vocalist | Direct Sales Specialist | Digital Marketing

Hobbies Include: Reading & Writing | Music | Cricket | Snooker

You will be reading a mix about all I've mentioned above plus some more around my hobbies

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