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Here are 10 Strategies to Win Every Argument

It sounds crazy, but it’s true: you can use these ten strategies to win every argument. You might have read in the news that there are some people who disagree with me, but they don’t know what they're talking about.

By BingBingMoneyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

One of the worst feelings in the world is talking to someone you disagree with, and then they say something that makes your blood boil or reduces you to tears. When this happens, it can be difficult to control the anger that might build up inside of you, and even harder to think clearly through your emotions. However, you don't have to let an argument end inconclusively. Here are 10 strategies for winning every argument.

1. Know which facts matter most

One of the worst situations you can get yourself into is saying something that turns out to be completely wrong. Another hit to your credibility is if you're unclear on relevant details in a conversation, especially with a person you disagree with. The first step in winning an argument is knowing what facts matter most. When you're trying to convince someone of something, it's not important that they agree with everything you say, but that they believe what's important in your argument is accurate.

2. Avoid emotions

Everyone has times where they get overly emotional, especially if they're talking about a topic that is personally important. It's difficult to focus on the argument and stay rational when you're angry, but that doesn't mean you should just hold onto your anger and lash out at the person you're arguing with. If emotions are all over the place, it's impossible to have a productive conversation.

3. Be respectful

Arguing with someone is obviously confrontational and not easy to do in a non confrontational way. Despite this, you should always do your best to maintain a respectful tone when addressing the person you're arguing with. Being disrespectful is a losing strategy because it will make the person in front of you less open to listening to your argument and make him or her feel more defensive.

4. Stay calm

While it's important to be respectful during an argument, this doesn't mean that you need to stay calm. You don't have to put up a perfect facade and pretend like nothing is bothering you if the situation warrants it. However, if you are getting worked up, take a moment before talking to the person in front of you and take deep breaths or count down from 10 before responding.

5. Speak clearly, slowly, and objectively

While you want to be respectful, you also want to be clear and understandable. If you're talking too quickly or unclearly, the person in front of you might think you're trying to hide something. This will make them more suspicious of your argument and make it even more difficult for them to understand your point of view. While an argument may bring out the worst in someone, it doesn't mean that everyone will choose to act on those impulses.

6. Don't argue from a place of emotion

No matter how much you disagree with someone or feel like they are incorrect about a particular topic, it's important not to argue from a place of emotion. Arguments are difficult to resolve when emotions are involved, so it's best to avoid discussing an issue with someone if you're feeling particularly emotional about it.

7. Offer alternative solutions

If someone is pressing you for your opinion, it doesn't mean that you have to agree with them or tell them how wrong you think they are. If possible, give them a solution that will address the problem without going against your views. This can be done by pointing out a solution that has been proposed and showing the person in front of you how this solution works in a similar situation. If no alternative solutions exist, then it's time to get more involved in the argument.

8. Explain your logic

If you're just about to get heated up about an issue, it's important to take a moment before you begin talking. This will give you time to calm yourself and think through the best way to present your argument. Even if this means going slow, spend some time thinking through the points in your argument so that you can be as clear and concise as possible when explaining it.

9. Be persistent

Arguments don't always turn out well, but they are always worth trying on at least one point of view. If the person in front of you is hesitant to accept your position, they probably haven't heard another perspective on the topic and may not understand why someone would disagree with them. You may have to keep trying on different topics or arguments until you find the one that works best.

10. Stay focused

The biggest mistake people make in arguments is switching their argument and going off on tangents in search of a resolution. If you get distracted by something, the person you're arguing with will feel like they must be right. Be focused on your point of view at all times and present it in a way that shows them how it will benefit them. If someone disagrees, show them how to do it so that they can share your view as well.

In Conclusion

Arguments are difficult to have, but they're an important part of everyday life. If you have ever watched a fight break out between two people, it's not hard to imagine how much worse it could be if they had spent time thinking about what they wanted to say. It's hard enough to explain your thoughts and ideas in the moment, consider how much more difficult it would be if you didn't have time to prepare for the conversation.


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