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Her Struggle

But the golden rule

By True SexyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Her Struggle
Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

Let me tell you of a love story. No not your typical boy meets girl, knight in shining armor type of love story. No, this is one that could be considered stupid. This is not my experience but I feel bad for her. I believe her story needs to be told.

This female I know, I am going to call her Jane. She has always grinded to get what she had with heartbreak along the way. She finally found a job that she loves. She loves what she does and who she works with. She treated everyone with the respect she wanted to be treated with. She worked hard and took care of what needed to be taken care of. She is one of those women most men think they want and can handle. She never has or will ever need a man, so when she chose to give a man her attention it meant something to her. She eventually chose to give her attention to this one guy. She started getting very close to him. She did not care about his past because that is what made him into what he was then. She cared for who he was and what he wanted to become. He seemed to be falling for her just as hard. Every time she would look at anyone, no one could find an ounce of sadness in her eyes. Any time this guy would look at her, she would feel like she was the most important thing in the world. She had even told me only one other had ever made her feel that way. She was not happy about the whole situation of their relationship but she was willing to be patient if it meant that was how she was going to be treated. He always told her she was beautiful, wrote her small notes to smile because she was worth it, and did what he could to take care of anything she needed even though she could have done it by herself. I was extremely happy for her to have found someone who seemed to want to be with her. But like in all happy stories, they are never as easy as someone could hope and people cant stand people being happy. I had to stand there and watch as people started causing problems for them. Slowly I watched as it fell apart. He stopped showing her as much attention without communicating with her. She had no idea why he started to withdrawal from her. Her knowing she chose to give this guy a chance she wanted to make sure this is how is was going to be. Well a few days ago, she told me that he told her she had finally had enough and flat out asked this grown A.. man what he wanted. What she told me next broke my heart for her. She told me that he told her that it did not matter what he wanted because their safest way would be to wait; so she could do what she wanted whether that be wait or not. She also said his behavior did not match what he was telling her. I could tell it was eating her alive because this woman would have waited through hell for the one she chose and ended up falling in love with.

Ever since then, I have watched as she tries to hide her hurt from everyone. She doesn't know i have seen her tears fall before she wipes them away. I see the way her eyes light up when she sees him then fade as the reminder of how cruel people are flood her sight. This woman who deserves everything good in this world, once again, has to show how strong she is even when she sees only darkness and hate around her. I am an optimistic person who can see most sides of most things, and I am unable to give her any advice to help her feel better. That is because I know she had already thought through what she wanted and what she was willing to do to have what she wanted. She was once again shown why she is better off single than give anyone her attention. I sit here as a shoulder to cry on listening to her heart break even as she pretends to be fine and refinds herself.

Remember you are never alone when it comes to struggles. You also never know what someone else is going through. So the golden rule is to always be followed whether you think your reactions to things are justified. DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE TO YOU.


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    TSWritten by True Sexy

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