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Helping Challenged Children Thrive: Tips For A Better Tomorrow

There is no challenge you can't face.

By Talking with TanPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Anna Samoylova on Unsplash

Undoubtedly, childhood for the blind man posed unique challenges and was a stressful journey for his parents.

Yet, numerous parents of children with disabilities proudly testify that their child is an incredible wellspring of blessings.

Parents can face a wide range of challenges raising a child with a disability, each of which can have a unique impact on both the child and their parents. Whether your child is dealing with ASD, ADHD, learning or physical disabilities, sensory disorders, speech and language disorders, or facing entirely different challenges, it’s important to know that you are not alone.

If you’re a parent of a child with a disability, read on for some heartfelt suggestions for experiencing these blessings that at times feel elusive.

Check Your Attitude

Imagine you have a garden of beautiful wildflowers.

That garden represents your child’s unique journey, with each wildflower symbolizing a precious moment or achievement. Sometimes, amid the thorns and weeds, it’s easy to forget the beauty that exists. But when those wildflowers bloom, you’re reminded of the extraordinary resilience and strength that define your child.

Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in perspective to see the wildflowers amidst the thorns, and in doing so, you’ll find the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Check out if you’re a parent or caregiver that is feeling frustrated, or defeated. If your child is the one feeling frustrated, check out tools that include a frustration tracker and feelings wheel pdf. You can download free resources when you sign up for their email newsletter.

Cherish Them With Unwavering Love

Love your child for who they are — don’t grieve over what might have been.

Often, life has a knack for throwing curveballs, and parenting a child with challenges may be one of the most unexpected ones.

But remember, it’s not about the challenges you face; it’s about how you rise to meet them.

As the story of the talents (Matthew 25: 14–26) reminds us, God honors us not for how much we have but for how we use what we have been given. (The Parenting Bible, 1994, Author unknown)

Loving a child unconditionally is a profound and essential aspect of parenting, particularly when a child faces challenges or disabilities.

Celebrate Milestones

Recognizing and praising the achievements of a child with disabilities is essential for building their self-esteem and motivating them to continue growing and learning.

Focus on your child’s gifts, strengths, and talents, especially when they have disabilities. It’s a powerful way to support their development and boost their self-esteem.

Here’s how parents can effectively recognize strengths and celebrate achievements:

  • Use Encouraging Language: Encourage your child to keep trying and learning by saying things like, “You’re making great progress; keep it up!”
  • Celebrate Effort: Recognize and praise the effort your child puts into achieving their goals, even if the outcome isn’t perfect.
  • Consider Non-Verbal Praise: Sometimes, a high-five, a hug, or a smile can convey your pride and joy better than words.
  • Involve Them: Ask your child how they would like to be praised. Some children may prefer verbal praise, while others may respond better to rewards or visual recognition charts.

Celebrate your child’s achievements, no matter how small they may seem. These moments are significant markers of progress. Things like lunchbox notes or extra hugs can be key to praising your child in unique ways they need.

Provide “normal” Experiences

Don’t treat the child so “differently” that he or she feels out of place.

Providing normal experiences for a child with disabilities is a wonderful way to help them feel included and build their confidence.

Here are some ways parents can achieve this:

  • Inclusive Playdates: Invite friends over for playdates and ensure activities are tailored to your child’s abilities, allowing them to participate and have fun.
  • Volunteer Opportunities: Engage your child in volunteer work or community service activities, teaching them about empathy and social responsibility.
  • Hobbies: Encourage your child to explore hobbies or interests they are passionate about, like music, painting, or cooking.
  • Outdoor Adventures: Explore nature and the outdoors through activities like hiking, camping, or fishing, making adaptations as needed.
  • Community Engagement: Participate in local community events and initiatives to help your child develop a sense of belonging.

Remember, the goal is not to treat your child with disabilities as different but to ensure — as much as possible, that they have the same opportunities for growth, learning, and enjoyment as any other child.

Encourage them to explore their interests, make friends, and pursue their dreams, just as any child should.

Balance Protection & Independence

Providing support without overprotecting is a delicate balance that parents of children with disabilities often navigate.

For resources and support, you can visit the American Academy of Pediatrics where they offer valuable insights for parents, including guidance on nurturing independence and resilience in children with disabilities.

Remember, your role as a parent is to prepare your child for the world while ensuring their safety and well-being. Finding the right balance may require patience and adjustments, but it’s a journey that empowers your child to lead a fulfilling life with confidence.

Inspiring Change and Meeting Future Challenges

You’ve just read through a wealth of tips and insights on helping challenged children, and it’s completely normal to feel overwhelmed. You might be wondering “Can I truly make a difference for my child?”

Let me tell you something straight from the heart: YES, you absolutely can.

Your love, dedication, and the mere fact that you’re here reading this are proof of your unwavering commitment to your child’s well-being.

It’s time to rise to the challenges, embrace the blessings, and unleash your inner warrior for your child’s sake.

You’re not just helping them; you’re shaping a brighter future for them, for your family, and for yourself.

Now, go out there and be the incredible parent your child needs, because the world is about to witness something truly remarkable — the unwavering love and determination of a parent who refused to give up.

Your child’s journey is a masterpiece in the making, and you are the artist who can bring out its full, awe-inspiring potential.

You’ve got this.

Hi! I’m Tanya, a passionate mother, busy treat feeder, and educated skin-care lover. I dedicate my free time to writing here on Medium.

If you enjoy reading my content, feel free to support my writing & my caffeine habit. Ta-ta for now.

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About the Creator

Talking with Tan

Blessed with a loving husband and three zestful kids, Tanya is a mother by day and writer by night. Passionate about mental health, her expertise is in Parenting and Personal Growth.

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