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Hello 2021

"live the life you love"

By Courtney CalderPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Hello 2021
Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

2020 was a hard year for everyone on a collective level. It taught us that all the things we had planned can change in a second. It taught us to slow down, it shook us to the core, and forced a lot of people to deal with demons they might have never seen in themselves before. However, although there were low low points, there were also high points. That’s how I choose to see 2020, in a more positive way. The lessons behind 2020 were unlike any year before, because not only did I learn things, the entire world learned things and there was sort of a shift of consciousness that a lot of people experienced.

The last six months of 2020, taught me self-love, meditation, and healing deep wounds that I didn’t know I had, that I’ve carried with me subconsciously since childhood. In 2021, I committed to myself to grow even more, to love harder, to push harder, and to succeed. In 2021, I am meditating every day because it brings a calmness to my hyperactive mind and helps put my anxiety at ease. In 2021, I am eating healthier and more plant based to nurture my body and care more about the ingredients that are in my food. I used to eat out all the time and due to quarantine, I learned how to cook more nourished meals for myself and truly feel better and lighter without all the added grease and butter that restaurants use in their foods. In 2021, I am pursuing my goals and dreams. Through self love, I’ve found an inner confidence I’ve never had before which has given me the courage to start my YouTube channel and a podcast that I believe will be successful that I will be able do that full time to help raise the vibration of the planet through my videos and podcasts episodes. In 2021, I am doing yoga every day to keep my body healthy and in tune with the universe, yoga teaches me stillness and I like how I feel after compared to a traditional workout. In 2021, I am practicing more gratitude and being more thankful. I used to dread waking up every day and even got to the point where before I would fall asleep, I was begging God to take my life during the night. Now, every day I wake up and I begin my day by being thankful for another day on this planet and then write down three more things I’m thankful for. In 2021, I am taking more self-development classes and workshops to help myself grow so I can be an example for my audience and to work towards creating my own self-love coaching course. In 2021, I am more conscious of the media I consume and make better decisions to listen, watch, and read more empowering things instead of negative, to monitor my social media use, which ultimately I realized brings a lot of anxiety by comparing or jealousy or that not good enough feeling, and to read more books instead. In 2021, I am going more with the flow and being more present. 2020 made me realize I was living my life by constantly always having to plan something to looking forward to instead of enjoying the current moment I was in, so when I “lost” all of those things I was looking forward to, I felt deep despair, confusion, and fear, honestly, until I learned to be more present and go with the flow. Now it has created much more happiness for me and makes things so much more enjoyable than putting things on a pedestal and feeling disappointed because it didn’t meet my expectations, though I had spent weeks building it up in my head. 2021 is all about being mindful, present, and aware.

2021 is continuing the healing journey I began in 2020, if it wasn’t for quarantine and being forced to be with myself, I’m not sure I would have begun this journey, so I choose to be thankful for the lessons 2020 has taught me that I am bringing into 2021 and integrating better, healthier habits into my life. I am taking more time for me to focus on things I want to bring to fruition and focusing on creating the life of my dreams!

I am healed, I am confident, I am healthy, I am worthy, I am loved, and I am successful all 2021!


About the Creator

Courtney Calder

26. love music, writing, reading, meditating, and being in nature :)

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