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Yes, I am a Taurus

by: Courtney Calder

By Courtney CalderPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Yes, I am a Taurus
Photo by Vincent Ledvina on Unsplash

Astrology and birth charts have been the topic of conversation for women for centuries, but now it seems that more and more people are learning that you are more than just your sun sign and that you have several other signs in your chart, which can set you apart from why you have differences from your friends who you share signs with, but they were born on a different day or month, which affects the rest of your personality and quirks that make you, well, you.

My sun sign is Taurus, and it’s the sign in my chart I relate to the most. I am strong, practical, reliable, and loyal beyond belief. But with all that, just like the animal of my sign, I am stubborn as hell. But like the bull, I am stable, and I am that friend or family member that everyone leans on for support. I am that person people barely know, but feel like they can tell their whole lives too because they can feel my energy and stability and subconsciously know they can lean on me, even if they don’t really know me. When it comes to relationships, I am that girl you would probably never know that had a crush on you, unless you approached me first. I work best with men who are outgoing and upfront with their feelings, but I also struggle finding the right partner because I frequently intimidate men because of my independence. And as much as I want you to be upfront about your feelings, I’m rarely upfront about mine and that can be hard to handle. A typical known fact about Taurus's is their love for food, and boy do I agree with that. I am that friend who would rather order a bunch of appetizers because everything on the menu sounds good and I am having trouble deciding, but when it comes down to it, I only want a few bites of everything. I’ve read about that Taurus's love stability and find a lot of comfort in stability, and that makes sense why I get so anxious moving to new places and when I was growing up, I was forced to move around a lot due to divorced parents and I was a nightmare to deal with every time we had to move. I would just cry and cry and cry because I felt the ground was being pulled out from under me every single time they told me it was time to move somewhere. Did I mention Taurus's can be dramatic? Because I definitely was a dramatic child, I craved adoration and attention and wanted to be in the spotlight at all times. I’ve grown more shy and introverted over the years, but deep down, I do still love the spotlight, in the right ways, of course.

I am grateful to feel so rooted in my sun sign, I have plenty of friends who resonate more with other signs in their charts more than their sun sign. When I started learning more about astrology and chart placements, everything really did align and make sense why I can be different from other Taurus's, such as the anger fact. While I do have road rage, I don’t have an issue with anger or get angry about things unnecessarily, which I notice other Taurus's who struggle with their anger. It makes sense why some of my Leo friends act like Leo’s and some don’t whatsoever. I think it’s okay if you don’t necessarily feel like you “match” all the personality traits of your sun sign. That’s why your birth time and place much such a difference, and why knowing your entire chart and learning about all your other signs is important, because all those signs combined is what makes you unique from other people with your sun sign. I feel like all of our signs make us, us and that’s why a basic description of personality traits isn’t always a one-size fits all, especially when it comes to the stars.


About the Creator

Courtney Calder

26. love music, writing, reading, meditating, and being in nature :)

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