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12 routines that may completely transform your life

By Beverley StrachanPublished 11 months ago 8 min read

Adopting healthy practices daily may considerably improve your life and general health. I'll talk about daily routines that have significantly improved my physical, mental, and emotional well-being as well as my overall quality of life.

I needed to say a few things before diving in, so you would understand the scenario. First of all, it should be noted that these everyday habits didn't develop suddenly but rather over the course of five years. Making habits requires time and effort.

Even though these tendencies are daily behavioral patterns, I don't force myself to act in this way all the time, especially when life becomes overly busy or stressful. If things occasionally falter, that's acceptable. It's not about being flawless when you make lifestyle adjustments; rather, it's about doing the best you can. When you are feeling particularly stressed out, aim to engage in these routines three to five times a week since they keep you on track and lower stress. Let's get to the activities.


Getting up and drinking a glass of water is one of my daily rituals. I clean my teeth, go to the restroom, and then I drink some water. My morning energy levels have greatly increased as a result.

We don't drink any water while we sleep, so we can be a little dehydrated when we wake up. We get more fatigued when we are dehydrated. So it makes sense to drink adequate water to start your day. Take a sip of the filtered water. Have it at room temperature, however warm water can also be used if you like. Occasionally, if you feel like it, add some lemon to it. It depends on personal choice, but getting a glass of water first thing in the morning is a terrific method to increase your energy.


A cluttered house is a reflection of a chaotic mind. It might be easy to overlook other responsibilities when your bed isn't made, including folding your clothing or filing your documents. As soon as you get up in the morning, make your bed. Making your bed can not only improve your mood but also the quality of your day. This will maintain everything in its proper place and make you feel ready to start your day. Making your bed as soon as you get out of bed every morning is one little victory that will unintentionally motivate you to achieve hundreds of other minor successes throughout the day. It is stated that modest victories add up to big ones.


Be in the company of uplifting individuals. Author and businessman Jim Rohn from the United States once observed, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." This is precisely the reason you should give serious thought to your social circle. Relationships that drag you down rather than raising you up should be let go of. And engage with those who understand how to cultivate and spread happiness. Since happiness spreads easily, it's one of the simplest methods to bring happiness into your life.


When I first started practicing meditation, I was skeptical of it. Although there is a lot of research behind it, I didn't believe in it since I didn't think it was backed by science. It can help you reduce anxiety, work on your resistance, and help with pain management, among other things.

There are many things it can accomplish, but for me, enhanced mental clarity and calmness are the most notable changes. I am not naturally calm under pressure. I've been practicing meditation for years, and I think that you may benefit much by giving it a try. Here are two recommendations for beginners as meditation might appear quite challenging.

Be extremely honest about meditation at first. The first 10 to 15 sessions were quite difficult for me at first. I felt overwhelmed, like I was doing it incorrectly, and I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't until the fifteenth or sixteenth session that I truly got into it and began to understand the advantages. Allow some time.

If you're new to meditation, guided meditation is preferable to unguided meditation. With guided meditation, you can fully control the process and stay on track. I used a program named Calm. The app Calm is fantastic for enhancing both mental and general well-being. The app's goal is to help users feel less anxious, focus more clearly, and sleep better. It does this through bedtime tales, breathing exercises, and guided meditations that are designed to calm the body and mind. I highly recommend it. You may also give the Headspace app a shot. An app for mental health called Headspace provides psychotherapy sessions, mindfulness training, and guided meditations.


Depending on the environment where you live, go for vigorous daily walks. I make an effort to get outside even if it doesn't happen often during the winter because I think that going outside and receiving some fresh air, sunlight, and greenery improves my mood. Studies also suggest that being near greenery is excellent for your health.

Now, a fast stroll not only makes me feel better but also helps me exercise. Never have I been a gym goer. I simply don't enjoy it.

75 minutes of cardiovascular activity per week or 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity is advised by the World Health Organization. If your heart rate is sufficiently high, a stroll might be considered exercise. I use the Samsung Health app on my phone to monitor my heart rate as I walk. My heart rate is normally in the high to moderate range.


Cardiovascular activity alone should not make up a comprehensive fitness program. I like to mix in, some yoga and weightlifting. I specifically needed to talk about weights. There are a lot of women who avoid it, especially since they think that if they work out with weights, they will look a certain way.

The World Health Organization recommends that the average adult participate in at least two sessions each week. What makes it such an incredibly important factor? We frequently experience muscular mass loss as we become older. With maturing, it's normal.

Losing bone mass is a common aging process. Powerlifting is the one thing that can stop that cycle from happening, so it doesn't matter how old you are—you may be in your 20s or 30s—it's never too early to start maintaining your muscle mass and bone density.

It is a good idea to see a specialist if you are new to weightlifting. Learn the right techniques for using body weight or free weights. Talk to someone knowledgeable about what they are doing to avoid being hurt. You may exercise at home if you choose after learning how to handle weights properly.


I make an effort to eat something green every day. Although I didn't eat much green food growing up, I do realize how very nourishing they are and how wise it is to consume some greens every day. You may receive a variety of minerals and nutrients from greens. Smoothies are the simplest way, for beginners, to include more greens in their diet. For me, it was the easiest method to begin consuming greens.


I make it a point to consume at least two to three servings of colorful vegetables every day. You may have heard the expression "eat the rainbow," which suggests eating foods from the soil of varied hues. Why is it important? Because they come in a variety of forms, they have a variety of phytochemicals, which means they offer a variety of health benefits. Some phytochemicals can support the liver, some can support digestion, and some can support the prevention of malignant development. There are several reasons to consume those phytochemicals, so it makes sense to obtain a variety.

In practice, try to eat at least two or three servings every day from each of those categories of fruits and vegetables.


There are several positive health benefits of music. Every night I wind down. I find it highly fascinating that soothing music and natural noises can help reduce stress and the stress hormone cortisol. I try to listen to something calming when I unwind at the end of the day. For instance, flutes or specific environmental sounds like waterfalls or wind-rustling leaves.


I enjoy reading, and I make an effort to learn something new each day. A nice alternative to reading would be to study a language using an app like Duolingo. Another option is to watch something every day, perhaps a few Ted videos. Keep your mind engaged and occupied if you want to learn anything new.


Every day, I try to spend quality time with my loved ones. Since many of us spend time with our loved ones while on our phones and not fully there with them, I want to underline the importance of spending quality time with them. Because we live in a digital world, it affects everyone. My husband and I used to scroll on our phones when we were together, but that wasn't spending time together. As a result, I no longer use my phone while we are having meaningful time together. I've learned that hugging a person or a cat can release oxytocin, sometimes referred to as the "love hormone" or "cuddle hormone," which can help reduce stress.


I avoid using my phone an hour before bed since, in the past, I had trouble falling asleep because my mind was racing, and I was extremely cognitively stimulated. Furthermore, phones generate blue light, which your brain sees as a positive stimulus. As a result, when you use a phone and that blue light enters your brain, your brain will interpret that it is not time for sleep and won't make melatonin as effectively.

These behaviors need perseverance, a ton of patience, and ongoing work. It doesn't matter how long it takes to develop the habit—it can take a few weeks, or it might take more than a year—as long as you don't give up.

It's time to succeed in life, so pull up your socks!

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