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Bon Coeur

By Max MarinerPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 7 min read

I seek to mend. It's what I aim to do. I’m not a doctor or a nurse. I’m not a seamstress or a therapist or a mechanic or a minister of those who sin. I was an average human being, bumbling along life’s mercurial trail, when I stumbled and tripped and eventually fell. It became clear to me that change was the key. Change was inevitable, so why not embrace it and keep it real. Life threw some lemons my way, as it frequently likes to do, and I abhore lemonaide plus citrus juice stings my wounds. Peering outside my narrow box, I knew not what I was looking for, I just knew I needed happiness to be what's in store. Ergo, finding joy and self-love became my mission. I had to get creative without any funding to budget or mentor to whom I'd listen, so I embraced my inner destroyer and will love myself right out of my prison. I did, however, need an income and now, as a new parent, a legacy in good example became an important ideal for my child to inherit. So I sent fear on a well deserved vacation and took a open and honest inventory of my space. In my plenty years thus far, my heart had always been lightest when I was immersed and dutiful in my yoga practice, So I busted out all my old notes and dusted off my tired text books- because if this was going to work, I needed to practice, plan and review. I was blessed to have trained in the craft of which 6000 years of healing techniques and secrets had been preserved.

This idea along with my space and years of training, gave way for the cogs and wheels to begin to take motion. Unorthodox was the venue but perfect for a project fueled with such devotion. Setting the stage took concentration for the scenic design was complicated. No stealing or gleaming from the surroundings so that each moment hung on the living but capturing nature's beauty was essential for sourcing in the harmony. The harmony was intrical to unlocking our final goal. It must be carefully hidden in the ethos so to nurture and grow love. When it is time for the [vjokers and pretenders to take their final bow, we now must make room for the players of truth and valiance. I began with myself in search for my inner truth. Honesty was essential because bs left the room. Life is too precious to live it semi-conscious. Abating my time by pretending to be happy when deep down I knew I was lacking was not sustainable now I had a child. So I took words of wisdom my Dad offered, "Change is inevitable. Misery is optional." and I finally decided. I chose joy. I chose myself and my child and this life together. I chose to challenge any and all to be brave and join me on this fight. A fight for inner truth, albeit muddy at times or hard. I decided that it is worth it to discover and work to clean it up. So without being doctors or wizards or shamans or potion wielding dwarves, we can just be human, come together with pure intentions and accompany one another on this journey as wingmen or sidecar passengers or just people with good hearts. We all have valuable skills that we can share and commune in this space that is safe and all fair

The idea was to invite anyone to join a community in a haven equipped for transformation and discovery and change. So how do we facilitate such a place? Well first create the space where neutrality is key. The unique colors and designs come from the individulals, personalities, contributions, ideas, plants, blooming flowers, or whatever that day brings. The second factor is finding a way to know what someone is needing. Some people don’t feel comfortable expressing their needs or challeges outwardly around others, no matter how safe of a space you seek to create, so I put up an anonymous wish box. Hypothetically speaking, let’s say we have a 15 year old girl who has been coming to yoga and book club and has fallen in love with her boyfriend of a year. Let’s say they want to explore their romantic options safely but both come from religious families and don’t feel they can seek advice at home. So our teenager puts an anonymous request detailing their dilemma in the wish box and when I come across it, I look for a solution. So maybe I have a female gynecologist who attends our Wednesday evening meditations. I would approach her with the wish and ask if she would be willijng to either host a group chat or make herself available at our space for an hour next week for anyone who may need advice. No sign up sheet necessary as I want to protect the anonymity of our teen. Our Dr. is happy to give back to help someone searching for an honest conversation that could help her make the transition to womanhood safely and with self love and self-respect. Then I’ll post the Dr.’s availability on our communications board for anyone who might want to take advantage of the free medical advice. A brand new mom who is suffering from post natal depression and feeling like a failure at the moment may be stopping in for a sound bath workshop and happens upon our Doc’s availability. Our new mom now has the opportunity to get some help and guidance for an issue she might never had made an appointment on her own. So the universe is looking out for her as well and she is still in the process of healing versus hurting. This example is ideal but that network of community members who are all coming for their own reason become woven into this tapestry of wellness and inadvertenly (or with a little wish box help) begin to find support from eachother and are able to help heal one another.

There are very few rules but one that is sacred is found in our community guidelines and is critical to our haven. It goes something like this. “Leave your ego, judgment and politics at the door with your shoes.” We are here for the greater good and all are welcomed. So we have covered the concept, space, philosophy and mission and we know I teach yoga. Ahhh, yes , there is so much more. The calander is ever changing and open to all ideas, whether you volunteer them across the room or slyly submit to the wish box. Some of our favorites are as follows: We garden and grow things, host a variety of events, weekly group chats, where we air our grievances in a safe space amongst friends. A book club will meet once a week for those looking to expand their worlds and I am always on the lookout for incredible humans or mentors or healers to come and host workshops, classes or events. A talent show might pop up one month for fun. Maybe someone needed an artistic outlet to release something within. So we make it happen in our community of humans choosing to connect. I invite small business owners in our neighborhood to gather and share marketing ideas and trends or simply pass referrals to friends. A movie or game night for parents needing reprieve might come up in the suggestion box of ways to utilize this space for everyone to mend. Are you mending yourself, a marriage, a friendship, a business, maybe nursing a broken heart, hanging onto trauma or just want to find good energy with which to blend, I will find time and make space and the invite will be sent. I don’t have answers and I am broken as well, but as long as I am trying, others can tell and we all can help. Together we account for ourselves. I am not making money, although that would be nice. I don’t need much so I can pay the bills and life a happy simple life. I set my goal at creating change in a healthy manner and foster the healing of anyone that needs it. Misery loves company but happiness hosts the gala and Bon Coeur can start with yoga but venture into so much more and help everyone heal.


About the Creator

Max Mariner

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