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Have Something To Look Forward To

Every Human Being Alive Today Must Take Great Notes On This.

By Justine CrowleyPublished 2 years ago 11 min read
Have Something To Look Forward To
Photo by FLOUFFY on Unsplash

The magnitude of our happiness and life satisfaction increases rapidly when us human beings engage in at least one activity that we are looking forward to the most, no matter how simple. When restrictions happen (some event that limits your movement or mobility in some way, shape or form); it is only natural to take life and our choices for granted. To help you out, one part of this article is all about sharing some important pieces of learned wisdom on this concept (kind of like giving you the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle) while the other part gives you a set of keys into what I am personally doing right now in order to have something (actually things) to look forward to, to help you get onto this path, and to keep depression (trust me, it can sneak up on you like a tick) at bay. And to recover from a setback or two. Even from a new life event. (Yep...Covid, depression, long Covid, a new job, and a new lover have all recently entered my world, combined with losing a freelance client all at once. Oh, and giving my tenant notice to leave my investment property soon to be own house. Time to get back on the happy horse.) That is a fair exchange. I am giving you some fish, as well as teaching you how to also fish for yourself.

By Greysen Johnson on Unsplash

With choice comes greater responsibility, and that is simply a natural flow on effect from enjoying more freedoms and things to look forward to in life. Personally engaging in an online wellness course, in eliminating some mild depression caused from having long Covid; there was a common trend picked up by the group. The consensus was that having some fun activities to look forward to in life is paramount. Yes, no matter how tired, exhausted and fatigued you are. No matter how busy you are. No matter how unmotivated you may talk yourself into being; variety will forever remain the spice. On that, sorry for the Louis Vuitton bag in the main article image. That alone (saving up and buying it) could give you something to look forward never never know until you go out and buy that piece of vintage if that still floats your boat.


Liaising with fellow participants in the same or similar predicaments and circumstances has brought forward this trend, and therefore I had to share all of this with the world. It is a lack of something to look forward to in the foreseeable future that is a precursor to mild depression in otherwise mentally healthy and stable people. (On the flip side, I need to stress that this article is no substitute for traditional medical advice. Take it or leave it as always.) Then again (hint hint, you are so welcome) taking fido out for his morning walk gives many dog owners and lovers something to look forward to. The focus on such is away from thyself, and from your own s**tty circumstances.

From this pivotal observation, like many souls who do not wish to accept the status quo, and to question possibilities and opportunities beyond face value; prior to the events of the last couple of years, I always found that interstate (and sometimes overseas air travel) gave me something to look forward to. The joys and mysteries of spending a couple of days (sometimes even a day or more) in another city (even if lived in prior) gave me a new lease on life, in addition to the added and unexpected tax benefits from being a digital nomad in the finite art of mixing business and pleasure.

By Dino Reichmuth on Unsplash

For you, having something to look forward to might encompass a different activity (or activities plural) altogether. This is where it pays dividends in order to know thyself, and that is none better than spending a bit of time in being still/quiet, and in asking quality questions. (Then again, a wise college professor told me in those days that "silence is golden." I scoffed at the time, yet almost a couple of decades later, he was right on the bullseye with that pearl of wisdom imparted into a young 20 something year olds head.)

When our minds are chock a block full of stimuli; valuable rental space is taken up in allowing new ideas and insights to flow, and the latter is (nine times out of ten) the truth that can (and does) set you free. The first step in giving yourself the time (and conversely the space) in having at least one activity (I recommend more, and please stay with me on this) is to write down what brings you joy, and in answering the quality question of how to bring more joy into your life.

By Luca J on Unsplash

It is then up to you (always go with your intuition, you definitely have it) to prioritise those activities that bring you the most joy, whether that joy needs to be cost effective (perhaps you too feel the sting of sky rocket gas, banana, and electricity prices right now. Just saying - no conspiracies here) or time effective, as you happen to be a busy person right now. It really is that simple. This is one list that (ideally) remains private to you. Perhaps you have not had a hair cut in a while, and perhaps your hair is somewhat delicately reminding you that the time is ripe to go back to your trusty hair salon.

By christian buehner on Unsplash

Further on the concept of time and money in engaging in such activities that bring you joy; getting into debt to engage in such is sending your psyche into reverse. You do not need to spend (or rather invest) much to have at least one thing to look forward to. Some activities are free. From the perspective of time; engaging in these something-to-look-forward-to-activities does not mean spending hours and hours on such. Ten minutes a day, a couple of times a day is enough.

By Vicko Mozara on Unsplash

Not only do you feel good, yet we all need something to look forward to. With depression, long Covid (being an authority on this, at the tail end of this awful health issue a month after testing positive), and other current life challenges; it is as easy as lighting a candle to stay in bed when you have nothing else on. Those individuals who are fatigued keep repeating this cycle. Yes, rest is needed, but not all day every day. Illness is the by-product (from observations, and predominantly) of the constant hamster wheel rest and fatigue cycle. The simple truth? Those individuals have absolutely nothing (in their diary or otherwise) to look forward to. Sure, fatigue can also be summoned by mitochondria being depleted, yet if life is lifeless and boring; there is zero motivation to move. Nothing has ignited that flame within that longs to be ignited.

By Liam Pozz on Unsplash

The add on (pleasant) side benefits of engaging in something that you are looking forward to are tenfold. Even if certain activities (say running 5km for example) are a challenge, and that is because they are either novel and/or are re-discovered past-times. With the ebbs and flows, life is like a dance, and it is only natural to switch the moves every now and then. Same with jobs and other interests. For instance, if you are not feeling it, or perhaps you are no longer sure on what you are looking forward to; it is important to check in and evaluate internally as to whether or not the activities that you once looked forward to bring you any joy. If not, find new activities that do. The simple solution is quality question asking: "How can I enjoy my life more?" Listen to what bubbles up the surface.

By Denis Oliveira on Unsplash

Such activities are designed to build confidence, and to help you shine and be more in your element. By doing so, your happiness levels get enhanced. You naturally become more engaged, and hence more productive with yourself, and with your life. If not, you pivot so you can. Easier said than done, yet who is a higher priority than you are? That is right, looking after number one!

Think through your values, and why you are interested in your looking forward to events. If you are simply scheduling them as an escape from your addictions and pain; then you are barking up the wrong tree enthusiastically. Hopefully the below examples of having things to look forward to will help you prioritise your actions, so that procrastination, boredom and laziness does not prevail.

By Hybrid on Unsplash

To help you along the journey - here are a few things that yours truly is personally doing in order to have things to look forward to. I have to admit that some habits are healthy, and others not so much:

By Fadi Xd on Unsplash

Firstly, having that special someone by your side. If you are single, that is fine too. I think it is a combination of having had Covid (now at the tail end of long Covid), as well as deciding to enter into a new, interesting position in the workforce while still freelancing is helping here; and hence got me back into the romantic game, all in great timing for St Valentines Day recently, as at the time of writing this. We exchanged a card, and we both took turns in taking each other out for drinks. The drinks in a swanky, civilised bar with carpets and sofas (not many of those types of bars left in Sydney, Australia - yet I digress) after work is giving me so much joy to look forward to, in addition to his company, and in getting to know him (my new man) some more. If fatigue reigns, or if full vitality does, then just embrace it. Impermanence is key, and the night will not go on forever. On this: a drink in moderation is ok. If such treats (think mojitos) are consumed on a daily basis, then they lose their value of actually being a treat.

By Phillip Flores on Unsplash

Secondly, I also look forward to those nourishing walks. That reminds me to get back onto StepBet (thank you Vocal Media, and you too lovely reader for indirectly reminding me) to get rewarded for meeting those daily step goals, now that my body has finally beaten the virus, and that real cash is on the line. Walking and yoga (all free, the weekly yoga session I attend outside is community funded) gives me so much to look forward to, although these exercises are simplistic in nature, and right now I could lose a few more pounds, not that I am overweight.

Although watching the box can be addictive, yet watching SAS Australia (again, as at the time of writing this) is my something to look forward to tonic. The key is to switch off the box once the show ends, while muting the ads. Entertainment, resilience awareness and personal development rolled into one here.

By Sincerely Media on Unsplash

Other simple activities such as watering the plants, cleaning the home, seeing loved ones, and doing something new for you (from drawing to coding to name) also give me (personally and right now) something new to look forward to. You never know, you might gain a valuable skill, and that said hobby of yours could turn into a business or healthy side hustle. Engaging in new activities (paid, voluntary or otherwise) sends new neural nets to the brain, bringing out those happy, feel good hormones. And (hooray) the spa in my building has finally been repaired after months of no use.

By Daria Tumanova on Unsplash

If the diary management school of thought is not for you (quite frankly, I cannot blame you, as some things do happen on a spur of the moment kind of thing), then the next best option is to download an app on your phone or tablet, and not just any app. Apps such as Forest and BeFocused are fantastic, where you set a timer for 25 minutes, and when the relevant task is complete, the timer will alert you. In Forest, your time set aside on that task that brings you tidings of great joy will grow some trees. The latter app is free on Android, otherwise it is only a small investment on iOS; otherwise the BeFocused app (free for fellow iPhone users) is just as good. Such is great for home based activities that are in alignment with your "things to look forward to" philosophy on things such as candle making, cooking, drawing, cleaning, painting, and anything creative that can be done on your computer. Hint: it works on passion projects, businesses and side hustles; and I have used it to write, edit and select the images used for my articles on this platform. (That's right, creative and freelance writing brings me a ton of joy, and therefore is an activity that I look forward to when healthy and well.)

By Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

It all links back to the element of self love. Having things to look forward to, and making such an activity gain a bit of precious real estate in your already full diary or calendar (electronic or old school) is sending a powerful message to the universe that you love and value yourself in this busy, uncertain and fast paced world. Yes it is all about having some me time, yet something that is planned in advance that excites you for its arrival, whether on time or postponed is of the essence here.

By Dan Russo on Unsplash

Now to the million dollar question: what activity or activities are you now looking forward to?


About the Creator

Justine Crowley

Freelance Internet Moderator/UX Writer/UX Consulting Designer/Graphic Designer

Lives in Sydney, Australia. Loves life.

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