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Happiness Has Left the Building

But what about Joy?

By Sarah LivengoodPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Joy can stand out even in the darkest days

Three months are left in 2020. One thing I believe everyone can agree with is the fact that this year, 2020, has stolen a lot from everyone. With the novel coronavirus pandemic sweeping through the world, people have lost jobs, livelihoods, family, friends, family of friends, etc. Along with the extreme loss caused by the pandemic, there have also been the many losses and struggles that take place regularly; the losses and struggles that seem to be overshadowed by the pandemic, but they are still just as real and just as painful as they have ever been.

In addition to these losses, there has been a loss of innocence, likely the saddest loss of all. I see children standing at the bus stop in the morning with masks on. Some children too young to understand what is going on in the world but coming to the understanding that for some reason, their world is changed. There is a loss of innocence that can be seen when we look at the hate that has caused rioting, looting, and murder. There is a loss of innocence when we see friends and family fighting and dividing over disagreements in politics.

With all of the loss, and worry, and struggle, it is not hard to understand and imagine that happiness is gone for many. Sure, there are moments that still cause us to smile and laugh and feel momentarily happy, but overall, there seems to be a loss of happiness. The question is, what is the difference between happiness and joy?

When I think of happiness, I think of a feeling that comes from circumstances or objects. It is a feeling that can be fleeting when the object or circumstance fades. It is that moment of euphoria however when that moment is gone, it can leave one feeling empty. On the other hand, there is joy. While joy can be defined as a moment of intense happiness, I believe that joy is more of a hopeful idea that there are better times ahead.

Sometimes life and our situations can make us sink into a hole of darkness that seems to overtake our entire lives, and it can seem as though happiness has left the building. In the darkest times, when happiness is gone, it can seem as though there is no hope; there is no chance that things will ever be okay again. Especially in our current world with fear and hate running rampant in the streets, it is so very hard to see any hope for the future.

Joy has to come from a deeper source than anything this world can offer. Joy and the hope that there is more, that there are brighter days ahead, are the things that the world will always try to rob from people. It is something sacred and something worth protecting. Joy can only come from hope and true hope can only be found in something/someone greater than what the world has to offer. It is the one thing that is worth fighting to keep no matter what the world decides to throw our way.

There is a guarantee that dark days are ahead. What that will look like, no one knows. There will be more loss, more heartbreak, more pain, but there will also be more good times. There is a reason to hold on to hope. There is a reason to hold on to joy.

For today, the best that we can do is to hold on to hope. Love those as they are with you. Appreciate the job you have. Treasure the smallest moments of happiness. Delight in the little things and let them help you hold on to the hope of brighter days. These are the things that help you keep that precious gift of joy.


About the Creator

Sarah Livengood

I am a twenty-eight year old who is currently in college as a psychology major. I hope that something I write will help or inspire someone or at least make them feel as though they are not alone in this crazy world.

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