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Gratitude will manifest anything you want

By Dr. Joe Dispenza

By P.P.C. SisauyPublished 7 months ago 7 min read
Be grateful for every breath you have remaining.

I really wanted to share the following wisdom with everyone. It has changed my life. I hope it will change yours! Another of my favorite guru, Mr. Wayne Dyer said many times: "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." Doctor Joe Dispenza's teachings have done exactly just that, changed the way I look at things in all kinds of positive ways. Thank you in advanced to everyone who gets to read this. I am forever grateful to you.

Dear Reader,

Today I invite you to embark on a transformative exploration of a force that has the potential to elevate our existence, redefine our destinies and unveil the limitless reservoirs of our human potential. it is a force that transcends cultural boundaries, philosophical doctrines, and scientific frontiers. It is the extraordinary power of gratitude.

Picture for a moment the vast tapestry of your existence interwoven with experiences, relationships, and aspirations. At times we find ourselves entrapped within the complexities of life, grappling with challenges, and yearning for transformation. It is during these moments that gratitude emerges as the Beacon of Hope, guiding us through the darkest of times, and Illuminating our path toward an abundant and purposeful existence.

Now you may wonder, why gratitude? Why is it? That a simple shift in our mindset, a change in perspective can hold such transformative power? The answer lies in the very essence of gratitude itself. It is the language of the heart, the catalyst for profound change, and the source of boundless energy. Gratitude is not just a polite expression of thanks; it's a fundamental shift in mindset and consciousness. Gratitude is the cornerstone of positive thinking, and it has the power to reshape our reality. When we embrace gratitude, we open ourselves to a world of possibilities and invite abundance into our lives. When you combine the power of gratitude with the art of manifestation, you create a force that can move mountains. Gratitude is the bridge that connects your desires with the universe's abundant energy. As you send out gratitude for what you have and what you want, the universe responds in kind. It conspires to bring your desires into reality. But remember, this isn't just a one-time practice. It's a way of life. Consistency and sincerity are the keys to unlocking the full potential of gratitude. When you live in a state of gratitude you become a magnet for positivity, and your dreams start to unfold before your eyes.

So how do we cultivate and harness this incredible power of gratitude? Start with awareness. Begin by becoming aware of the blessings that surround you daily Often, we take the simplest things for granted. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the people who love us, take a moment each day to acknowledge and appreciate these gifts. When you wake up in the morning before the world rushes in with its demands and distractions, take a moment to simply be grateful for the gift of a new day. Reflect on the miracle of life itself. The breath in your lungs and the beating of your heart, it's the most precious gift you'll receive today. Consider keeping a gratitude journal at the end of each day. Jot down down three things you're grateful for. They could be as profound as a loving relationship or as simple as the taste of your morning coffee. Over time you'll create a treasure trove of positivity to revisit whenever you need a lift. Don't keep your gratitude to yourself. Express it to the people around you. Let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them. When you share your gratitude, you strengthen your bonds and create a cycle of positivity.

Expressing gratitude is a powerful and transformative aspect of practicing gratitude that often goes overlooked. When we express our appreciation to others, it not only strengthens our relationships, but also amplifies the positive impact of gratitude in our lives. Expressing gratitude is like fuel for your relationships. It deepens the connection between you and the people in your life. When you tell someone how much you appreciate them it creates a sense of validation and reinforces the bonds of trust and love. Whether it's your family, friends, or colleagues, taking the the time to express your gratitude can strengthen these connections. Gratitude begets more gratitude when you express your appreciation. It often encourages others to do the same. This positive feedback loop can create an atmosphere of goodwill and positivity that continues to grow. When others see your sincere gratitude they are more likely to adopt the same attitude, creating a ripple effect of positivity. Expressing gratitude not only benefits the recipient but also significantly impacts your own well-being. When you vocalize your gratitude it reinforces the positive feelings within you. It's a reminder of the abundance and goodness in your life, helping you focus on the positive aspects rather than dwelling on negativity or scarcity. Expressing gratitude can boost your self-esteem and self-worth. When you acknowledge the contributions of others and express your appreciation it, reaffirms your own value as well it reminds you that you are an integral part of a web of relationship, and your words and actions matter in face-to-face interaction.

Sincerely express your gratitude. For instance, you can say I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your help with specific task. It made a significant difference to me, and I'm truly thankful. Sometimes actions speak louder than words. Show your gratitude by performing acts of kindness for others. This could be helping a friend move, volunteering, or offering support when someone is going through a tough time. The key to effective expression of gratitude is authenticity. Be genuine and heartfelt in your expressions. When you express your gratitude with sincerity it creates a positive impact that resonates with others and amplifies the transformative power of gratitude in your life and the lives of those around you.

Once you have cultivated a grateful heart, use it as a launching pad for your desires. Visualize what you want to manifest. Feel the emotions of having achieved it. Infuse your visualization with gratitude for already having received it. Visualizing your desires is a powerful technique that when combined with gratitude can accelerate your journey toward manifesting what you want in life. This process involves creating a mental image of your goals and desires, and engaging all your senses to make the vision as vivid and real as possible. Before you can visualize your desires you must be clear about what they are. Take the time to define your goals and aspirations with precision. What do you want to achieve, experience, or manifest? The more specific you are the easier it will be to create a clear mental image.

Find a quiet comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. Dim the lights. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body. The goal is to be fully present in the moment when visualizing. Use positive and affirming language. Instead of saying I want to lose weight, say I am at my ideal weight and feel vibrant and healthy. This frames your desire in a positive and present tense, reinforcing the belief that it's already happening. Feel the emotions associated with achieving your desires. If your goal is to land your dream job, imagine the excitement, pride, and fulfillment you'd experience. Allow these positive emotions to wash over you as you visualize.

Visualization is most effective when practiced regularly. Set aside time each day to engage in this exercise. Repetition helps embed your desires in your subconscious mind, making it more likely to influence your thoughts and actions. As mentioned before, infuse your visualization with gratitude. Express gratitude for having already achieved your desires. Feel the sense of thankfulness for the universe aligning with your intentions as you visualize your desires. Trust in the process. Believe that the universe is working in your favor. Trust that your intentions will manifest in due time, and stay open to the opportunities that present themselves. Visualization is a powerful tool, but it should complement your actions. Use the motivation and clarity gained through visualization to take concrete steps toward your goals. Visualizing your desires can inspire you to pursue opportunities that you may have otherwise overlooked.

In closing I want to leave you with this thought.

Gratitude is a beacon that lights our way through the darkest nights, and a compass that guides us toward the fulfillment of our dreams. It is a universal language that transcends borders and beliefs, uniting us in our shared human experience. So my friends let us embark on this journey of gratitude together. For it is not just a destination, but a way of life. As we cultivate gratitude we create a world where abundance, joy, and fulfillment are not just distant hopes, but living realities. Let us be the architects of our destiny, shaping a future that is brighter and more beautiful than we ever dared to imagine.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to you all for reading this. Your time and attention mean the world to me. Thank you.


Dr. Joe Dispenza

self help

About the Creator

P.P.C. Sisauy

If my bio can be in the form of a quote, it would be: Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking. -Steve Jobs

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  • Andie Emerson7 months ago

    Thank you for sharing these words!

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