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Get Out of your Comfort Zone

Get Out of your Comfort Zone

By Sermon PolPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

The water purifier shop opened by my family has been trying to recruit a female salesman. The job is quite simple. Most of the time, I stay in the store to do internal work and entertain customers who come to my door. The basic salary we offer is not low, and the minimum commission is also higher than the local average. We work eight hours a day, which is flexible and relatively free.

But it's been almost a year and not a single one. A few of the girls in the middle tried it for a day or two and soon showed they weren't up to it.

A friend who was in charge of recruitment at a local food company told me that their shop floor workers worked long hours, three shifts a day and sometimes night shifts, at the local average wage, but I was overwhelmed by the number of female applicants.

Friends smile: Do your industry needs to learn some professional theoretical knowledge and need to continue to learn, there is a minimum monthly sales task, now some people would rather choose a low salary, very mechanical work, rather than do a lot of brain power and ability to continue to learn the work.

I thought about it, and it seems to make some sense.

Which job is less work, more money, and closer to home? It takes some effort to make a difference in almost any job.

You say that the teachers are idle, that is you did not see their hard work; When you say that the bosses are rich and handsome, you don't see the pressure when they are struggling to start a business. When you say that many sales jobs pay well, you don't see the hardships they go through.

If you want to break through, you have to break out of your comfort zone, find your goal, make yourself difficult, make yourself less comfortable, and keep yourself going.

Students L and M are fat when reading, a few meters of stature, 200 pounds of weight, known as the class "about two big protection."

Facing GRADUATION, SEE L'S NEW QQ signature: "BREAK the comfortable state, or thin, or die." Everyone laughed at him and bet that he would be a "deserter" on his diet like so many times before.

The third year after graduation, a few of us who had stayed in our province had a small gathering. That day because of a traffic jam, I arrived at the party a little late, just opened the door, friends grid will be a tall thin handsome man pushed in front of me.

I carefully look at it, wow, is that left protection method L, visual inspection now he is at most 140 jins or so, before the round fat face now becomes clear lines, chiseled.

With her aura, L was the centerpiece of the party. After three rounds of wine, he said he insisted on losing weight and keeping fit.

It's hard to break comfort. In the beginning, L was worried that he would give up halfway, so he directly applied for a job in a gym as an annual card salesman. He practiced with those fitness trainers every day, refused countless food temptations, shed countless sweat, and finally met his perfect counterattack two years later.

But my comfort zone is so much the same. I used to think I would die if I left all those delicious foods, but I still live a healthy life. I used to believe that I could sit and never stand, and lie and never sit, but I still have a good time. The body is much more adaptable than it gives itself credit for.

I know exactly what L said the other day. It's a lot easier to stay home and eat and drink what you want than it is to report to the gym rain or shine. But when comfort becomes a habit, it's harder to break it and start over. Try not to let your body be in a "comfortable" state, and you may find it's not as hard to get out of your comfort zone as you think.

Human beings themselves are creatures that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. We often hear the term "late lazy cancer" and "procrastination". To put it bluntly, laziness and procrastination can make us physically and mentally happy. It's like a well-to-do rich girl who is suddenly required to go to school on weekends, a nerd who plays video games in his dorm room is required to study for exams day and night, or a person who has to go to work on time is required to work overtime for many days.

Friend A's favorite thing for so many years is to sleep at home and watch TV shows on weekends, and the king told her not to go out. However, when she changed her favorite job as a journalist, she would either be on the road for interviews or writing articles day and night on weekends. Every time I saw her, she always looked like a pusher.

When I asked her why she said it was wonderful to get out of a rut and conquer yourself. She found herself as if not herself thinking so weak, the ability is so poor, long comfortable life let the vigor and vitality of her gradually lost themselves in the "warm water boiled frog" type of lifestyle.

So are you going to stick around in your comfort zone? Maybe when you decide to step out of your comfort zone and do something you've wanted to do for a long time, your future self will thank you for who you are today.

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Sermon Pol

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    Sermon PolWritten by Sermon Pol

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