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The worst outcome in life is a late bloomer

The worst outcome in life is a late bloomer

By Sermon PolPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Murakami wrote his first novel at the age of 30, then found a lifelong interest and gave up restaurants to concentrate on writing. Even though he is a freelancer, he still maintains a strict lifestyle. He gets up early, runs, reads, and reads.

He has spent his entire long life confirming his words: No matter what everyone in the world says, I believe that my feelings are correct. No matter what other people think, I will not disrupt my rhythm.

You may say that Murakami showed a writing talent when he was a teenager, and after graduating from Waseda University's Department of Literature, he was a natural fit to become a famous writer.

Success comes naturally. There is always the darkest hour before dawn. Success doesn't come naturally. Even in the darkest moments, many people fall.

They say a prostitute can't wait for sex, and a writer can't wait for inspiration. But how do you survive without desire or inspiration?

After all, countless people graduated from key universities when they were young, but Murakami Jun is the only one. Why should he?

With inner certainty.

Determined to hit the south wall also do not look back, are determined to bear all the responsibility for their choice of life, regardless of personal danger, and never give up.

Just like the Emperor Sky, with ten years of practice, a clumsy play, developed into a school, with 200% of the execution force becoming mythic figures in the Chinese esports circle.

Just like the debater Luo Hongkun, like us, envy the lofty predecessors on the stage of the national debate, so he failed and fought repeatedly, accumulating day by day, and finally became another mountain on the stage.

As Rekas puts it, we tend to use "let nature take its course" as an excuse for the difficulties of life, but rarely acknowledge that letting nature take its course is a matter of doing our best and not doing nothing.

After all, hard work does not necessarily make your life colorful, but not hard work must make it dusty.

If you think these examples are too far away from you, I will tell you the personal files of my classmate Meng.

Technical secondary school, junior college, promotion, and two years of postgraduate experience. As a child who has studied hard since childhood and is a student with a master's degree, I am not able to understand this experience, but also admire it.

She was a child learning general, general family conditions, parents are more son preference, very early plan to let her finish secondary school to work to make money. She is very obedient, although with acceptable results in secondary school, but also just every day make up puppy love to eat snacks.

If it is not a word of the teacher at that time, she may now be with one classmate, today's working younger sister, and no two. She slept in class, and the teacher woke her up with chalk, roaring: sleep in class, class play. You're young and you can do whatever you want? When you're old, you're just a cleaning lady.

She is very beautiful, she does not want to be a sweeping old lady, even when she is fifty years old.

Where the soul is beaten, it can wake up.

Like Shayega in The Spice Girls, she's a late starter. The difference is, that even her mother despises her. Her mother said you don't have to make money, the family money is to build a house for your brother, and there is no money for you to play.

Her crazy study, midnight flashlight reading in bed, and chemistry class did not understand her had been anxious to cry out. She did not have Sha Yega's wisdom, but no tutoring teacher's encouragement; She's all she has, so push herself.

The year of graduate school coincided with tuition fees, she had no money, the first year was part-time while reviewing, expected failure; Hit half a year of work, earn enough not part-time also enough to use after living expenses, concentrate on review, the second year finally.

Once a man has a dream, he has a weapon.

A person, in the thick disdain and hard force, cut through all the ways, college entrance examination, undergraduate examination, master's examination, eight years, admitted to the 985 universities, blocked the mouth of all people.

Eight years later, her junior high school classmates are serving dishes in the cafeteria, her teachers are reading lesson plans in a dilapidated classroom, and her parents are counting on her brother to get ahead. However, she is studying for a master's degree in a popular major at a key university and already has a different life on her hands.

These are people who have found their turning points in good times. But for many of us, like me, who have been working from birth on an executable path, the future is both clear and uncertain. Don't talk about late bloomers. We don't even know what we are!

In my first year of graduate school, I added a leadership training class. There are many people in the class, community leaders, the backbone of the college countless, and I, all with some talents to save its risk, from the beginning of the class jittery.

At the end of the day, my leadership didn't improve much but watching people come and go, it was as if I had experienced many different lives.

I wanted to stay in the school from the very beginning. She was conscientious and responsible in everything in the class and did everything by herself. Finally, the school leaders found out that she was asked to organize a large-scale activity, and her outstanding performance allowed her to successfully get the place of detention counselor. Zhang did not know what to do. After failing at Peking University, he was unemployed for a year and continued to prepare for IELTS. Finally, he applied for a master's degree in Chinese in Hong Kong with a high score in English and a high GPA.

Liu wanted to be a teacher, but the liberal arts major in engineering colleges was extremely awkward, so he could only overcome all difficulties and strive to catch up. He once finished writing a paper a week and took three examinations a day to win the opportunity. Now he has successfully entered the school and teaches. Wang likes writing, but he has an engineering background and knows that writing cannot support him. So he entered the system to work, but he still insists on daily writing to keep his writing vitality.

You see, not everyone has a clear purpose in life, and if they do, it's not always easy. The difference in life is not when you find the direction, but when you start to do your best.

In a research group of the elder brother, two colleges and universities into the entrance, six levels have never been tested. I've seen him play video games all night when he's worried, and read novels every day when he's worried. But suddenly one day, he shut down the computer playing games and began to study seriously, regular life. Three years later, he has published three SCI papers and won national awards, and the future is becoming clearer.

But the process in between, Murakami explained in the Bird Shape Record.

I may be defeated, perhaps lose oneself, perhaps where also can't reach, perhaps I have lost everything, let how to struggle also can only call helplessness, perhaps I just suddenly bowed a ruins ashes, only I one person in the dark, perhaps no one here bet on me. It doesn't matter. One thing was clear: at least I had something worth waiting for and seeking.

At the end of the class, there was a small part of writing down what I would like to say to myself in ten years. This is what I wrote.

Dear self,

You're 34 years old with this letter. Answer me three questions first.

1. How much weight do you have now?

2. Do you like who you are?

3. Are you doing your best right now?

No matter what path you're on, whether it's hot or calm, stay in shape, love the way you look, and do the best you can.

Maybe you have to wake up at 7:00 a.m., go to bed at 1:00 p.m., and walk alone day after day. But as long as you live with certainty and passion, even if you are born at the wrong time, the worst result of your life is just a late bloomer.


About the Creator

Sermon Pol

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    Sermon PolWritten by Sermon Pol

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