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"Fresh" Start ???

All you have to do is GO.

By Melissa InsleyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Created by: Melissa Insley on Canva

A new year. Under new leadership. During a whole new, forced upon us, lifestyle. What a time to be alive...I think.

Most every year as the holidays come to an end and we bid our loved ones the sweetest of farewells, we shift our focus onto the new year. Ahhh, January. A fresh start, like stepping outside in the crisp morning air and taking a deep refreshing breath as we begin a new day. It seems as though this year has come and it is simply one of the smaller things on anyone's mind. With the cultural climate at a steep tension and politics boiling on everyone's brain, being able to take a step back and think about starting a new couldn't be more important. The tricky part is actually being able to focus on that.

For me, I see it as a mindset game of sorts. Sidebar, I (more recently) have been into the personal growth/self help section of our local bookstore and found the pages regarding mindset to be rather interesting. Talks of being more cognizant of our reactions to our surroundings and persevering through what we perceive to be hard times can really be quite the page turner. So in my studies I have found that looking to what I want for this year to be a wonderous topic to sit and ponder. Unlike past years where we all make the same "resolutions" year after year because we follow the status quo and they simply don't pan out due to lack to personal touch or the fact that the resolution is not anywhere towards the top of our priority list.

The following are three goals I have set forth for the year 2021.

Number one, find a new job. Now, this can be taken in a multitude of ways; I shall elaborate. Every morning that I have to go to my current full time job, I physically peal myself out of my bed to begin to force feed a constant river of caffeine and muster up every ounce of being I have to leave my house and go to work. That is my overly dramatic way of saying, my job is not the job for me. I have begun online courses to be able to work from anywhere in the world with an outlet and a WiFi connection. Preferably with some awesome coffee, cause let's be honest here, regardless of the job my life contains a steady river of caffeine in the form of liquid goodness that is coffee.

Number two, figure out and pay for a totally awesome as ever wedding! That is right, even with the world going in a million directions, I'm getting married this year! Time for round two everybody. My fiancé and I will be tying the knot in both of our second attempts at final and forever love. We have figured out many aspects so far, location, wedding part, and the best asset, a wedding planner! I feel fancy as ever to be able to say I have a wedding planner. Here's to hoping all of that goes on without a drama filled event not focused on the magic to love.

Finally, number three fresh start to a new lifestyle, read more. How boring to simply say "read more." It's vague and uninteresting. Broad. Leaving a million questions that quickly fade out with non-excitement. The plan is to read at minimum 30 minutes everyday of a book that will stimulate my future. Online reading, audio books, magazines, none of those media sources will count. It has to be a good ole fashion book.

As January is quickly coming to a close I feel as these new steps to my personal and professional life will be highly valuable to my future with the changing to times in all directions. Being resilient and adaptable in this world is a skill that must be cultivated if it isn't already flowing around in your noggin. Make a decision and take the steps. Remember, baby steps are still steps.

Here's to the new year!


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