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Five Ways to Appreciate Humour in Our Life

Sharing my perspectives on the use of humour in our communication

By Daniel LaiPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Five Ways to Appreciate Humour in Our Life
Photo by kylefromthenorth on Unsplash

Humour is a powerful emotion to take away our stress and tension. The more we can use it, the better we will be.

It is also true that if we cannot apply humour in the relationship, that relationship tends to be very serious and sometimes uncomfortable. Think of all the relationships in your life.

Are not those relationships that you can share and laugh together the best relationships that you value?

Here are five ways we can engage with some humour:

1. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself

Have you ever made a mistake and started laughing at yourself? I have. I recalled years ago when I stopped driving and started to use public transport. There were numerous incidents where I stopped at the wrong bus stop or took the train in the wrong direction.

It was a unique experience when I had been driving for many years, and taking public transport took some time to adapt.

I laughed it out on myself. Today, I have found a better way to reduce all these mistakes. When visiting someone, I asked the host for directions using public transport. They will give me the most accurate and efficient way to travel to their home. Of course, we need to be humble to ask.

2. Incorporate humour into daily conversations

Some humour when we converse with others will liven the conversation. However, we must be careful when speaking with a new acquaintance.

I like to use humour as a teaser to my personal friends who knows me well. I certainly hope they will not be serious in those lighter moments.

A witty comment or a funny observation can lighten the mood and make mundane tasks more enjoyable.

3. Enjoy some funny movies

I like to watch some funny shows which give me some funny ideas. Life does not need to be serious all the time. Watching a comedy show helps us to laugh in our silly ways.

Some comedies can educate us through humour. When we laugh, we seem to get the message better.

With many responsibilities and stress in life, a funny story can sometimes diffuse tensions, and we can learn to see things from a different perspective.

4. Surround ourselves with people that have a good sense of humour

Relating to others with a good sense of humour is always easier. They do not take things so personally and sensitively. Sometimes, during a conversation, we may use the wrong words.

People with good humour make it easier to apologise and move on quickly. Without humour, somebody may remember us in a bad light and make things difficult in our communications.

So always look for people with a good sense of humour.

5. Use humour to connect with people

Often a little joke will break the ice and make conversations easier. I do not assume that everyone would love to hear a joke, but sometimes it is the better way to communicate.

Humour can help us build rapport quickly. Of course, building rapport takes time, but a bit of humour helps to break the ice.

Regarding genuine friendship, there must be respect and honour between the parties involved. Once we get to know each other well, everyone can be light-hearted to enjoy some lighter moments of conversation.

Humour helps in keeping the friendship going. I have a friend I can talk to freely; our conversations often end in laughter. It is through these lighter moments that our bonds become more robust.

Closing thoughts

Humour is essential, so we must use it appropriately in the right situation. Learning to use humour is one crucial skill we must learn.

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About the Creator

Daniel Lai

I enjoy writing something inspirational to provide ideas and tips for good living. Follow me if what I share resonates with you.

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  • Test7 months ago

    these tips, you can learn to use humour more effectively and reap the many benefits that it has to offer.

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