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Firecrackers and Dream-Chasers

Here's to Your "Best Summer Ever"

By Sunny HigginsPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Firecrackers and Dream-Chasers
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

It's that time of year again: with days perfumed by salty air and nights surrounded by friends and lights. It's time for the day that is arguably the peak of summertime, the fourth of July!

However you decide to celebrate, a picnic at the local park or beach; a road trip filled with touristy sightseeing; or a day for remembrance of those who have fought and sacrificed for our freedoms. Today, we're united.

My fourth of July is usually spent with my family-- we all enjoy the fireworks, sometimes a little to much, I'm not gonna lie! Ideally, I would spend the day grilling out and watching Independence Day (I'm still not sure if that's morbid or ironic), and finishing the night with a picnic under the explosive view.

Unfortunately, that's never how it goes. Most often than not, I'm inside snuggling with my dog to distract him from the loud booms. Who can relate?

By Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

But after everything this past year, I think it's time to switch things up a bit... So, starting right now, this very moment, I declare this summer a summer of fresh, whimsical dream chasing!

While the freedom we celebrate is more politically inclined, there's no reason not to claim autonomy for our dreams. If you're with me in this, pull out that old bucket-list from the "good ol' days" or make a brand new one!

Here's a few just to get you started, some go with the season:

1. Make a playlist, or save one, that perfectly sums up the vibe you're going for.

2. Get that cliché printable, you know the one (psst, here) just to get you started.

3. Make that super sweet summer drink that's all over your feed!

4. Put fairy lights outside-- Christmas lights will give the same effect-- and have dinner and a watch a summer classic with your friends or partner.

By Kaizen Nguyễn on Unsplash

Wait a sec, hear me out: I know this is stuff you've probably heard a thousand times! But if you're anything like me, you're going to want to do the big ones all at once, right? Universal, then cross-country road trip the next day-- plans like that, while fun, will inevitably lead to burn out.

Oh, you don't believe me? Watch Judy Blume's Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer! I'm not kidding, watch it, it's hilarious and the nostalgia alone is worth it, trust me. As a matter of fact--

4. Put fairy lights outside-- Christmas lights will give the same effect-- and have dinner and a watch a summer classic Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer with your friends or partner.

--there ya go, ha ha!

Another thing to take with this tentative list we’re making, expand your interests! Find a good lifestyle magazine, blog, youtube channel and run with it! Use the resources around you to feed that brainstorm!

Like most things, you have to take the baby steps. Dip your toes before you dive in! Once you get the ball rolling-- ok I'm done!

The point is: there isn't 104 days of summer vacation, and you don't have only this summer to complete your bucket list. The best part about dream chasing is that dreams are eternal. Some may die out, but then they'll inspire the next person.

It’s not just a hit song from Aerosmith, really, Dream on! Celebrate your freedom everyday and live in the moment! Remember, however you decide to celebrate, a picnic at the local park or beach; a road trip filled with touristy sightseeing; or a day to reminisce on those good ol' days. Today, we're united.


About the Creator

Sunny Higgins


Freelance Writer learning the ropes of my dream career. Taking it one day at a time!

@sunny.daze7 on Instagram

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