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Find the sunshine

Happiness inside us

By Lee NaylorPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

There's a gray day on the surface, we've all seen it once or twice. The moment we awake, we see the clouds looming down upon us. We are hurdled into what is wrong, each stress we think we have. The good goes out the window like the sun that wasn't there.

We climb out of bed lackluster, focusing on each set back that we see. The more time that ticks by without us moving forward, is the longer we are moving back. Every moment we are under bring more darkness to our door, until every moment is filled with anger, stress, and pity.

Next time you wake, opening your eyes to the cold dark clouds, before you even wonder what the day holds, say thank you. Before your feet touch the floor, say thank you. Before you decide the emails hold all the answers, and let the stress begin your day, Say thank you. Open the curtains wide, and listen. Listen to the rain, rustling the leaves on the trees. Listen to the birds singing and the dogs barking, children playing, traffic passing on the road.... listen. Feel the wonder deep inside you, say Thank you.

When you first set eyes upon yourself as you pass the bathroom mirror, give yourself a morning smile, and tell yourself you're beautiful. Thank the universe for giving you one more day, take care of yourself, as you brush your teeth think of three things you are grateful for. Say thank you.

As you make your bed, be grateful for the dreams you had, as you slept in your beautiful home. Say thank you for my home. Remember that someone else doesn't have one. Someone else sleeps in the streets, curled up under a bush, cold, alone, and grateful they found a bush. Say thank you.

When you are making lunch and break that dish, instead of getting angry, beating yourself up, listen to the sound of the dish as you clean up the pieces and remember, someone else doesn't have a dish to break. Someone else is eating out of a garbage can or starving as they sit grateful to just be alive.

The more that I sit in silence, wondering why the things happen to me as they do, I see that everything I've learned of late is true. The more negative I emit, the darker my day continues. The more things pile up, cluttering my mind and heart. The more I attract exactly what I don't want.

The more I sit in Silence, listening to the world around me now, the more I hear my own voice saying that I know what to do, that I know why my day is gray. The clouds are dark and gray, but they rain the raindrops down, feeding the thirsty ground. The earthy smell reminding you to be grateful. Say thank you. I tell myself that it happens to me when I know quite well I'm making them happen.

So, as I listen to the sounds around me, the now where I can find such peace, when I am grateful for everything, for me, for today, the rain is but mere pleasure, soaking mother earth so I can smell the earthy ground. Feeding the plants and flowers, saving the water bill. Thank you. As I hear the traffic going by, I am grateful I don't have to go out into it. Thank you. I feel the air upon my skin, the music of the day around me. Some days I sit and wonder, looking within myself, questioning why I have let myself forget so much.

The more time I have to spend inside myself, the more I have realized, we are here for a reason, I am starting to know how to play. The sunshine will come out, when I've made peace to the gray of the day. When I acknowledge the good, am grateful for each and every lesson, and smile at the stones they hurled, the world will open up.

I'll see the hidden silver lining, when the sun begins to shine. Reflections showing what should be instead of what we think we see. Suddenly the emails are just some paperwork. The people coming into our day, are just doing what I bid when concentrating on everything I do not want. When I concentrate on me, I start with love right there, I am grateful for the life I have and the lessons that are there. I can be myself with no regrets, nobody's opinion matters more than mine, and now I'm living for myself.

When I'm seeing the beauty in myself and what I can become, when Im seeing the rainbow, as the sun finds a way to shine. I'm seeing all the problems disappear, the stresses shrink inside my ear. I'm hearing the nagging in my head from a scream to a whisper, and my heart isn't hurting anywhere near as it used to. When I'm starting to see truths, I wish I'd seen before, but am grateful for the lessons that I've learned I'm even grateful for the pain.

The sunshine always shines again, the darkness always turns to light. Our souls are merely waiting for their time to shine. Smile at yourself, laugh as much as you can, observe the life around you without blame, or ego. Say thank you, listen to the silence. Remember who you are. The moon will light the sky through all the darkest night, and the sun will always come back up to follow.


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