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Feeding Humanity

Impacts of Feeding birds in your life

By Raja Abaid Ali Published about a year ago 3 min read
Feeding Humanity
Photo by Martin King on Unsplash

Once upon a time, there lived a kind-hearted old lady named Mary. She lived alone in a small house in the countryside, surrounded by beautiful gardens and a vast expanse of greenery. Mary was known for her love of nature and her kindness towards animals, particularly birds.

Every morning, Mary would wake up early and head to her garden, where she would scatter birdseed on the ground for the birds. She loved to watch them come and feast on the seeds, chirping and singing their melodious tunes. Mary believed that feeding the birds was not only a way to show her love for them but also a way to connect with nature.

One day, as Mary was feeding the birds, she noticed a young girl passing by. The girl looked sad and troubled. Mary approached her and asked if everything was alright. The girl hesitated at first but then opened up to Mary, telling her that she had lost her way and was unable to find her home.

Mary listened patiently and comforted the girl, assuring her that she would help her find her way back home. She took the girl inside her house and gave her some warm milk and cookies. She then called the local authorities to report the missing child.

As they waited for the authorities to arrive, Mary and the girl talked and played games. Mary noticed that the girl was fascinated by the birds outside, and she invited her to help her feed them. The girl eagerly agreed, and together they went to the garden to scatter some seeds.

As they watched the birds come and feast on the seeds, Mary used this opportunity to teach the girl a valuable lesson. She told her that just as the birds depended on her for their food, there were many others in the world who depended on her for their happiness and well-being.

Mary explained that each one of us has the power to make a positive difference in someone's life, no matter how small it may seem. She urged the girl to always be kind and helpful to others, just as she had been to the birds and to her.

The girl listened intently to Mary's words and was deeply touched by her kindness and wisdom. When the authorities arrived, Mary accompanied the girl back to her home, where she was reunited with her family. The girl hugged Mary tightly and promised to always remember her kind words and the lesson she had taught her.

From that day on, the girl made it her mission to spread kindness and help others whenever she could. She became a source of joy and inspiration for everyone around her, just like Mary and the birds in the garden.

In the end, Mary's act of feeding the birds not only brought joy and happiness to the birds but also helped to change the life of a young girl in need. It taught her the power of kindness and the importance of being there for others, just as Mary had been there for her.

The story of Mary and the girl is a beautiful reminder that our small acts of kindness can have a profound impact on those around us. Whether it's feeding the birds or helping someone in need, every act of kindness can make the world a better place. So, let us all strive to be like Mary, spreading love and kindness wherever we go.Acts of kindness can take many forms, such as offering a helping hand, showing empathy and understanding, expressing gratitude, complimenting someone, listening attentively, and simply being polite and respectful.

Research has shown that practicing kindness can have numerous benefits, including reducing stress, improving mood, boosting self-esteem, increasing social connection, and enhancing overall well-being.

In short, kindness is a powerful force that can make a significant difference in people's lives, and it is something that we should all strive to cultivate and practice as often as possible.


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    RAAWritten by Raja Abaid Ali

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