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By Lemuel Published about a year ago 3 min read

Sarah was a bright, ambitious young girl who had always excelled in school. She was top of her class in most subjects, and her teachers and parents were constantly amazed by her intelligence and work ethic.

However, there was one thing that held Sarah back: her fear of public speaking. Whenever she was asked to give a presentation or speak in front of a group, she would freeze up, stumble over her words, and forget everything she had prepared to say.

At first, Sarah tried to ignore her fear. She would avoid public speaking opportunities whenever possible, and when she did have to speak in front of others, she would rush through her words and avoid making eye contact with her audience.

But as Sarah got older and advanced through the grades, she realized that public speaking was an important skill to have. She recognized that she would need to be able to speak confidently in front of others in order to succeed in school and later in her career.

So, Sarah decided to face her fear head-on. She started small, practicing her public speaking skills in front of her family and friends. She would deliver short speeches or presentations on various topics, gradually building up her confidence and ability to speak in front of others.

At first, it was difficult. Sarah felt self-conscious and nervous, and she was convinced that everyone was judging her every move. But over time, she began to feel more comfortable and confident in her abilities.

One day, Sarah was asked to give a presentation in front of her entire class. She was terrified, but she knew that this was an opportunity to prove to herself and others that she was capable of overcoming her fear.

Sarah spent hours preparing her presentation, practicing her delivery, and visualizing herself giving a confident and engaging speech. When the day of the presentation arrived, she was nervous, but she felt prepared.

As she walked up to the front of the classroom, Sarah took a deep breath and began speaking. At first, she stumbled over her words a bit, and her voice was shaky. But as she continued speaking, she found her rhythm and began to feel more confident.

Before she knew it, Sarah was delivering a powerful, engaging speech that held the attention of her classmates and teacher alike. She spoke clearly, confidently, and with passion, and when she finished, she received a round of applause from her audience.

Sarah was overjoyed. She had conquered her fear of public speaking and proven to herself and others that she was capable of great things. From that moment on, she was no longer afraid of speaking in public.

Looking back on her experience, Sarah realized that her fear had held her back in many ways. But by facing her fear head-on and taking small steps towards overcoming it, she had been able to achieve great things and grow as an individual.

The moral of the story is that fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn't have to hold us back. By facing our fears head-on and taking small steps towards overcoming them, we can achieve great things and grow as individuals.

Fears refer to strong, unpleasant emotions or feelings of anxiety, apprehension, or worry caused by the anticipation of danger, harm, or threat. Fears can be rational or irrational and can stem from a variety of sources, such as past experiences, cultural conditioning, or biological factors. They can also manifest in various ways, such as phobias, anxiety disorders, or general feelings of unease or discomfort. Fears can be limiting and can impact an individual's daily life, relationships, and overall well-being.

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