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Falling Into A Rut

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
"One of the secrets to happiness is knowing when to take chances. If you don't, the odds are that you will fall into a rut." - Suhasini Mulay

Have you ever reached a time in your life where you feel you're life is going nowhere? Every day feels like groundhog day, and you're just not finding any satisfaction, any excitement, or any happiness, in life. It's like life has just become a constant pattern of wake up, work, eat, sleep, and repeat. The only thing worth looking forward to are the weekends and time off from work, and even then you aren't even doing anything worth writing home about. Personally, I have experienced such times myself on a couple of occasions, throughout my life. You find yourself in a position where you start questioning if there is anything more to life than what you're doing. Although you understand that work is a part of life, and all, as too is sleeping and eating, but apart from a short burst of satisfaction from going out with your mates on the weekend, or spending some quality time with your partner or family, unless you are blessed with wealth, it's easy to believe that life really hasn't much to offer. When I found myself in this position a few years back, I really questioned my purpose in life. Surely I wasn't destined to be spending the next 30 years of my life getting up at 6am, eating breakfast, battling peak hour traffic, going to a job I hated just to get paid an income, battling peak hour traffic again, eating dinner, exercising, and then going to bed, every single day, bar weekends and annual leave days. It made no sense to be muddling my way through life void of satisfaction and happiness, yet my routine was pretty much exactly how we were educated to believe that life would be. Eat, work, exercise, and sleep. It's sad that it took me 37 years of my life to realize that, not only was there more to life, but it was up to me to dispel this crap about how we are taught how life should be, and how we should live it.

It's fair to say that I found myself in a rut, but the worst part to this story is, because I wasn't proactive in making changes to my life, nor was I motivated to take action to pursue my goals in life, and I was just settling for how I was educated that life would be like, I found myself entering into a time of depression. Sadly, that's what can happen in life. When we are constantly starved of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment, naturally we are going to start to feel unhappy, miserable, and even depressed. There's nothing inspiring us, or motivating us, or driving us, or exciting us, so we become stale and listless. The problem here is we fall into a deadly trap. Because we were educated to believe that our daily schedule should consist of waking up early, trudging off to any old job we can find just so we can earn an income, and one that earns pittance for that matter, then come home for some dinner and television before bed, we feel obliged to have to live that way. What's even more influential is the fact that an overwhelming majority of other people we know and see each day, including our friends, our partner, our parents, and our work colleagues, they all live in the same manner also. If we dare do anything different, people are going to tell us we are crazy, foolish, and abnormal. We will be laughed at and ridiculed. With the combination of knowing how life is expected to be like, purely from what we are educated to believe, with visual proof all around us in seeing how others are living in such a manner, plus the need to keep our job for an income source, and the fact that we have no savings to genuinely pursue our goals, it's no wonder so many people don't have the courage to make changes, and ultimately end up falling into a rut. We get sucked in to believing that things will eventually change for the better if we just sit tight and wait, but they rarely ever do, at least not without our input and action.

So how do we get out of the rut we are in? What is the secret to discovering a life of happiness, success, satisfaction, and fulfillment? There are two crucial words in the above paragraph that can completely transform our lives, them being change and courage. We can't simply sit back and hope things work out for the better for us, as life doesn't work that way. When we enter a rut, what we often find that starts happening, is that life becomes extremely uncomfortable. The longer we avoid making changes, the more uncomfortable life gets. As humans, our purpose in life is to continually grow and evolve, and if we cruise through life without making any effort to grow, develop, mature, or evolve, and instead we just start settling and becoming inactive, life will give us a kick up the bum. Such becomes the discomfort from inactivity, that we end up reach breaking point where we force ourselves to make that change. We finally realize we have to do something, and yet we still foolish enough to not learn from these experiences. Once again, we fall back into our comfort zone, we begin to settle and become inactive again, and so life gives us another kick up the bum. These kicks up the bum are painful, I might add. Life heaves adversity, pain, suffering, trial, and hardship, upon us. It's why we finally make the change, because we can only take so much of this. The thing is, we should never have waited for it to get to this point. We should have read the signs earlier that we needed to have had the courage to make changes in our life.

Most of the individuals who have ever achieved success, happiness, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life, have done so because they were prepared to take risks. They were prepared to accept the judgement, criticism, and ridicule, from others for their decisions and actions. They were prepared to fail time and time again, to be rejected, and encounter many setbacks, and yet still have the courage to keep on going. They were prepared to make sacrifices, many years of them in fact, whilst having the patience and perseverance to make their success a reality. They were willing to step out of their comfort zone and engage in decisions and actions that were awkward, yet necessary. All of this takes courage, and it was through their courage that they were able to create success from themselves. They weren't prepared to just go with the flow, and accept what everyone else saw as a normal life, they wanted greatness. They didn't want to journey the same road as the crowd, and end up being stuck in a rut, living an unsatisfying and unfulfilling life. Many of those who created success for themselves started out by taking the same pathway as society, working jobs they hated, living the same mundane, unhappy, and unfulfilling life, like most other people do on this planet. Some may have reached the stage they fell into a rut, or they may have come to the decision that there was more to life than what they were doing. So what did they do? They made changes! They were willing to make decisions and execute actions that would lead them to a life filled with happiness, satisfaction, success, fulfillment, and prosperity. These successful individuals are no different to us, they are still human with flesh and blood. The only difference is they had the courage to pursue their goals and success, no matter the opposition or adversity, and they were willing to make changes in order to create such results, despite the discomfort and fear. Rather than falling into a rut yourself, or whether you're already in that rut as we speak, there's no better time than now to reveal the true courage that lies within you, and make some changes to your life, that are in the best interest of leading you toward a future filled with success, happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment, and prosperity.

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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