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What You Think, You Become

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
“What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create.” - Buddha

It's interesting that so many of us are so routined and committed in going to the gym regularly, so we can work hard on toning our body and building our muscles. Why is it so interesting, you may well ask? Well, let's get one thing clear firstly, it's definitely not a bad thing to be going the gym, because it's fantastic for our health and well-being to be exercising intensely and regularly, in turn burning fat, and keeping in shape. I would love to know though, how many gym goers genuinely do it for the sole purpose of benefiting their health, or whether they actually go to the gym just for the sake of looking attractive in the mirror and to others. There's no doubt there is some element to the health side of things for everyone, but is that truthfully their sole purpose, or is it really just a vanity thing? Only each individual can answer that question honestly to themselves. At the end of the day though, it's great that these gym junkies are making the effort to exercise, as most other people are just downright lazy and lack willpower, so a massive credit to them. As far as why I find it interesting though? Well, most of these people who are committed and routined in going to the gym to tone and strengthen their muscles, in order to feel healthy and attractive, actually fail to apply the same level of commitment and energy into strengthening one of the most important components of the human body, the mind. I'm certainly not picking on the gym junkies though, as once again, they at least have the willpower, motivation, and commitment, to be getting off their butt and exercising. They are at least strengthening the physical appearance of their body, and keeping healthy, whilst most other people aren't strengthening and conditioning their body whatsoever, including their mind.

Irrespective of whether you are a gym junkie or not, your mind is the most important component of your body that continually needs strengthening and developing. Why? Because our mind is what dictates our mood, our attitude, our behavior, our decision making, our thought patterns, our emotions, and our character. If we are not continually applying time to be working on conditioning our mind, it becomes weak and fragile, just like any muscle in the body would if it too were not being continually developed and toned. I talked above of our strong desire to look and feel attractive, which we understand comes from toning our body at the gym, or even working out at home, but attraction isn't all about external appearance. Attraction also comes off the back of our actions, behavior, beliefs, attitude, decision making, and character. It comes from how we treat others, how we respond to various circumstances, how we deal with adversity, how we support and help others, how we converse with others, and our personality in general. Every single one of us have the power to influence others. The unfortunate aspect to this fact is that we actually have the power to influence others in both a positive and a negative way. We all seek out other people in whom we look up to as a role model, whether that be an attraction towards their physical skills and talents, or whether it be because of their leadership, their beliefs, their attitude, their character, their personality, their generosity, their work, or their behavior. Like us though, these people are only human also. They have simply become attractive to others because they have spent many years working hard on their craft, and developing themselves to become successful. The thing is, you don't need to be successful to be a person of power and influence.

We have the choice to use the power and influence we possess to either have a positive impact on others, or a negative impact on others. What's important to note here though is, that whichever direction we choose, our life's journey will follow that same pathway. Are we someone who hops on social media and loves to stir up a debate on various topics, just to get satisfaction out of seeing how many people like us, agree with us, and follow us, or are we someone who hops on social media to inspire, uplift, help, support, and encourage others in life? Are we someone who loves to constantly whinge and complain at work about our job, our manager, and the company we work for, again out of satisfaction to hear our work colleagues side and agree with us, or are we someone who continually drives, inspires, and encourages our workmates to perform at the highest standard? The difference between positivity and negativity all rests within our mind. The choice is completely ours in how we act, behave, and how we treat others. No one else is accountable or responsible for that, but ourselves. That choice determines how our life progresses. If we continually allow our mind to be negative, we will naturally give out negative vibes. The thing with negativity is that humans respond to it more easily than what they do positivity, because negativity has the potential to impact on one's way of living and survival. The news is a classic example of this. Rarely do you hear any positive stories on the news, because very few people react to it, and the television stations know that. People want to hear about war, violence, theft, disease, murder, natural disasters, and basically anything that has the potential to negatively impact on their own life and survival, or anything that could be a threat.

The evidence is all around us that we live in a world of negativity. Is it any wonder that so many people are living their life unhappy, miserable, depressed, sad, and unsatisfied? We are surrounded by it. Why is that the case? Because people are choosing to feel that way! It sounds silly, but it's up to us how we choose to view life, and experience life. Again, that all starts in the mind. If we constantly view everything in a negative light, and choose to be influenced by those around us who are toxic and negative, then naturally we are going to feel the emotions that negativity brings, such as frustration, anger, pain, hurt, depression, bitterness, and sadness. If we choose to view life in a positive light, even seeing the opportunities that lie within adversity, then we are going to experience positive emotions such as love, happiness, kindness, care, generosity, hope, and optimism, It's funny how one little component of our body can be the total difference to how our life plays out. When we choose to live life in a negative mindset, we not only become toxic and detrimental to everyone else, but the one person we end up impacting and hurting the most, is ourselves. It's true, that what we think in our mind, we bring to life. If we believe that all men or all women are cheaters, then the relationships that we have in the future are bound to be riddled with unfaithfulness. If we believe that achieving our goals aren't realistically possible, then they won't be. If we believe that we will never become wealthy, we won't. If we believe that life sucks, then it will. If we believe that work sucks, then it will.

What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. These are wise words, and words of truth. Whatever we allow our mind to focus on, is what we will manifest. Now it's easy to say "think positive", when we know very well that various people and circumstances always affect our mood and emotions. That's where it comes back to the start of today's blog, and how I was referring to people who go the gym. We are quick to work hard on strengthening our muscles to physically look good, yet we fail to work on strengthening the most important component of our body, being our mind. Strengthening our mind comes from investing in personal development training, and exposing our brain to motivational and inspirational content, every single day. It's then about applying the theory of the personal development training, into practical. Strengthening of the mind is a lifelong process, as the ability to control one's emotions, behavior, and thought patterns, requires ongoing commitment and diligence. We all know how we feel after someone says something against us personally, or against our beliefs, or they verbally attack us. We naturally arc up, we want to defend ourselves, and we become offended. If we see something on social media that offends us, we just want to respond, state our views, and fire back. With either of these scenarios though, what does it actually achieve? The answer is nothing! All we are doing is dragging our mindset straight into that negativity, and allowing our emotions to get the better of us. As hard as it is, we just need to ignore these type of situations. It's all about emotional control. Disengage from them, and focus on positive aspects of life, such as gratitude and your goals. It's time to start investing more time into your mind, working on strengthening it, and then using it to your advantage to create, attract, and become, what you desire!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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