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Don't Give A Damn!

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
“My dear, I don’t give a damn.” - Margaret Mitchell

Have you ever seriously considered the reasons behind why you aren't achieving the success you desire in life, or the happiness, satisfaction, and prosperity, you yearn for, for that matter? You might be happy to admit to fault, and take ownership as to why you haven't achieved these. Perhaps you admit to being lazy, and you just haven't got off your butt to commit to achieving your goals? Perhaps you blame other people or circumstances? Perhaps you believe you just aren't lucky and blessed in life? Perhaps you believe you're just not destined for such rewards, and that life just totally sucks? Whatever the reason, or reasons, you'd have to be foolish to accept there is just one secret ingredient, one component, behavior, characteristic, action, or habit, to achieving success, happiness, satisfaction, and prosperity. All these blessings require us to inhabit the characteristics of determination, resilience, patience, perseverance, drive, motivation, and commitment, within us. We know that we have to work extremely and consistently hard. We know that we have to believe in ourselves, and be positive minded. All these things and more, are all necessary if we want to achieve the above results. On the flip side, there are the success killers, of course. The three biggest reasons behind why so many people live their life in failure, unhappiness, and dissatisfaction, is because of fear, doubt, laziness, or all three combined. There is one massive weakness that humankind in general have though, when it comes to the reasons why so many of us live such an unfulfilled and unhappy life, and that is our excessive desire to impress others, please others, and have others like us.

We may not admit to it, but so many of us are so concerned about what others think of us, and how they perceive us, that we are willing to change our beliefs, opinions, personality, attitude, and decision making, in an attempt to be accepted and popular. Such is our desperation to fit in and be liked, that we completely change our true self. It means more to us to be liked, admired, and accepted, than it does to follow our own heart and beliefs. We would do nearly anything to avoid confrontation and conflict, especially when it has the potential to hamper our reputation, and cause others to view us in a bad light. The thought of being judged and gossiped about makes us feel uneasy, and even upset. When we make certain decisions and take certain actions that others don't agree with, such as our friends and workmates, even our partner and our parents, we are often made to feel foolish, guilty, and selfish. As a result, we often turn against our original decisions and actions, and bow to the requests of others, just to keep the peace, and avoid being criticized, judged, and disrespected. All of these above things we do, just to please others, and with the purpose of trying to fit in and have others like us. All this comes at a great cost to us though. Not only are we not being true to ourselves, in being the real version of who we are, but we are costing ourselves of the rewards in life that I mentioned above, being success, happiness, prosperity, satisfaction, and goal accomplishment.

Why do we honestly care what others think of us? We are so worried that others will gossip about us and judge us, and we do everything possible that we believe will prevent that, when the truth is, people will do that anyway. We think we are popular and liked by others, by continually pleasing them, agreeing with them, following their ways, and agreeing with their beliefs and advice, when really, they don't truly care about us at all. They are merely using us to get their own way, making them feel superior and important, because they know they have the power to successfully manipulate and influence us. We all have just the one life to live, borrowed time in which we know there is an expiry date, yet we know not of when. Why spend the life we have, trying to please others, and living like a sheep mingling with the herd, when the happiness, success, prosperity, and satisfaction we seek, are all found following our own heart. Don't give a damn what others think about you, how they perceive you, how they judge you, and what they gossip about you! Who cares? What matters is doing what makes you happy, believing in what you know to be right through having experienced it for yourself, and following the pathway that is leading to your goals. People will always look after number one, themselves! They will do whatever is necessary to enhance their own life, even if that is at the expense of others. Why? Because it makes them happy. Don't fall victim to their guilty treatment, or their manipulative little games in which they play on your mind to make you feel bad about your decisions and actions. You don't need to justify your decisions and actions to anyone, but instead, you need to do what is best for your future, and what is working to achieve your goals. By all means help, support, and uplift others, but never live your life pleasing them. So if you're living your life so worried and concerned about what others think of you, and how they may be judging you and gossiping about you, then it's time you stopped giving a damn! At the end of the day, their judgement of you means nothing. When you start to live your life pleasing yourself, rather than others, that's when you will start to discover true happiness.

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self help

About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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