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Easy diet to control diabetes

5 tips controle diabetes

By ShambhuPublished 12 months ago 15 min read

the first question that people ask me is is diabetes a disease or is it a disorder what do you think is the answer well i'll tell you the answer [Music] if diabetes is not controlled then it starts biting you literally it can affect your eyes kidneys heart feet in fact we say from the head to the toe can be affected by diabetes [Music] type 1 diabetes this occurs in children it's an acute onset children have very high blood sugars and the only treatment for such children who have this type of type 1 diabetes [Music] type 2 diabetes in india it's estimated that more than 75 million people have type 2 diabetes now why do we get type 2 diabetes [Music] i find the simplest way to teach people about diet is to learn about the plate concept that you are seeing here in the healthy plate concept what do you do you have the same thali no doubt but now you see 50 percent of that thali is filled with healthy green leafy vegetables now you got the other half in that half divide it into two quarters and one quarter as you can see here is reserved for when you have such a high carbohydrate load it's very difficult to prevent diabetes and it's also very difficult to control diabetes so people all the time talk about oh i'll reduce my carbohydrate my diabetes will go away for how long will reduce your carbohydrate [Music] hello everyone i am dr v mohan and i'll be speaking in a series of videos all that you need to know about diabetes the first question that people ask me is is diabetes a disease or is it a disorder what do you think is the answer well i'll tell you the answer it can either be a disorder or it can be a disease and is left to you to decide how you want to make diabetes if you just have a little bit of high sugar in your blood and this is reversible or it can be controlled its not going to do any harm to you at all then why call it a disease its just a simple disorder and your whole life you can just keep diabetes as just like your friend and it's just a simple disorder and it's not going to affect you in any way but diabetes is like a tiger now what's a comparison between diabetes and a tiger you may ask as long as the tiger is in the cage like this it is safe you can go and stand near it you can say hi to it and it doesn't affect you but what will happen if you release the cage and the tiger comes charging at you like this it's a completely different tiger isn't it diabetes is like that as long as you keep it under control you really don't have to worry about it and you don't even have to call it as a disease it's a simple disorder but if you don't look after diabetes if diabetes is not controlled then it starts biting you literally it can affect your eyes kidneys heart feet in fact we say from the head to the toe including the head and the toe can be affected by diabetes so ladies and gentlemen the choice is yours do you want to treat diabetes like a simple disorder which may even be completely reversible you can even remove it from your system or are you going to allow this to grow like a cancer inside your body until ultimately all the organs get affected whenever we use the word diabetes people think it is one disease it's not so diabetes is of different types and each type of diabetes is diagnosed differently the symptoms are different and the treatment is also different so we cannot mix up two types of diabetes because the approach to it is completely different for example let me give you just two examples one is a type of diabetes called as type one diabetes this occurs in children is an acute onset children have very high blood sugars and the only treatment for such children who have this type of type 1 diabetes is insulin in fact you will be surprised to know that insulin itself is discovered only 100 years ago and before that if any child in the world had type 1 diabetes they simply died within 2 months 3 months maximum 1 year insulin changed all that and gave a new life to children with type 1 diabetes today children type 1 diabetes can live even up to 80 90 years my oldest patient is almost 90 years old and had got it when that person was a child but if we don't qualify which type of diabetes we are talking about we are invariably talking about the second type of diabetes which is called as type 2 diabetes in fact type 2 diabetes almost 90 95 of all the types of diabetes that we see in the world so if you don't qualify when you talk about diabetes we are talking about type 2 diabetes in india it's estimated that more than 75 million people have type 2 diabetes now why do we get type 2 diabetes of course the genetic factor is very important if your father mother or both had diabetes your risk of getting type 2 diabetes is very high but that is only about 40 percent of the causes 60 percent of the reason why you get type 2 diabetes is lifestyle related factors and in lifestyle one of the most important is diet what you eat you can see here a very healthy diet shown as well as a very unhealthy diet the unhealthy diet that you see here is what is going to produce diabetes for you look at this one physical active person and a totally physically inactive person we know that physical inactivity or sedentary behavior is another very important cause of type 2 diabetes in this video i'm going to spend time on diet what you can eat what you should try to limit and what perhaps you can avoid completely there is nothing which is totally forbidden but better to avoid certain dietary items and very often people ask me what are the indian diets which are good and what are the indian diets which are not so good now one of the problems with any indian diet whether north india south india east india west india central india or the north east of india that really doesn't matter the main problem in the indian diet vis-a-vis diabetes type 2 diabetes is the carbohydrate content we all eat too much of carbohydrate whether it is dosa and idli in the south or chapati or puri in the north it really doesn't matter it's how much you eat which is very important they are all carbohydrate so the first principle that you must know in an indian diet is portion sizes and what you should take and for that i find so many books are there so many articles have been written but i find the simplest way to teach people about diet is to learn about the plate concept that you're seeing here what you can see here is a thali or a plate and the way we normally eat is shown here where you fill the plate with a lot of rice like a mountain of rice as we call it and then we have in south india for example we'll have rice and sambar then rice and rasam then rice and curd and then some other rice item for as dessert also so we are eating rice rice rice all the time so it turns out that 70 to 75 percent of our entire diet comes from carbohydrate when you have such a high carbohydrate load it's very difficult to prevent diabetes and it's also very difficult to control diabetes so the first thing that you should do is to follow the healthy plate concept which i have shown here in the healthy plate concept what do you do you have the same thali no doubt but now you see 50 percent of that thali is filled with healthy green leafy vegetables so vegetables form half of your plate now you got the other half in that half divide it into two quarters and one quarter as you can see here is reserved for protein and that is what indians don't take particularly in south india the protein intake and therefore the fiber intake is very low now where do you get the protein from i would prefer the protein to come from vegetable sources like bengal gram green gram black gram rajma soya mushroom all these constitute very good vegetable protein they're very healthy they don't have any fat they give you a lot of nutrients and they give you a lot of fiber so vegetable protein is superior to animal protein and a lot of data to support this however for a staunch non-vegetarian if they come and tell me doc you're telling me not to eat sugar now you're telling me to give up non-vegetal this is too much i can't it's not worth being a diabetic are not worth living you know that's what they say is such strict non-vegetarians so it's not that non-veg should not be taken i said vegetable protein is better than non-vegetarian protein i am sticking to that but if you want to take non-veg protein you can take fish or chicken try to avoid red meat white of the egg is very good you may say why not the yellow yellow is also good it gives you protein but yellow contains cholesterol one egg contains 300 milligram of cholesterol that is your total limit for the whole day so if you have taken that one egg you cannot take cholesterol in any other form whereas you take the egg white the zero cholesterol it gives you a lot of protein so you can have your fat in other forms okay so if you are taking one egg then that is fine you have the egg white and the yellow but the advantage of taking egg white is that you can have four egg whites or five egg whites because there's zero cholesterol and you're increasing your protein intake so that second quarter of the plate is reserved for protein now you have got the last quarter that is where your carbohydrate should come in now there is no need just because you live in the south and your rice eating to change to chapati that used to be the old teaching in my father's days where you know you have rice change it to chapati then you won't eat much in the north oh you like chapati so you stop that and take rice you know what happens actually when you tell them to eat chapati they'll eat eight chapatis thinking chappati only no i'm not taking rice because all the violin is mind is thinking i'm not taking rice i'm not taking rice i'm not taking rice so they overheat the chapati and finally the sugar goes up if they're taking the rice they'll be more careful and so the opposite in the north as well so continue what you like continue what you are used to but reserve only quarter of the plate for that rice or that chapati or any other carbohydrate that you take if you do this this becomes a healthy plate of course you can add one or two more things you have a bowl of curd for example there is probiotics in it if you have a glass of milk then it gives you a lot of calcium and protein so these are things which you can add on but this plate principle the healthy principle every person with diabetes should know now people also more recently have started asking me instead of rice can i white rice can i take brown rice we have done a lot of research on this at least eight ten peppers are published on this brown rice is very good there's no doubt that brown rice is healthier it has more b complex it has more fiber the sugar doesn't go up that much the glycemic index or the propensity to increase the sugar is much less if you take brown rice all that is true but people hate it when they see the brown i can't take this it smells it doesn't cook properly i have problem digesting it it doesn't stay in the shop for long it gets rancid it's costly it's not available why should i be taking this well if you have access to brown rice and you like it take it otherwise cut down the white rice and you can still enjoy the rice that you want to take there is no need to change over what about millets of course millets are very good in fact in the ancient days people used to eat millets and they're very very healthy no doubt about millets are making a comeback the government is also promoting millets in a big way but here is a twist in the tail we did an analysis of all the millets available in the market we went and picked up all the millets and did glycemic index testing on them and we found that the mills also increased the sugar why because the millets are also polished now how did you get white rice the brown rice is polished polish polished and made into white rice you're removing all the nutrients same thing unfortunately is happening with the millets so if you are able to get unpolished or raw millets as we used to get in our grandfather's time then take it but if you just buy millets because they are millets and they are polished they are just like rice there is no advantage and they are remember they are also carbohydrate so if you like to change to millets you do that for the sake of diabetes don't change anything continue the same thing that you are taking what about fruits again you can classify fruits into different types there are fruits which have a high glycemic index the moment you eat the fruit sugar shoots up there are fruits which you take there is only a gentle increase in the sugar low glycemic index or medium glycemic index use those fruits for example apple guava papaya orange watermelon these are fruits with not such a high glycemic index and therefore you can take them but if you take banana or if you take mangoes unfortunately mangoes so popular especially in the season and i've got a full video explaining when to eat mango how to eat mango and why a person diabetes can take mango but you can't just take as much mango as you want your sugar is definitely going to go up and therefore fruits are good for people without diabetes you can take three four five fruits a day people with diabetes take one fruit a day your sugar is very well controlled probably make it two but here's it catch again don't take it as fruit juice the moment you take this fruit juice your sugar will go up because amount of fruit going in will go up and there is no fiber when you just drink it you don't get the fiber you'll have to eat the fruit as cut fruit so that you can take let's discuss about oils now again different people have different tastes in kerala they will say oh we are used to coconut oil in chennai we use gingerly oil or ground nut oil in the east and some parts of the north mustard oil is used if you go and tell them no no for diabetes now you change your oil they'll hate it they won't enjoy their food so again whichever oil you're using continue that oil but use only limited quantities don't take huge quantities whatever is needed for cooking that oil continuous oil that you are taking finally i want to talk about some functional foods of foods which are considered superfoods now the lot of hype about this lot of attention in the media newspapers about different things and is it true or not that things like garlic turmeric and things like that ginger things like that if you take that they are good for health well these are food additives and some of them have a positive effect on immunity they're certainly not bad for diabetes and may be even good for diabetes but that's all they are don't hype them to say that they're a cure for diabetes i've seen things saying that you take turmeric and your diabetes will go away you know nothing is so easy in life i wish it was then i'll just be making turmeric and giving to all my patients and saying that's enough don't come to me just take turmeric it's not so easy so diabetes reversal diabetes control needs lifelong effort it needs a lot of attention from you it needs a lot of discipline but it's doable so people all the time talk about oh i'll reduce my carbohydrate my diabetes will go away for how long will reduce your carbohydrate they even go to zero carbohydrate keto diet all kinds of fancy things they try to reduce weight because the media and so many organizations are telling them oh your diabetes will go your diet is going fact there are people who say don't go to a diabetologist they'll just keep on giving you medicine come to us we are the saviors we will get rid of your diabetes you know and you won't have work for all the diabetes to close the clinic i wish that was true i will become a nephrologist or i will become a cardiologist that's what i am dreaming of that diabetes goes away in fact i used to joke and say i have a diabetes hospital i used to say one day my grandson or great grandson must take people around and say this is a museum where we used to have a disease called diabetes that is my dream that's my dream ladies and gentlemen so i'm not saying all of you become diabetic come to me and i'll treat you i am not saying that i am saying diabetes will go away but is it easy is it a magic wand like harry potter you know just you know waving his wand and diabetes goes away i wish it was and we have such a want please tell me i will also buy it and use it to treat my diabetic patients so if you look after your diet if you exercise regularly if you take your medicines properly if you sleep well and on each of these i'll be making a series of videos which you will be watching soon and if you do regular monitoring looking after your glucose levels either with a glucometer or with a patch which will tell you continuous glucose monitoring and most importantly keeping in touch with your doctor because things change in your body because what happens is that today your kidney function may be normal tomorrow heaven forbid your kidney function changes it worsens then the entire treatment will have to be changed so these media people who keep saying and on social media people can don't go to doctors you can google and get your medicine and take it yourself well best of luck to you if you believe in that but there's a danger associated with it all of us didn't study medicine for so many years we can also learn google i can teach my grandson to google better and become a google doctor it's i wish life was so easy it is not so look after yourself my it is my hope and prayer that all of you live up to 100 years without any complication but for that as the main theme of today is on diet i would say diet plays a very important role i hope you enjoyed this video where we talked quite extensively about diet you will find in my channel many other videos related to other aspects of diet about exercise about lifestyle about sleep about do's and don'ts that a person with diabetes should do so i do hope you will watch the other videos in this channel thank you [Music] you

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