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Dinner With My Enemies

A lovely gathering with people I hate.

By Angelica PasqualiPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

I know, I know. The first question rattling your brain is, “WHY?” It’s a perfectly reasonable response as an ideal dinner party should be on that is enjoyable and wholesome. I promise, this one will be as well.

Dinner proposes the perfect opportunity to congregate with your enemies. It's a time where people are obligated to sit in the same room for a few hours and converse.

Firstly, to set a welcoming atmosphere, we will gather at a round table. There is no pecking order without a single person as head of the table. Now that we've established a common level of respect, it's time to ease any further tensions with decor. This won't be your typical CLUE dinner party, quite the opposite in fact. The pale blue room will be decorated with complimenting, calming colors. Light tan chairs will line the chestnut table approximately three feet apart to promote a sense of intimacy without feeling claustrophobic. The off-white table runner will cushion the soft green plates rimmed with gold accents. In the middle of the table will stand a small bouquet of lavender to fill the air with a sweet, calming aroma. Of course they will be trimmed down as to not block anyone's view from other guests. Finally, the towering windows will be open to allow fresh air to flow in and compliment the roaring fireplace that levels out the temperature.

Now that the room is set, the guests can arrive. No matter their chosen option of transportation, they will park themselves. There is no special treatment such as valet parking. They are welcomed inside to take whatever place at the table they wish, no place holders. Gentle music will be filling the background as to avoid any awkward silence that may occur in the beginning. As they walk into the room, one by one, they sit down. Each person that enters provokes a threatening, hurtful emotion within me. One of them has physically hurt me in the past during an abusive relationship. One of them has aggressive, contradicting views on global issues. One of them has mentally manipulated me for most of my life. Their names aren't important. Their actions and my reactions are important. As I allow myself to acknowledge and control these natural reactions, I welcome them kindly and make small talk.

After several weeks of preparing what to say, brainstorming appropriate questions, and practicing at keeping my composure, the evening has arrived. Everyone I consider to be an enemy is sitting at my table.

"Why?" you eagerly ask once more. This may not be the most ideal or comfortable dinner I'll ever want to have, but certainly one I may need. This time isn't for me to gloat about my self-growth or serve them poisoned wine. This evening is for closure and to open new chapters. Too often, do we close our eyes, shut our mouths, and lock our hearts to people. These people may disagree with us, have hurt us, or simply do not share a positive connection with us. However, in a society that encourages cancel culture, it's time we cancel being close-minded. It's time we invite our enemies to the dinner table, break bread with them, and toast to growth.

How are we any better than our enemies if we don't forgive, learn, and react maturely? So I welcome my enemies to dinner in the hopes we forgive and learn from our past mistakes and react maturely to progressing in a positive manner. We burden ourselves when we carry the hurt others put on our shoulders. We burden ourselves when we fill our mind with others' negative words. We must give ourselves another chance to breathe and heal by allowing others to do the same.

This dinner may not be perfect. There will be heated arguments, anxious foot tapping, and teary eyes. However, at the end of the night, with a stomach full of wine and bread, I'll sleep with ease knowing I tried to share my perspectives and give my peace.

We destroy our enemies when we make friends with them.


About the Creator

Angelica Pasquali

Hi there, I'm Angelica!

I'm a wedding/elopement photographer and climate activist based in New Jersey. By combing art and activism, I create powerful visuals that influence and educate people on global issues. IG: @dawnpointstudios

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