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Cylestea'sTips for Enlightenment: N.E.V.E.R. let someone dull your light

Lesson one

By TestPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

When it comes to finding our path to enlightenment, there are many trials and tribulations we will experience. Some of those experiences revolve around the people we allow into our circle. Some of those people may not have our best interests in mind, but they are still part of our life-long learning process. Yes, even the people who bring you down are an important part of your path. However, you need to be sure that you're not letting them have too much power over you.

That's where "N.E.V.E.R. let someone dull your light" comes in. The acronym, N.E.V.E.R., in this case, stands for:






If you're a higher-vibing being, you already know that not everyone vibes the same. Some people barely rate on the scale of vibrations -- they are new souls just starting this journey. There are baby souls, young souls, old souls, and enlightened souls. Not everyone is on the path looking to increase their vibrations and become an enlightened soul -- but those of us who are old souls on a mission know what it means to find enlightenment and we're pushing to make things happen. And, some younger souls are attracted to the light older souls emit, and because they are young and don't understand how to control their powers and abilities, they can have negative effects on those of us with more "power," so to speak.

The dull shine and negative attitudes of certain people who are attracted to your light can easily bring you down if you let them. The key is not to let them, but that's sometimes easier said than done.

You're in charge of your feelings

This is one of those lessons that we all struggle to learn at some point or another -- the fact that no one else can make us feel any particular way, it is our own minds that make us feel the negativity that others are throwing at us. You don't have to agree with other people's opinions of you. You don't have to let their yuck muck up your life. When someone throws negativity at you, put a positive spin on it!

One positive spin is to learn from what is being thrown at you. If someone says something about you that is negative, whether or not it is true, what can you learn from what has been said?

You're in charge of who stays in your life

This is the hardest lesson of all -- the one where you don't have to let people stay in your life if you don't feel as though they belong here. I am not telling you to just willy-nilly cut people out of your life, but when someone's toxic behavior is affecting your well-being, it's time to consider whether they've overstayed their welcome or not.

It's also your choice as to how you get these toxic people out of your life. I know that there are people against ghosting, but when it comes to negative people who do not have your best interests in mind, walking away silently is sometimes the best and safest action to take. You could ease out, if you still feel there's a chance that the connection could heal -- it's completely up to you. You can even opt to put up just a few more boundaries, but if they've already been breaking them, don't expect anything different this time.

You're in charge of your vibes

Vibes can rise and fall. While the people in our lives may seem like they're affecting your vibes, it's your own response to them that is in charge. Take time out for meditation, yoga, and other mindfulness exercises to keep your vibes in check.

And N.E.V.E.R. let anyone else dull your vibe, even the imposter syndrome deep inside your head.


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