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The power of your words

Watch what you say

By TestPublished 6 months ago 3 min read
The power of your words
Photo by Glen Carrie on Unsplash

What words have you said since you woke up this morning? Have they been positive or negative words? Did you know that every word you speak holds magic in some way?

While language, in general, offers us a powerful tool that can be used to communicate with others, share our thoughts and emotions, get our ideas out there, and even influence others, the impact and power of words go far beyond mere communication. The words we speak have a way of inspiring or being misperceived, they can shape perceptions, build and break relationships, and also affect our own mindset in good and bad ways.

The positives and negatives

You can see how words affect other people when you watch their reactions to the things you say to them. If you compliment or say other nice things to them, they'll smile and feel positive. If you say they've done something wrong, swear at them, or say something else negative, they're likely to respond with anger or sadness.

The words we say to ourselves have the same effects -- if you're constantly negatively talking to yourself, you'll likely feel negative more often than not.

Words are spells, that's why it's called spelling

Whether or not you know it, each time you wish or pray for something you're sending a spell out into the universe. Yep, you don't have to be a witch to do spellwork -- you just need words and intent.

Words can change things. Speaking up can make a difference. Chanting with pure intent can bring the things you long for into your life -- it's called manifesting.

Practicing manifestation focuses on intentions -- it requires visualizing what you want to manifest and keeping a positive mindset. When you allow negativity into the situation, you are negating your work on getting whatever it is you want. Manifesting requires patience and stillness. If you struggle with visualizing, you can use guided meditations for manifesting, affirmations, and even vision boards. Anything that allows you to see your wish or goal fulfilled.

Your words and visions give you focus.

Focus leads to the Law of Attraction

Manifestation leads us to the Law of Attraction (LOA), which isn't a new concept at all. The use of this positive mindset has been around since at least the 1800s. But it's likely people have been finding success through LOA since our existence. The first time someone thought of something they wanted and got it, they surely kept it up!

There are some key principles when it comes to LOA, which include:

  • Like Attracts Like -- Your thoughts and the words you speak are a message to the universe about what you want in life. If your focus is on the positive, you will have more positive experiences. If you dwell in negativity, you will attract more negative experiences into your life.
  • Power of Positive Thinking -- Positivity is a key ingredient of LOA and without it, you'll struggle to bring in all the happy things you want. Affirmations are of great assistance when it comes to staying positive. These are simply positive "I am" statements that are in the present tense and speak to what it is you're striving for.
  • Using Visualization -- If you see it, you can be it. Visualization, as already mentioned, is a great way to manifest what you want in life.
  • Clear Intentions -- The clearer the intention, the better. You want the universe to know exactly what you're looking for. If you want $5,000, make sure you specify you want it in cash, what currency, and for it to be real and free to use for your needs.
  • Absolute Belief -- Finally, you need to have faith that the universe will provide. Believe that what you want is already here and act as though it is.

Sticks and stones

Lastly, it's important to remember that your words can hurt others. While it's the other person's responsibility how they react to your negativity toward them, it's still better to live and let live. As my mother always said, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!


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